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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-02-23 16:36:43 | 移动端:他是位性格内向的人





阿程就是这样的一个人,小到写字,大到学习,从来都是不服输的,并且永不放弃。和他做朋友这几年以来,从来就没有见过他掉眼泪,从他身上,我学到了什么叫做刚强。 阿程,一个黑黑瘦瘦的男生,浓眉大眼,他忽闪忽闪的大眼睛中,透露着一股永不屈服的劲儿。就是这样一个男生,告诉我什么叫做“铮铮铁汉”。


课下,因为不小心头在桌角上撞了一下。鼓起了一个大包,却没有听见喊过一个“疼”字。 数学课上,老师布置了一道难题让我们自己解答,直到下课,也没有人能做出来,许多人都选择了放弃,只有他还在坚持着。你瞧他,一只手托着腮邦,另一只手中的笔在草稿纸上不停的演算,眉头紧皱着,嘴里还在不停的嘟哝着,一副“不破此题誓不罢休的样子”,直到放学,他还在研究。同学们都在嘲笑他,他全然不顾。第二天早上,出乎意料他真的求出了正确答案。





Most people, and I was no exception, credit numerous stereotypes about

introverts. Yes, they are reserved, sometimes strange and hard to understand, but they are people as well. Moreover, dating an introverted man can have many advantages. So, what should you remember when dating someone who's more withdrawn than you? Here are 7 essential tips for dating an introvert.


1. Silence isn't a sign of estrangement沉默不表示有隔阂存在

A different style of communication is the most striking and significant thing about dating an introverted man. When your man isn't asking you questions or isn't joking, most probably he's not interested in you as a woman. With

introverted men, it's absolutely different. They talk less, but whenever they say something it's really important to them. Introverts simply don't waste time on silly talk.和一个内向的男人约会,最显著最重要的一点就是交流的风格不一样。当你的男朋友不问你问题或者不开玩笑,那么很可能他对身为异性的你不感兴趣。但如果对内向的人来说,情况就截然不同了。他们话少,但是他们说的话对他们而言都很重要。内向的人只是不会把时间浪费在说蠢话上。

2. Less violent conflicts If you're dating an introvert, you will rarely have

severe conflicts and fights. Introverts never act and speak rashly. They need a lot of time to reflect on things; therefore their responds are deliberate. Chances are you'll forget about the argument, but your sweetheart can start talking about it in several days. When you really want to settle a conflict, adopt a patient behavior. An excessive pressure will only lead to distrust and



3. Your social life will be different


Get ready that your spouse will never be the center of attention at a party, during friend gatherings or a party with unknown people. In fact, introverts don't lack communication skills and they aren't anti-social; they just need less

time socializing. You should also be ready to spend a great amount of time at home watching films or reading. Spontaneous and unplanned events are

highly stressful and unwelcome for introverted people. You won't go out every day, but if your leisure time is properly planned, your guy will be more confident and comfortable.


4. Introvert can't be converted into extrovert


This is the most common mistake most people make when dealing with

introverts. You can't change their temperament and it's no use struggling with their personality. Being pushy is indeed the worst strategy you can choose. You won't stir up your partner by asking him thousand questions or telling jokes. Most probably your man will retreat to save his sanity. You shouldn't urge your partner to do anything or embarrass him, especially in public. It's very hard to change yourself and it's almost impossible to change another person. Remember it.


5. They need more me time


It always made me frustrated, but I couldn't accept this aspect of our

relationship. It doesn't mean I wanted to spend every second with him, but I suffer when I feel lack of attention. Introverts need more time to recharge their strength and energy. Stillness and solitude are essential things they will always need. Thus, don't minimize the importance of me time and try not to take it personally. If you aren't able to adjust to this need, your relationship would be rather disastrous.


6. Honesty is a huge plus of being an introvert


A great advantage of dating an introvert is that your man will always be honest with you about his feelings and thoughts. Introverts focus their attention on people they are interested in. While extroverts are often superficial and pretended, introverted people say and do exactly what they mean. Don't be afraid that you partner is a player or that he might be cheating on you. If you're dating an introvert, you can be sure you're the only one in his life. Moreover, introverts tend to stay in long-lasting relationships since they're very picky when choosing a girlfriend.


7. You should show tolerance and indulgence


Sometimes it's awfully hard to accept his strangeness and those special needs. It feels difficult to get along with an introvert when you have totally different desires. You want to go to a party, while he tends to stay at home. Or, you're overflowed with emotions and your partner just can't take it. An introvert will never belong to you 100 percent. Introverts seem moody at times because they are utterly introspective and sensitive to their feelings. You should give them a lot of time to process. Remember that a compromise is a pledge of any healthy and long-lasting relationship. Try to understand that your introverted man also makes efforts to handle your relationship, even if you don't notice that.



It's up to you to make your extrovert-introvert relationship comfortable and satisfying. Like any other relationships, it requires great work, common efforts and compromise. Just a little understanding and sacrifice will help your

relationship flourish and work out. Remember that love is about accepting but not changing a person.




Many people associate introversion with shyness, which is untrue. In fact, introverted people tend to simply find that they get more energy from being alone or in very small groups, as opposed to extroverts who find that large groups give them more energy. Here are 15 signs that you're an introvert, even if you hadn't ever previously thought that you were.


1. You find crowds stressful.


Crowds are definitely not an introvert's favorite place to be. Concerts, rallies, conferences, sports arenas: these can all be very uncomfortable places for an introvert.


2. You aren't thrilled to meet new people.


This isn't to say that you don't make friends easily, but that sometimes meeting new people is a big drain on your energy. Simply keeping up a conversation with a new person is difficult, and you leave the conversation feeling drained.


3. You're friends with extroverts.


Opposites attract, right? Many introverts are friends with extroverts because this provides balance for both types of people. Sometimes, introverts need to be led out of their shells a bit, and extroverts need to recognize the benefits of a quiet night in.


4. You don't like interviews (in the beginning).


Job interviews aren't exactly an introvert's favorite thing. However, introverts can be great at them! Going in, you might be nervous, but once you get to know your interviewer a little better, you're able to really hit it off.


5. You're a loyal friend.


Introverts tend to be very loyal and honest people. Because introverts' energy comes from themselves, and not from others。


6. You don't trust easily.


For introverts, it can be difficult finding friends who respect your introverted nature. So when you do start becoming chummy with someone, you might take a little longer than an extrovert when it comes to trusting that person. Often, this means you won't get hurt as often as an extrovert, and your friends are people you can really count on.


7. You're courteous.


Often, introverts are more mindful of their surroundings and perceptive to small details. This makes you a courteous guest and host, and people love having you around.

