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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-03-30 05:55:34 | 移动端:高中英语说课稿范文



Good afternoon, everyone, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson withyou.The content of my lesson is Senior English for China Book1B Unit 16 Scientists at work. I’ll be ready to begin this lesson from five parts. Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the

teaching procedure,and Blackboard design.First, let me talk about the teaching material.

Part 1 Teaching Material:

This unit is about science and scientists. By studying of this unit, we’ll Enable the students to know the serious attitude towards science and develop the interest in science. At the same time ,Let the students learn how to give instructions. this lesson plays an important part in the English teaching in this unit.This is an important lesson in Book One. From this lesson, it starts asking the Ss to grasp contents of each passage. Therefore, this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material. If the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit.As we all know ,reading belongs to the input during the process of the language learning. The input has great effect on output , such as speaking and writing . According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学

大纲), after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of children’s growing of mind,I think the teaching aims are the followings:

1.Knowledge objects:

a)The Ss can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns b)The Ss can understand the content of the lesson.

c)The Ss can use the patterns to express their thoughts in the proper situation.

2.Ability objects:

(1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs.

(3) To Improve the student’s reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability.

3.Emotion or moral objects:

a)By completing the task,the Ss increase their interest and set up self-confidence in science;

b)Teach the Ss what is “science”, put the moral education in the language study.

now,let’s come to the Important points and the Difficult points.

Well, how to achieve the teaching objects better, how to stress

the important points and break through the difficult points? As is known to us all,The modern teaching demands the teacher should improve the students’ ability. A good teaching method requires that the teacher should have the leading effects. According to the analysis of the teaching material and the students’learning background ,I will use the following methods .

Part 2 Teaching Methods:

In my opinion,the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Communicative” Approach(交际教学法), “Whole language

teaching” (整体语言教学法)and “Task-based” language teaching (任务教学法). That is to say, I’ll let the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue. According to the modern social communication teaching theories(现代社会交际教学理论), I adopt the TSA method(情景教学) and TBLT method (语言任务教学)in my teaching, namely Total Situational Action and Task-based Language Teaching.The former is a “scene —

activity” teaching method .It establishes a real scene and the interaction between the teacher and the Ss . The latter offers the Ss an opportunity to complete the tasks in which Ss use

language to achieve a specific outcome. The activity reflects real life and learners focus on meaning, they are free to use any language they want.At the same time, I’ll make use of the modern electricity teaching equipments and all kinds of teaching means, it can develop the Ss creativity in learning English. Part 3 Studying Methods: ......






(一) 教材地位和教学内容分析

本课是高一必修模块1第4单元的阅读课型,这单元围绕earthquakes这一主题开展听、说、读、写多种教学活动。由于本单元生词量较大,并且Warming up可挖掘的东西较多,因此把Reading设计为本单元的第2课时。本课型是单元整体教学的重要环节,为学生的语言学习、语法学习提供了载体,并且是学生获取信息的主要来源。“Reading――― A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN’T SLEEP” 具体描写1976年唐山大地震的震前、震中和震后。本篇文章词汇量大,运用了大量的动词、复杂的数字,出现许多定语从句,篇幅较长,并且采用一些修辞手法,对学生的语言阅读能力提出了更高的要求。但文章的结构较明显,较容易归纳出各部分的中心词。



1. 语言知识目标:



shake,well,rise,smelly,pond,pipe,burst,canal,steam ,ruin,injure,destroy,brick,dam,useless,steel,shock,quake,rescue,electricity,disaster,army,organize,bur ,coal,mine,shelter,fresh,percent等,以及 right away, at an end, dig out, give out, thousands of以及一些优美句子的赏析。

2. 语言技能目标:


b) 让学生复述课文,分析、感悟作者的写作意图。

c) 让学生运用本节课所学词汇、知识,通过采访唐山大地震幸存者的形式进行小组活动,提高学生用英语进行创造性交交际活动的能力。



b)懂得地震无情人有情,即使发生了多么可怕的灾难,国家和解放军官兵都会不顾自身安 危,奋力抢救,培养学生一方有难、八方支援的互助友爱精神。

c)了解自然灾害会给人类带来严重的破坏性后果,让学生进一步感悟、领会到人类应与自 然



e)欣赏课文中优美句子,了解一些英语修辞手法,使学生在学习完课文之后得到一次美的 享受,一次心灵的愉悦和升华。









3)重点掌握有关地震的词汇,特别是shake, burst, ruin, injure, destroy, shock, quake, rescue, disaster, army, organize, bury, shelter。



1) 如何使学生养成科学的阅读习惯,提高阅读理解能力和语言水平。

2) 如何使学生学会提取、筛选和重组文章中的信息,并灵活运用于语言实践中,达到语言 实践能力的扩展与提高。




根据新颁布的《普通高中英语课程标准(实验稿)》所倡导的教学原则及“第二语言习得论”和“整体语言教学理论”,结合文章具体内容及学生的差异性,确定本节课主要采用任务型语言教学法(Task-based Language Teaching) 、合作学习教学法(Cooperative Learning Approach)、整体语言教学法(Whole Language Teaching)、交际教学法(Communicative Approach)、具体采用“P—T—P”自主学习立体模式:(Pre-task----Task-cycle----Post-task)来组织教学。









整体语言教学法要求按 “整体-部分-整体”的模式,进行语篇阅读训练,即从“整体”开始,以“整体”结束的“三段式”阅读教学法。本课采用从整体略读——分段细读——通读全文,进一步理解课文内容,即是这种教学策略的体现。



步骤一.Pre-task (Pre-reading activities)


【设计思路:先播放有关05年巴基斯坦地震的可怕MTV画面,学生的注意力马上就会被吸引到课堂上来,学生马上就联想到earthquake这一词,这时教师提出“ What do you think of the earthquake?”,学生会不约而同地回答,地震会给人类带来灾难性的后果。紧接着引导学生“Can you fortell an earthquake so that we can take measures to reduce the damages?” 通过图片,学生更易掌握地震的前兆的知识,为课文的阅读作了很好的铺垫,接着教师引导学生进行进一步探究“What should we do to protect ourselves if an earthquake happened?”通过小组讨论、合作得出结论,教师进行一定的总结。接着呈现文章的标题“A night the earth didn’t sleep” ,引导学生解读文章标题、预测文章内容,让学生在阅读过程中处于主动认知状态。学生可能一下子无法正确理解其所包含的深层含义。但估计在前面所展示的MTV画面及图片的启发下,大部分同学可能很快就能作出正确的理解---about the earthquake。另外,考虑到文章生词较多,且大部分学生对文章的背景知识了解较少。因此,在引导学生预测文章内容的同时,有必要在讨论“What kind of words will be used in the passage?

步骤二.Task-cycle(While-reading activities)



【设计思路:本环节主要是指导学生如何通过略读,在最短的时间内把握文章的大意。要求学生在2分钟之内,重点阅读各段的首句和末句,快速归纳出general idea of the passage。大部分学生很快就能找出文章的大意―――唐山大地震。该环节教师应通过限定阅读时间,及时纠正不良的阅读习惯等教学策略,来帮助学生养成良好的阅读习惯,培养快速阅读理解能力。】






步骤三.Post-task(Post-reading activities)


【设计思路:本环节共设置两个任务,一是让学生复述课文;指导学生以地震前、地震中、地震后的时间线索展开复述,这样把阅读内容和所学的词汇、句型有机地结合。二是采访活动。要求学生根据自己对地震的认识,发挥自己的想象力和创造力,以小组为单位,用英语通过采访唐山大地震幸存者的形式进行活动。为了让学生更顺利地完成任务,教师可以给学生提供一些问题及采访中可能会用到的日常交际用语。本环节旨在引导学生通过读的输人,提取、筛选和重组文章中的重要语言信息,并通过用英语进行交流,达到从课文知识的巩固到自身知识的扩展与创新能力的形成。针对学生在完成任务的过程中,可能会因词汇障碍的影响,而用普通话甚至闽南语进行交流,在这个活动中,教师应贯彻“教师为主导,学生为主体,任务为基础”的教学原则,在课堂教学的不同环节扮演自身作为“设计者,研究者,组织者,促进者,协调者”的角色,并 “动态”地去发现问题,分析问题和解决问题,鼓励、督促学生坚持用英语作为课堂交流的语言。



(一) Pre-task:激发学习兴趣,明确学习任务(预计需要5分钟左右,考虑充分利用上课前 的课间时间)

(二) Task-cycle:课文主体内容的教学与操练,知识的掌握与能力的过渡(预计需要28分钟左右)

(三) Post-task:展示成果,交流成果的过程,语言实践能力的扩展与提高(预计需要10分 钟左右)

(四)Homework and Sum up:课文内容的巩固、延伸与拓展(第三和第四两个环节预计需1 分钟左右)





Good morning, ladies and gentleman. Today, I feel honored to have the chance to share my ideas about how to teach reading.

In the reading process, I will focus on students’ long-term

development and enable them to use proper reading skills and strategies. In other words, students are guided to read efficiently and independently.My teaching plan will include 3 sections. They’re analysis of the reading material, identifying the teaching aims and teaching procedures.

Section 1 Analysis of the teaching material

The selected teaching material is a magazine article taken from the

Project section of Module 11, Unit 2 of Advance with English. The article is about British students who take a gap year, which is intended to develop the theme of the unit, that is, Getting a job. After analyzing it carefully, I find the article has two uni2ue characteristics. First, it’s a long passage with 688 words, much more than the usual te.ts. Second, it deals with a new topic, that is, a gap year. The topic is unfamiliar to most students.

Section 2 Indentifying the teaching aims

Based on the analysis of the teaching material, I have chosen the

following as the teaching aims of my lesson:The 1st aim: Students learn the skills and strategies to read a prolonged te.t.The 2nd aim: Students get a better understanding of what a gap year is.The 3rd aim: Students are encouraged to figure out the implied meaning.The 4th aim: Students are familiar with various e.pression_r_r_r_r_rs or approaches to e.press the same thellong or idea.

Section 3 teaching procedures

In order to achelloeve the teaching aims mentioned above, I decide

to choose guided reading and Task-Based teaching as the main teaching approach. With the teaching methods, I can guide students to use effective reading strategies toprehend the te.t, solve problems andplete different tasks. The teaching procedures include four parts. They’re getting ready,

focusing on main facts, reading between the lines and responding the te.t.

Part 1. Getting ready

Reading begins before a book is opened. It’s important to activate

students’ e.isting background knowledge and draw their attention to the topic of the te.t. In thellos part, I will use the pre-reading activities to increase students’ concentration, arouse their curiosities, fire their imagination and give them a purpose for reading. The part consists

of two tasks:Task 1: A time machellone. I start my lesson by asking senior 3 students what the date is. Then, I go on to show a picture of a time machellone. I tell students that the machellone with a magic power will bring them to their graduation from hellogh school, which is 1 year away. At that point, I get them to imagine where they are and what they are doing.After it, I give a summary of their presentations as follows: After leaving hellogh school, most of Chellonese students go straight to university.Yes, at thellos time ne.t year, most of you will be studying in a university.(With the task, I inspire students’ former knowledge and imagination about graduating from hellogh school and going to college, which can draw their attention to the theme of the reading material and get them ready for the following reading.)Task 2: Brainstorming. After the summary, I go on to show some more pictures of British students fresh from hellogh schools, and tell students that more and more students in the UK are doing somethellong different instead of going straight to university. After that, I play the tape of Para.1 and get students to catch the answer to the 2uestion: They will travel or work on projects for up to a year before entering university.(With the task, I e.cite students’ desire to know more about what their British e2uivalents will do before going to college. With the 2uestion in mind, students will definitely be eager to listen to the tape to find the answer. )

Part 2. Focusing on main facts

During the part, I will ask the students to answer the 2uestion—What does the author say? Students are supposed to get a main idea of the te.t and understand the basic meaning of the te.t. 8uestions of thellos kind are not very difficult and they can be answered directly from the te.t. The part includes si. tasks:Task 1: Three e.amples. I move on to tell students as follows: Last year, Carol Smith, Daniel and Martin Johnson, 3 students from the UK, went to some remote places and did somethellong special. After the instructions, I play the tape of Paragraphs 4-6 and get students toplete the following table.(With the task, I get students to listen to the three paragraphs instead of reading them, thus reducing the amount of reading time and reliving their psychological burden, otherwise students would be discouraged by such a long article.) Task 2: Matchellong. After listening, I get students to open books and scan the three paragraphs to check the answers to the previous table. Then they’re re2uired toplete another table with a second reading. Whom do the results belong to? Carol________ Daniel________ Martin_______ A. felt being part of another culture. B. be more independent. C. found it challenging and rewarding. D. felt that it was a special e.perience. E. ready to face challenges in the future. F. learnt how to deal with difficult situations. G. felt like she really made a

difference. H. learnt a lot about getting on with local people. (With the task, students learn to use a table to gather the main facts about the three British students. They’lle to know that a table is of great help in their future reading.) Task 3: Scanning for a detail. I get students to scan the rest paragraphs and find the answer to the 2uestion: What do people call the year off between finishellong school and starting university? In doing so, I introduce the theme of the article and write on the blackboard the title: Mind the gap year. (With the task, students are e.pected to grasp the theme of the article. The task serves as a bridge,which connects the main facts in Paragraphs 4-6 to the opinions about the gap year in the rest paragraphs.) Task 4: Definition of the gap year. Students watch a VCR with a 2uestion in mind: What three types of activities do the UK students choose to do during a gap year? The key is: Many students use that time to travel, learn new skills or be a charity volunteer. (The task serves as a supplementary to the second task of Part

1. With the task, students are e.pected to know more about the gap year.) Task 5: History of the gap year. I play a second VCR and get students to answer the 2uestion: When did the gap year start in the UK? (The task enables students to have a good knowledge of the hellostory of the gap year.) Task 6: Comments. The second, thellord, seventh, eighth paragraphs deal with thements of the government, universities, employers and the public on students taking a gap year before going to college. I get students to read the four paragraphs to gather thements andplete the table. (The task helps students get a further understanding of the role a table plays in helping gathering main facts or opinions.)

Part 3. Read between the lines: In thellos part, I will encourage the students to answer the 2uestion—What does the author mean? As we know, armation in a reading passage is not always stated directly. Sometimes students have to infer, or make guesses ording the armation which is available in the reading. So in thellos part, the students are asked to infer the implied meaning, distinguish the main ideas from the supporting details and understand how the te.t isanized. The part consists of three tasks. Task 1: Similar sentences. The English language enjoys various ways of e.pressing the same thellong or idea. As we can see, the second and thellord paragraphs are similar to the seventh and eighth paragraphs in the content, both dealing withments on the gap year. Some sentences actually e.press the samements. I will get students to read the four paragraphs for a second time to find out the similar sentences.(The first is done as an e.ample.) ⑴It (a gap year) is more than just a long holiday. (Line 50) A gap year is more than just a year away from studying. ⑵Employers say they prefer to hellore graduates who have taken a gap year. (Line 15) ______________________________ (3)A gap year gives young people an opportunity to learn skills and gain life e.perience. It helps young

people develop and grow. (Lines 17-18) ______________________________

(4)Living away from home taught me to be more independent. (Lines 22-23) ______________________________ (The task is designed to help students learn and use different ways to e.press the same idea. The task gets students ready for talking and writing about the gap year in the ne.t part.) Task 2: Guessing from the conte.t. I get students to guess from the conte.t the meanings of the four words or phrases: ⑴the career ladder (Line 4) ________________________ ⑵every point of thepass (Line 5) ________________________ (3)delicate (Line 22) ________________________

(4)an edge in the job market (Line 54) ________________________ (The task helps students to recognize that in most language-leaning situations they wille across vocabulary they don’t know. With the task, students are guided to look at the conte.t in which a word or phrase is used and try to find any clues to its meanings.) Task 3: Benefits. Students are asked to collect advantages of taking a gap year in the te.t. After that, students have the chance to listen to a thellord VCR, which contains more armation about advantages. Whellole listening, students are encouraged to take notes of what they can catch. □ teach students to be independent; □ help students develop and grow; □ learn new skills; □ see life in a different way; □ be ready to face challenges; □ gain life e.perience (The task is intended for students to collect more armation about students taking a gap year, which also makes them well prepared for the writing task in the ne.t part.) Task 4: Recognizing the implied message. I play a fourth VCR. Whellole listening, students are e.pected to fill in the two blanks: Actually, a year off is not a gap, but a time for personal growth and d_______, a b______ between two important periods in life. (With the task, students will know about how to plan a gap year and what taking a gap year really means to them. It gets them ready for the ne.t task. ) Task 5: Understanding the title. After reading the whole te.t, I will get students to focus on the title Mind the gap. (The task is designed to help students fully understand the hellodden meaning of the title: They are e.pected to make full of the gap year to develop themselves.)

Part 4. Responding to the te.t

I encourage the students to answer the 2uestion—What does the idea mean to me? As we all know, most writers are prejudiced in some way and try to convince their readers of somethellong, or influence them to look at thellongs in a certain way. So it is important to train students to read critically. The part consists of two tasks. Task 1: I conduct a survey to see what students thellonk of taking a gap year and at the same timeplete the table. (The task is aimed at making students be critical readers.The students should be encouraged to uate and make judgment about the author's te.t.) Task 2: After the survey, students are asked to write aposition

of 120 words about their ideas of taking a gap year before going to college. (The task aims to consolidate the armation they have learnt and also improve speaking and writing skills.) OK, so much for my teaching plan. Thanks for your attention.

说课是20百年80年代后期随着教改深切而产生的带有教诲科学研究性质的教研勾当,其理论和实践越来越受到正视(宋斌华,2007)。它是教师依据课程尺度、教诲教学理念,口头表述自己对教学内部实质意义、教学目标、教学重难点、教学要领、教学步伐等进行创造性设计的一种教研形式(崔小春,2005)。通俗地说,就是阐述“教什么内部实质意义、为什么教这些个、怎么教和为什么这么教”的问题。由于说课能够揭示出教师在备课中的思维创新历程,能凸显出教师对课程尺度、教材、学生的理解和驾驭的水平和运用有关教诲理论和教学原则社团教学的能力 由于时间短、易操作、见效快,说课深受教诲行政、科学研究部门和下层学校的青睐,常被应用在教师雇用、基本功竞赛、教学研究等勾当中。2008年10月张家港市教诲局在张家港外国语学校举行了全市高中英语教师说课角逐。说课内部实质意义是《牛津高中英语》(江苏版)第11板块第2单元Project中的一篇阅读材料,是本单元话题(getting a job)的延伸和拓展。教学对象是高三学生。作者就以此次勾当为案例,联合17位参加比赛教师的具体表现和主要问题,跟英语教师谈一谈如何说好课。问题一:说课,是背长篇累牍的教诲理论,还是谈独具巧妙的心思的教学设计?在此次勾当中,有不少教师事前作了大量准备,网络了许多时尚的英语教学理论和教学要领,把一大半时间用来谈理论,说要领,而本节课的教学设计却轻描淡写,一带而过。给评委们的印象是,说课变成了教学理论的演讲,内部实质意义雷同征象严重,而且自己所倡导的理论和要领并没有在教学设计中得到表现。说原理,讲要领,是说课的一个显著特性,但绝不是说课的主体。成功的说课,应该把教学设计和教学理论有机地联合在一路,且要略侧重于教说学设计。教材特点和学生现实是说课的两个重心。教师必得牢牢围绕这两个重心,精心设计教学勾当或任务,以此来展览自己对教诲教学理论理解的深度,展览自己对学生学情驾驭的精确度,展览自己在教学设计上的独到之处。“说”是形式,“课”及“课理”是内部实质意义,只有做到形式与内部实质意义辩证统一,才气达到预定的日期的说课目的。换言之,说课不是长篇大论地演讲教学理论,而是要谈自己不论什么运用教学理论解决教学中所遇到的现实问题。本次说课材料具有两个特点:一是,篇幅长,全文长达688个词;二是,话题新,“休学实践年(a gap year)”,对绝大多中国学生来说是一个新物质。于是,如何合理施用教学理论突破这两个难点就成了本次说课的重点和亮点地点。朱俊爽老师大胆创新,用夹叙夹议的体式格局叙述了自己的奇特思考,令评委有线人一新的感觉,其主要亮点是:⑴把阅读材料分化为主要事实和评价两个部分,即三个学生参加休学实践年的履历领会,和英语政府、雇主、大学对这种做法的评价,便于学生掌握文章的主要事实和不雅点;⑵调解部分段落的处理顺序,把第四、5、6天然段这三段视为一个整体,看做听力材料,放在阅读以前就处理掉,缓解学生的阅读生理承担;(3)分析篇和章结构,让学生领会到,尽管第二、3天然段和第七、8天然段的表述体式格局迥异,但内部实质意义大抵相同,并设计了响应的任务(similar
