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可能用到的相对原子质量:H1 C12 Na 23 Al27 Cl 35.5 K 39 N 14 S 32 O 16 Zn 65 一.选择题(每小题只有一个正确选项,每小题3分,共48分)


A.镨(Pr)和钕(Nd)可能互为同位素 B. 14059Pr是镨的一种新元素

C. 140 59Pr质量数为140,原子序数为59,核内有81个中子

D. 59Pr核内有59个质子,核外有81个电子



A. 氧化剂 B.还原剂



3.下列说法正确的是( )





4.图示对应的装置以及操作均正确的是( ) 140

5.化学学习和研究的常用手段,下列分类依据和结论均正确的是( )

A.CO、CH3COOH 、Cu(OH)2CO3均含有氧元素,都是氧化物


C.HF、 CH3COOH 、CH3CH2OH(乙醇)均可溶于,都是电解质


6.下列选项中最后的物质是要制取的物质,其中不可能得到的是( )

高温H2ONa2CO3A.CaCO3――→CaO――→Ca(OH)2――→NaOH溶液 过滤

O2H2SO4NaOH溶液B.Cu―△―→CuO―△―→CuSO4溶液――→Cu(OH)2沉淀 过滤



7.列变化过程中,属于还原反应的是( )

A.Fe3→Fe B.Na→Na C.HCl→Cl2D.CO→CO2 ++

---8.列溶液中的Cl浓度与50mL 1mol·L1MgCl2溶液中的Cl浓度相等的是( )

A.150mL 2mol·L1KCl溶液 B.75mL 2mol·L1 CaCl2溶液 --

C.150mL 1mol·L1 NaCl溶液D.75mL 1mol·L1 AlCl3溶液 --

9.溶液中是否含有某种离子,下列操作方法正确的是 ( )



C.用硝酸酸化后取上层清液,加入Ba(OH)2溶液,析出白色沉淀,证明有SO24 -+-

D.加入盐酸,放出能使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体,证明含有CO23 -

10.列关于胶体的叙述不正确的是 ( )

A.胶体区别于其他分散系的本质特征是分散质的微粒直径在109 m~107 m之间 --






有的中子数是( )

A.A-x+n+48 B. A+x-n-24C. A-x-n-24D. A-x+n+24



-13.某同学先配制了100mL1 mol·L的操作都正确,结果测的溶液的物质的量浓度低于1 mol·L1。那么在溶液的配制过程中,

下列操作可能导致溶液浓度偏低的是( )




④定容时加水超过了刻度线,用胶头滴管吸去多余的水,使溶液的凹液面刚好与刻度线相切 ⑤定容时仰视容量瓶刻度线

A.只有②④③⑤ B.只有②③④ C.只有①②③④ D.①②③④⑤ 14.NA表示阿伏伽德罗常数的数值,下列说法正确的是()

A.NA个CCl4分子在标准状况下的体积约为22.4 L

B.1 L1 mol·L-1氯化钙溶液中含Cl-的数目为NA




下列说法正确的是 ()

A.NaOH是氧化产物B. NaH为还原剂

C . 该反应电子转移数为2e-D.H2O既是还原剂又是氧化剂 NaOH+H2↑。则

16.分别完全沉淀等物质的量浓度的KCl、CaCl2、AlCl3溶液中的Cl,消耗相同物质的量浓度 的AgNO3溶液的体积比为3∶2∶1,则上述溶液的体积比为()

A.9∶3∶1 B.3∶2∶1 C.1∶1∶1 D.6∶3∶2-


1817.(7分)现有两种氧原子16 8O和 8O,它们可分别形成16On和18Om两种气体单质。请完成下


(1) O2-结构示意图

(2) 18O2-中质子数为________,电子数为 ,5.4g 18O2中所含的中子数为________个。

18.(15分)(1) 同温同压下的N2和H2,若体积相同时,两种气体的质量比为,其密度


(2)已知反应Mg+CO2 MgO+C


②该反应中________元素化合价升高,该元素的原子________(填“得到”或“失去”)电子,发生________反应;被氧化元素原子数与被还原元素原子数之比为________。 ③用“双线桥”标出上述反应的电子转移方向和数目。






根据上述事实确定:该溶液中肯定存在的离子有 ;肯定不存在的离子有;可能存在的离子有 。

20.(18分)(1) 选择下列实验方法分离物质,将分离方法的字母填在横线上

A.萃取分液 B.加热分解 C.重结晶 D.分液 E.蒸馏 F.过滤 ①________分离饱和食盐水和沙子的混合物





(Ⅰ)操作①的名称是 ,操作②的名称是。

(Ⅱ)试剂a是 ,试剂b是 ,固体B是 。(填化学式) (Ⅲ)加入试剂a所发生的化学反应方程式为:。

加入试剂b所发生的化学反应方程式为: 。 (Ⅳ)操作③洗涤沉淀A的方法:。 (Ⅴ)该方案能否达到实验目的: .若不能,应如何改进(若能,此问不用回


21.(6分)实验室常用的浓盐酸密度为1.17 g·mL,物质的量浓度为11.7mol/L,

(1)取此浓盐酸50 mL,用蒸馏水稀释至200 mL后稀盐酸的物质的量浓度?

(2)将13 g锌投入上述实验所得稀盐酸中,充分反应,


(3)此浓盐酸中HCl的质量分数? -1



18.(1)14:1; 14:1; 1:14


19. (1)、Cl; Cu、 Mg、CO3 、SO4 ; K 。

20.( 1)①C ②F ③D ④E 2+-2+2+2-2-+ (2) (Ⅰ)溶解(溶于水均可);过滤(滤字写错不得分)。(Ⅱ)K2CO3;HCl;BaCl2

(Ⅲ) K2CO3 +BaCl2=BaCO3↓+2KCl; BaCO3+2HCl= BaCl2+CO2↑+H2O(Ⅳ)

(Ⅴ)否(不能); 应在滤液中加入过量盐酸后再蒸发结晶(只要答到“在滤


21答案: (1)2.93 mol·L-1(2) 4.48 L(3)36.5%


鹤岗市第一中学高一学年下学期期中考试 英语试题





I travel a lot, and I find out different "styles" (风格) of directions every time 1 ask "How can I get to the post office?"

Foreign tourists are often confused (困惑) in Japan because most streets there don't have names; in Japan, people use landmarks (地标) in their directions instead of street names. For example, the Japanese will say to travelers, "Go straight down to the corner. Turn left at the big hotel and go past a fruit market. The post office is across from the bus stop."

In the countryside of the American Midwest, there are not usually many landmarks. There are no mountains, so the land is very flat; in many places there are no towns or buildings within miles. lnstead of landmarks, people will tell you directions and distances. In Kansas or Iowa, for example, people will say, "Go north two miles. Turn east, and then go another mile."

People in Los Angeles, California, have no idea of distance on the map; they measure distance in time, not miles. "How far away is the post office?" you ask. "Oh," they answer, "it's about five minutes from here." You say, "Yes, but how many miles away is it?" They don't know.

It's true that a person doesn't know the answer to your question sometimes. What happens in such a situation? A New Yorker might say, 'Sorry, I have no idea." But in Yucatan, Mexico, no one answers "I don't know." People in Yucatan believe that "I don't know" is impolite, They usually give an answer, often a wrong one. A tourist can get very, very lost in Yucatan!

1. When a tourist asks the Japanese the way to a certain place they usually _________

A. describe the place carefully B. show him a map of the place

C. tell him the names of the streets D. refer to recognizable(可辨认的) buildings and places

2. What is the place where people measure distance in time?

A. New York.B. Los Angeles.C. Kansas.D. Iowa.

3. People in Yucatan may give a tourist a wrong answer ________

A. in order to save time B. as a test C. so as to be polite D. for fun

4. What can we infer from the text?

A. It's important for travelers to understand cultural differences.

B. It's useful for travelers to know how to ask the way properly.

C. People have similar understandings of politeness.

D. New Yorkers are generally friendly to visitors.


Mr. Smith talked for the first time about the night when his wife was killed. The judge thought it was he who killed his wife. Now he wrote to a magazine from the prison about what had happened on the night of 13 October, 2008.

I had to stay late at the hospital that night to do an operation(手术). I finally left at about 11 in the 第 1 页

afternoon. I drove home slowly because the weather was terrible-the wind was blowing and it was raining heavily. I was turning into our road when a man suddenly ran in front of my car. I almost hit him but stopped just in time. I was frightened and the man looked frightened too. I got out of the car but he ran away before I could ask if he was all right. It was strange.

When I got home, the lights were on but it was very quiet. I called to my wife but there was no answer. Then I remembered that she was out at a concert.

I was still upset about what had happened on the road, so I made myself a drink. Then I went upstairs to have a bath. I saw that the window in the bedroom was open. This was strange because my wife always locked the doors and windows before she went out. When I went close to the window, I found Ellen. She was lying on the floor. There was blood everywhere. I rushed over and felt her pulse but she was dead. I sat on the floor beside her body. I was too frightened to do anything.

When I gained a bit of consciousness(意识), the sky was getting light. I couldn’t remember a thing about that night. In the morning I phoned the police. They arrived about half an hour after I phoned them. But it seemed like hours. During that time I tried hard to recall what had happened the night before. I couldn’t stop thinking about the man on the road. What was he doing at that time of night in our quiet neighborhood? Why did he look so frightened? Why did he run away?

5. Mr. Smith was a __________.

A. doctor B. policeman C. judge D. taxi driver

6. When Mr. Smith got home, he found _______.

A. Ellen waiting for him B. the bed room window closed

C. a burglar(夜贼)in his houseD. Ellen lying on the floor, blood all over

7. After he found Ellen dead, Mr. Smith ______.

A. called the police at onceB. tried to find out the murderer

C. called out for help D. was so frightened that he could do nothing

8. In this passage, Mr. Smith tried to _______.

A. Say something about his family

B. Make people believe the man on the road probably killed his wife

C. Show he was very sorry for his wife's death

D. Tell why his wife was killed

9. A visitor can apply for a free audio tour A. in the Courtyard B. in the State Apartments

C. at the Admission Center

10. What is specially offered to visitors with kids?

A. A security guard. B. A pushchair.

11. Who can get re-entry permits? D. at St George's Chapel C. A free toy. D. A baby carrier. A. Visitors wishing to eat outside the Castle.

C. Visitors buying water from the Courtyard.

D B. Visitors buying gifts in the castle shops. D. Visitors eating outside St George’s Chapel.

Flappy Bird is flapping(拍打) its wings no more. The popular game for mobile equipment was removed from online stores on Sunday by its Vietnamese creator, Who said its fame ―destroys my simple life‖

Dong Nguyen, who created the game in just two to three days, was making as much as $50,000 a day from the game’s advertising income. In several Twitter posters, he said the game’s removal was not due to legal issues(问题) and that he may make a follow-up.

Mr. Nguyen, who describes himself as an ― enthusiastic independent game maker‖, also said on the micro-blogging mobile game so far. Coming out in May 2013, the game was free to download and required players to tap the screen to keep the bird in flight.

In spite of its simple graphs, Flappy Bird was an extremely difficult game since many users could only keep the bird in the air for a new seconds before it hits an obstacle (障碍物) and falls.

After Mr. Nguyen took the game down, many fans turned to social media to ask for its return. The game 第 3 页

is no longer available through online stores, but it still works on phones that had previously downloads it. However, some fans expressed their relief that the game was gone. One user described Flappy Bird as ― an addictive game that everyone hates to love‖ while another said, ―I think it’s for the best, and for the best of all the broken –down phones out there.

12. Dong Nguyen took Flappy Bird down because________

A. it was against the law B. it was easily destroyed

C. it disturbed his normal life. D it could break down phones.

13.What can we learn about Dong Nguyen from the text?

A. He is addicted to playing games. B. He likes to make games by himself.

C. He earned a lot by selling Flappy Bird.D. He rose to fame after removing his game.

14. What were the users' reactions to Dong Nguyen's removing the game?

A. Some felt happy and relaxed.

B. Some got so angry that they accused him.

C. Some regretted they couldn't keep the bird in flight.

D. Some asked social media to help develop another game.

15. What would be the title for this text?

A. Flappy Bird-A Mobile GameB. Flappy Bird-A Computer Game

C. Dong Nguyen - A Game CreatorD. Dong Nguyen - A Talented Person

第二节 七选五(共5小题 满分10分)


The Importance of Positive Attitude

A positive attitude is very important as it will make our life easier. There will be times when we will face problems and obstacles. The most challenging part is not when our life goes smoothly but how we react when we experience problems and difficulties.

Those who have a positive attitude will treat any problem as a challenge. Instead of being discouraged, they will treat each failure as a lesson. As for those who do not have the positive attitude, they will see problems and difficulties in a different way.

The situation can be the same for both the Guy A and Guy B. Every one of us has the same amount of time. Since having a negative attitude will eat up our time, why don’t we just make good use of the same amount of time to have a positive attitude? Life itself is already hard. It will be much better if we have a positive attitude which will make our life happier and easier.

People will generally prefer to stay with people who have positive attitudes as being happy is very infectious(富有感染力的). Everybody will be affected by the energy of positive attitudes and they too will have a positive attitude.

If you learn to see the bright side of life when you’re surrounded by difficulties, you’ll be building your positive attitude fast.

第 4 页

A. And they will be motivated to achieve the goal.

B. Having good attitudes provides many health benefits.

C. In life, not everything goes as smoothly as we want.

D. But with different attitudes, the results will be quite different.

E. They may have no approaches to solving the problems.

F. When you have a positive attitude towards everything, you will be happier.

G. The more you practice having a positive attitude, the easier and more natural it will come to you.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节 满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题 满分30分)

Many years ago, a salesman opened a bag of things from Scotland and found a card at the top. It, ―Expect a Miracle (奇迹).‖ ―What does that mean?‖ he thought, and then it into his pocket.

That night he showed it to his wife. ―Look at this, dear. What do you think it means?‖

―Maybe this is what we need,‖ she said. ―Our are so great that they are too much for us. If we start great things instead of the worst, miracle may .‖ They decided to try changing their thinking for a few days, starting with their problems. Then something changed. Not only did they find their problems be worked out, but they also started a lot of money.

To make miracles happen, you have to start by expecting them. That way your can become focused in positive ways. There are coincidences(巧合), and all kinds of happy experiencesone after another.

One becomes hopeful and optimistic(乐观的). Little problems began , while the big ones become much easier to work out. Success is not you thought it was.

A positive (积极的)thinker first sets clear and proper goals. Then he goes to work , and working. He never gives up. His dreams are sure to come true, and they do, a miracle happens.Miracles come in all : big, medium-sized, and small. Start expecting the small ones, and work your way to the big. Think positively, yourself and work hard. You’ll find yourself by how meaningful and your life has become.

21. A. wrote B. read C. toldD. expressed

22. A. set B. sent C. spent D. put

23. A. problemsB. questionsC. suggestions D. advice

24. A. imaginingB. hopingC. wishing D. expecting

25. A. take in B. take up C. take place D. take over

26. A. smallestB. biggest C. difficult D. easy

27. A. wouldB. could C. must D. might

28. A. making B. takingC. finding D. doing

29. A. suggestion B. moneyC. abilityD. trust

30. A. harmful

31. A. live

B. strange B. stop C. useful C. work D. embarrassing D. follow D. solving 32. A. losing B. disappearing C. growing 第 5 页




1.从离地面3 m高处竖直向上抛出一个小球,它上升5 m后回落,最后到达地面。此过程中()

A.小球通过的路程是8 m C.小球的位移大小是3 m 2.以下说法正确的是()

A.列车员说:“火车8点42分到站,停车8分。”8点42分和8分均指时刻 B.列车员说:“火车8点42分到站,停车8分。”8点42分和8分均指时间 C.出租车的收费标准有“2.00元/公里”,其中的“公里”指的是路程 D.出租车的收费标准有“2.00元/公里”,其中的“公里”指的是位移 3.下列表述中,所指的速度为平均速度的是() A.子弹射出枪口时的速度为800 m/s

B.一辆公共汽车从甲站行驶到乙站,全过程的速度为40 km/h C.某段高速公路限速为90 km/h D.小球在第3s末的速度为6 m/s

4.甲、乙两车沿平直公路通过同样的位移。甲车在前半段位移以30 km/h的速度运动,后半段位移以60 km/h的速度运动;乙车在前半段时间内以30 km/h的速度运动,后半段时间内以60 km/h的速度运动,则甲、乙两车在整个位移中的平均速度v甲和v乙的大小关系是( )

A.v甲=v乙 B.v甲<v乙 C.v甲>v乙


5.关于物体运动的加速度,下列说法正确的是() A.速度越大,加速度越大 C.末速度越大,加速度越大

B.速度变化量越大,加速度越大 D.速度变化越快,加速度越大

B.小球的位移大小是13 m D.小球的位移方向是竖直向上的

6.如图所示的是一个物体的运动图象,下列说法正确的是() A.物体3s末开始改变速度方向


C.物体在第5s内的加速度的大 小大于第1s内加速度的大小 D.物体在前5s内的位移方向改变

7.物体由静止开始沿斜面滑下,做匀加速直线运动,3 s末开始在水平地面上做匀减速直线运动,又经过9 s停止。则物体在斜面上的位移和水平面上的位移大小之比是()

A.1∶1 C.1∶3

B.1∶2 D.3∶1


A.乌龟和兔子赛跑是同时从同地点出发的 B.乌龟和兔子赛跑是同时出发,但出发点是不同的 C.兔子虽然中途休息了一会儿,但最终先到达终点 D.乌龟中途落后,但最终比兔子先到终点

9.如图所示的两条斜线,分别代表A、B两物体同时从同一地点出发向同一方向做直线运动时的速度-时间图象。下列说法中正确的是( )


B.在前10 s内,A的位移比B的位移大 C.B的加速度比A的加速度大 D.10 s末两物体的瞬时速度相等

10.一小球从空中由静止释放,不计空气阻力(g取10 m/s2)。下列说法正确的是() A.第2 s末小球的速度为10 m/s B.前2 s内小球的平均速度为20 m/s C.第2 s内小球的位移为10 m D.前2 s内小球的位移为20 m


A. B. C.D.


12.关于质点的描述,下列说法中正确的是( ) A.研究地球的自转时,可以把地球看成质点

B.研究地球公转一周所用的时间时,可以把地球看成质点 C.研究列车从北京到上海过程中运动快慢时,可以把列车看成质点 D.研究车轮的转动时,可以把车轮看成质点

13.一物体由静止开始以恒定加速度下落,经过时间1s落至地面,落地时速度是9 m/s 。下列说法中正确的是( )

A.物体下落高度为4.5 m C.物体下落的加速度为9 m/s2

B.物体下落高度为4.9 m D.物体下落的加速度为9.8 m/s2

14.质点由静止开始做直线运动,加速度与时间关系如图所示,t2 = 2 t1,则( )

A.质点一直沿正向运动 B.质点在某个位置附近来回运动

C.在0~t2时间段内,质点在t1时刻的速度最大 D.在0~t2时间段内,质点在t2时刻的速度最大

15.质点从静止开始沿直线运动,其v-t图象如图所示,则( )

A.t = 0.5 s时该质点离出发点最远 B.t = 1 s时该质点回到出发点

C.t = 1 s时该质点离出发点最远 D.0到1 s时间内该质点的平均速度为0

16.一质点从A点沿直线运动到B点,C是某一中间点。已知物体的初速度为零,从A到C的加速度为a1,方向与速度方向相同;从C到B的加速度为a2,方向与速度方向相反,到达B点的速度刚好为零,设AB = L,下列说法中正确的是()


vA + vB


2(a1 + a2)


C.通过C点时的即时速度为D.AC : CB = a1 : a2 三、填空、实验题


a1 + a2

17.秋天,熟透的苹果从树上落下,经过0.5 s到达地面。若没有空气阻力,则苹果下落时间0.5 s(填“大于”、“小于”或“等于”);重力是苹果落地的 (填“动力”或“阻力”)。

18.物体以3 m/s的初速度从4 m长的斜坡顶端滑下。其加速度大小为2 m/s2,方向沿斜面向下。物体经过 到底端时速度的大小为



19.汽车以36 km/h的速度行驶。刹车时,汽车的加速度大小是4 m/s2 ,则从开始刹车的时刻起,经过 平均速度大小是

s,汽车的速度减为零。在这段时间内汽车的位移大小是 m/s。





20.右图是一个物体做直线运动的速度-时间图象。在0至4 s内,物体


度的方向。物体在第3 s内速度的方向与第4s内速度的方向 (填“相同”或“相反”)。

21.以10 m/s的速度,竖直上抛一物体,不计空气阻力。物体上升最大高度为;落回抛出点时的速度大小为 m/s。(g取10 m/s2)

22.电磁打点计时器是一种使用交流电源的计时仪器。当电源的频率是50 Hz时,它每隔0.02s打一次点。如图所示为某次实验打出的一条纸带,其中1、2、3、4为依次选定的计数点,相邻两个计数点的时间间隔为 物体运动的加速度的大小为


