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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-01-26 12:01:52 | 移动端:有关工匠精神的作文




阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。(60分) 当代风采人物评选活动已产生最后三名候选人。小李,笃学敏思,矢志创新,为破解生命科学之谜做出重大贡献,率领团队一举跻身国际学术最前沿。老王,爱岗敬业,练就一手绝活,变普通技术为完美艺术,走出一条从职高生到焊接大师的“大国工匠”之路。小刘,酷爱摄影,跋山涉水捕捉时间美景,他的博客赢得网友一片赞叹:“你带我们品位大千世界”“你帮我们留住美丽乡愁。”












每个中国人面对世界,最引以为傲的是“中国制造”四个字。确实,made in china已遍布世界的每一个角落,但是,如何把享誉全球的中国制造变成中国创造,又是每个国人心中的痛。从中国制造到中国创造,是一种量变到质变的过程,缺的不仅仅是尖端技术和超前创意,更多的是一种兢兢业业的传统,一种脚踏实地的作风,一种精益求精的大国工匠精神。






老王,爱岗敬业,练就一手绝活,将技艺变技术,成为“大国工 匠” 。他凭借着专注、认真、坚持,把技艺发挥到极致,达到较高的 境界。不是在简单地做重复劳动,而是将全部精力集中到一件事上, 忠于它,发现其中的规律,在将“活计”做向完美的境界中领略到无 穷的乐趣! 孔子自述生平: “其为人也,发愤忘食,乐以忘忧,不知老之将 至。 ”孔子,就是将“教书匠”做到极致,终成“万世师表”的人。

我们总想在做事时胸有成竹, 其实胸有成竹是在画竹前, 认真专注地观察竹子,日积月累后,在心里有了深刻的印象,等到画竹时, 自然一挥而就。要做到胸有成竹,就需要有专注、认真和坚持的工匠 精神。这种精神是自信的来源。不仅画竹如此,对待生活、学习和工 作也该有工匠精神。 日本有一家 1965 年创立的寿司店,只卖寿司,门面不起眼,只 有 10 个座位。 但他的主人限定客人用餐时间 15 分钟, 座位需要提前 一个月预定。尽管如此, ,食客们依然坚持去吃这个“值得一生等待 的寿司” 。因为这取决于这个店 89 岁的创始人小野二郎的工匠精神: 寿司店自创建以来, 直到他 70 岁以前, 一定是亲自去市场挑选食材, 会在柜台后重复着看似简单的寿司制作, 几十年如一日, 练就了魔术 般的娴熟手法, 制作出一个个看似普通却有着独特匠心的寿司, 成就 一个小却极有竞争力的品牌。而这娴熟的技法需要多年的反复练习。 正如他所说: “一旦你决定好职业,你必须全心投入工作之中,你必 须爱自己的工作,你必须穷尽一生磨练技能,这就是成功的秘诀。 ” 小野不是单纯地在做寿司,也是在享受其中的乐趣。 我们喜欢做工精巧的商品, 喜欢高品质的物品, 而这些物品的背 后,渗透着工匠的精神。

德国凌美钢笔、双立人菜刀、菲仕乐锅价格 不菲却备受欢迎,瑞士的军刀、机械手表,日本的电子产品,甚至马 桶盖??我想,人们在追求品牌的背后, 追求的是制作产品的那一份 匠心,那一份工匠精神,只有在产品中注入了独有的认真专注,把技 术变成艺术,其价值才不言而喻。

我们不禁要反思, 国人的工匠精神去哪儿了?一位地注重速度利润, 不重质量, 金玉其外败絮其中, 让人望而生畏: 粗制滥造的工程, 充满添加剂的食品??我们吃得不放心,住得不安心,走得不舒心, 当这一切都和我们密切关联时,我们应该找寻属于“中国制造”的工 匠精神。 毅然销毁质量有问题的冰箱, 除了诚信, 不就是一种关注品质的 工匠精神吗?正因为这样,才有代表“中国制造”的海尔集团走向世界。 工匠精神在哪儿?一念执着,一生坚守!


Why We Need the Spirit of Craftsmen

Most people think of craftsmen as no more than skilled workers who can only repetitively complete one operation. But there is more to them than that. Many successful entrepreneurs have been found to have the spirit of a craftsman which includes determination, patience and the desire to achieve perfection. Having the spirit of a craftsman not only can improve the quality of products, but also can do good to the economy. Moreover, it's vital for the entire society.

To produce better products requires the spirit of craftsmen. Today, too much “Just so-so" exists in China's manufacturing area. We have the largest product output in the world. However. when it comes to quality, products made in China are seldom seen among international brands. Most Chinese products are sold in low and middle end markets. The fundamental reason is the lack of a craftsman's spirit. There should be zero tolerance for counterfeit and poor-quality products.

In order to build an innovation-led economy, we need the spirit of craftsmen. The Chinese economy has entered a "new normal" characterized by slower growth. It's becoming increasingly difficult for businesses who profit from the mass production of low-quality products. Besides, Chinese consumers are increasingly turning to higher-end products and services. High-quality craftsmanship will help a company gain a greater market share and generate more profits.

It should be pointed out that the craftsman's spirit is not only necessary for the manufacturing industry, but should be advocated in society as a whole. In traditional Chinese culture, it was suggested that we believe there is a superpower watching us and we should be cautious and responsible for what we do. That has the similar meaning with the spirit of craftsmen. In fact, to possess the spirit of a craftsman is an inheritance of our traditional culture. Of course, the spirit of the craftsman will not come into existence overnight. To make craftsmanship deep-rooted in various aspects of China's economic and social life is by no means an easy job. By "deep-rooted", I mean to make the crafting spirit the inner character of the Chinese. To achieve this goal, there must be lasting and uemitting efforts. I believe that, in the future, with the knowledge and pride in design and construction having been passed down in a wide range of fields, we can expect to see a strong driving force for innovation and economic efficiency in China, and we can hope to see less and less 'Just so-so" and more and more national-level craftsmen.

请就Why we need the spirit of craftsmen写一篇不少于120个单词,不多于150个单词的作文。请参照下面的提纲进行写作:

1. 工匠或工匠精神的定义;

2. 为什么我们需要工匠精神。


Wechat? We don't chat ·

Nowadays Wechat plays a more and more important role in our daily life for communication. When you find someone looking down on his phone intently, often with a mysterious smile--most likely he is checking his Wechat. It can't be denied that this application provides us with more convenience to contact with others. However. I find it also distracting,

disturbing and deceptive, which bothers me a lot.

One of the leading features of Wechat is called "Moments'': where you can view photos and articles shared by your friends and yourself. While watching a gripping movie in cinema, you are disturbed by the one sitting next to you due to the light of his phone in the dark--you find he is just refreshing his 'Moments". And when you determine to finish the papers as the deadline draws near, you just open the computer, tap one or two lines of your first paragraph, and then habitually pick up your phone, looking for new discoveries in "Moments" without control.

Moreover, it is such a wet blanket that when delicious dishes come to table, you are so hungry and eager to have a taste but halted by your friends because they want to take photos to share in "Moments". You spend much of your time beautifying the pictures you want to post, polishing the comments you want to make and counting over and over the number of "likes" on what you have shared. You are so distracted by Wechat that you are only rewarded with more distractions and demands on your time and energy.

Wechat is considered a window for us to know about others. But it is also disturbing when it gives us too much information about others. Someone advertises their online business through "Moments''. And it's so boring to see someone share something meaningless just for an addition of their self-portraits. Also, you sometimes become a trash can for others' negative emotions and biased opinions, and you even don't notice that. You are forced to keep informed of many details which are in fact none of your business. How terrible if you know better about others' daily life than yours! It's dangerous that our mind is being occupied by Wechat.

With the high pace of society, Wechat serves as a good tool to make contact with the acquaintance. However, the truth is, you talk a lot on Wechat with different people, but your mind still goes to blank in real life. Also, there are many new contacts in your Wechat whom you will never start an active conversation with. You have no interest in someone's idea but you still give a "like'' as a symbol of amity. It seems like a kind of common practice. To be honest, what you see is just what others want you to see. The relationship established through Wechat may be not as ironclad as imagined. Some, or much of it is deceptive and ueliable.

Still, we have no option but to use Wechat to stay engaged with the world around us. However, we can make efforts to get rid of the bad influence of Wechat. You can read books or do exercise to eich your life instead of lying on the bed, refreshing your "Moments'' again and again. No matter what you do, keep it in mind that Wechat is not qualified to manipulate your life.

Why We Need the Spirit of Craftsmen

Most people think of craftsmen as no more than skilled workers who can only repetitively complete one operation. But there is more to them than that. Many successful entrepreneurs have been found to have the spirit of a craftsman which includes determination, patience and the desire to achieve perfection.

To produce better products requires the spirit of craftsmen. We have the largest product output in the world. However. when it comes to quality, products made in China are sold in low and middle end markets. The fundamental reason is the lack of a craftsman's spirit. In order to build an innovation-led economy, we need the spirit of craftsmen. Chinese consumers are increasingly turning to higher-end products and services. High-quality craftsmanship will help a

company gain a greater market share and generate more profits.

I believe that, in the future, we can see less and less 'Just so-so" and more and more national-level craftsmen.
