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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-08-30 09:33:10 | 移动端:出国,个人陈述范文


个人陈述(Personal Statement)写作技巧

自述,也即Personal Statement, 是所有出国文件中最重要的部分,它是申请者最主要的自我包装。申请被录取和经济资助就是要把自己推销给评审者。你的重任是让这一文件反映你的个性和才智。写自述即使对以英语为母语的北美学生也是颇费心力的事情,对中国申请者来说,用英语写作本来就是困难的事,更何况自述是为了表现和包装自己,有违我们的文化习俗,写起来往往备感吃力。中国申请者往往没有面谈的机会,这份文件因而愈发显得重要。





1. 对所要申请的学校和专业是否有了深入细致的了解,能做到在写自述时紧扣


2. 我的人生经历中有什么独特的、非同寻常的地方?在我的家庭生活和社会生活中有哪些人或事件影响了我的人生观和事业追求?这些影响有什么与众不同的地方?

3. 我最初是如何对目前所选专业感兴趣的?我在其后的岁月中又是如何加深了对这一学科领域的认识?我在这一领域已经取得了什么样的成绩?是什么因素使我自信,能够在这一领域有所建树?

4. 在上学期间我从事了那些助教、助研、社会实践、暑期工作?通过这些活动在什么方面得到了提高(比如科研能力、组织能力和领导能力等)?在步入社会后的工作中完成过什么项目,取得了哪些成就,表现出何等才干?

5. 我的最终的事业目标是什么?

6. 在我多年来的考试成绩上有没有需要解释的地方?比方说我大学成绩一直很优异,但GRE成绩却不怎么理想;我高年级的成绩是否比低年级的成绩有显著的提高?


8. 我是否具备杰出的品格,比如诚实,可靠、善良、刻苦等等,而我能否提供真凭实据来加以证明?我是否具备值得一提的很好的特别的工作习惯和态度,以及禀性上的优势。

9. 我具备什么样的特殊才能,如分析能力、领导才能和交流才能?我为什么比别的申请者更具有在事业上成功的把握?





1. 克服生活中的逆境型:Peterson's Guide中曾经登载的一封外国人申请时写的自述,作者的家庭背景是贫苦的、不识英文的第一代亚裔移民。作者没有回避自己多花了几年时间才完成大学的教育并且成绩较差这一惨痛的事实,而是就此问题展开对自己的介绍。他的家庭贫困,作为长子肩负帮助父母抚养年幼的妹妹的重任。这样,完成大学教育对他来说需要艰苦卓绝的努力。因此,通过他的叙述,一位奋斗不息、刻苦耐劳并具有高度责任感的年轻人的形象跃然纸上。




2. 自我成长型:这种 申请人在生活、学业和工作上虽不可避免地会遇到挫折,但相对来说,他们的生活进行得比较一帆风顺。写这种自述一定要用正面、肯定的语气,清楚、精炼,同时又要充分、多方面地展示自己独特的才智、事业和求学的追求方向。

3. 家庭影响型:这种情况下可以是好的家庭背景对申请者产生了正面的影响,也可以是艰难或不好的家庭环境作用于申请者,使之反思而发奋图强。写正面的影响时注意不要过分渲染家庭的帮助,督促向导作用,因为这样的作者往往不知不觉中会给评审人留下一种自我缺乏主见和动力的印象。同样,写不好家庭的背景时,也不要太多着墨于那些问题,重要的是突出自己不随遇而安、屈从命运安排的精神和志向。













1 previous Education:

When in the high school I first used the computer, I was attracted by it. From then on, to become an expert in the field of electrical and computer technology has been my favorite dream. In 2098, successfully passed the most competitive examinations, especially in the mathematics I got the full score (120 out of 120), I was admitted by the Electronic Engineering Department of Tsinghua University which is the most distinguished university in China.(这是中国学生最喜欢的一中开头方式,可是并不符合statement的一般习惯,请学习修改稿的开头方法。)

During my academic years, I worked hardly (work hardly 与 work hard 的区别相信大家都知道,这样的错误是不可原谅的。)and obtained good scores in most courses, especially in the basic courses and major courses. When graduation, my overall GPA ranked the upper 10% among about 200 students.

Education at Tsinghua University emphasizes practice. In the third year of study, I applied to join the Lab. of Information Systems. In the lab I successfully designed "2Mb/s PCM Digital Interface (32 frames)" which was used in the analogue PBX (Private Branch Exchange). In 1993, I independently designed "Speech Signal Processing Card" which was used in the SUN SPARC station. This card's successful design solved the problem that the SUN SPARC station could not be used to the speech processing and the multimedia application. From these designs I accumulated the experience of hardware development and mastered the knowledge of communications theory and computer technology such as the hardware structure of the RISC computer, UNIX operating system and programming. Through the five years of study in Tsinghua University I have not only mastered rich professional theory but also accumulated strong experience on hardware design and software program. All of these laid a solid foundation for my further work and study.

Because of my hard study, as reward, I was recommended to enter the graduate program at Tsinghua directly, waived of the admission test. It is Tsinghua's policy to endow the most distinguished students such preference. However, anxiously wanting to practice my knowledge in the real work and because of some other reason, I resigned the esteemed privilege.


In China as in the US, one can easily give up the career of a language teacher to

become a lawyer or a businessman. I, however, gave up a promising legal and business career to become a language teacher, but I have never regretted it. In fact, the more I teach, the more committed I am to teaching. But not just teaching. Having battled with China’s traditional mode of teaching for several years, I now would like to help improve teaching in China by introducing new and more effective instructional technology and

media into the country. For that, I would like to pursue an advanced degree in education in your country.

Now an English teacher at the training center of the China National Container

Corporation, I graduated in 1995 from the Capital University of Economics and Business in Beijing, where I majored in business law. At this highly respected higher-learning

institution, I received broad training that was both rigorous and vigorous. After four years of undergraduate studies, the strong logic inherent in law translated into strong logic in my thinking. With the knowledge and skills I attained in the law program, I boast the kind of intellectual maturity that would help me whatever I do. But law was never my first choice for a profession.

Starting from my high school days, I always dreamed of becoming a teacher. In the second year of high school, we once had to write an essay on the topic “what do you want to do when you grow up”. I proudly wrote, “I want to be a teacher!” But my parents

shattered my dream by insisting that I pursue another profession. My father, an engineer with a Ph. D. degree, and my mother, a university teacher of English, had their reasons. Chinese teachers, particularly those teaching at the primary and secondary levels, are poorly paid and begrudgingly respected. Being young and inexperienced in the world, I acceded to their wishes when I was choosing my major for the university.

But my passion for teaching was not to be stifled forever. Giver any opportunity, it would burst out. Upon graduation with an LL. B. Degree, I first took up the position of a supervisor with the China National Container Corporation in charge of its Overseas Sales Department. As the job entailed frequent translation and interpretation between Chinese and English, I persisted in improving my English proficiency by attending various training courses and learning it on my own. My command of the foreign tongue became so good that, after about one year, I began to teach it to my colleagues on a full-time basis at the company’s training center. After a huge detour, my career finally got back on track.

What makes teaching so enjoyable to me is that it is a learning experience. I enjoy it the most when my students ask difficult questions, particularly questions that I have to think long and hard to answer. I also enjoy posing questions to students, but my questions are never intended to intimidate the students or even test their knowledge but rather designed to stimulate their minds. In the constant exchange of questions and answers, students and teachers improve themselves alike to the credit of the old Chinese saying: To teach is to learn. In my three years of teaching, I really have learned a great deal.One of the things I have learned is the ability to not only deal with but also strike an accord with people of different backgrounds. My students at the training center are all adults accomplished in a variety of roles and professions. In most cases, they are older than I am. While I stand as their equals, I have served as their mentors and role models the same way as most teachers do their students. By so doing, I have won their trust and confidence in what I teach, which has helped to make my teaching powerful and effective.To take full advantage of my teaching skills, I started in October 1996 to teach English and other subjects at the primary school I attended when I was a child. As the children I teach are at the age when I studied here, I am particularly sensitive to their

needs and appreciative of their potential. Together with other teachers, I designed various training programs in calligraphy, art, writing, mental calculation, and English, programs that combine learning with entertainment. The kids n my class are now learning more and faster thanks to the fun they find everyday in my programs.

Entertainment is, however, by no means just a ploy I use to sweeten the bitter pill of learning for the children, but rather has its own intrinsic value. While kids can hardly learn well without being able to have fun, the lack of fun hurts more than the kids’ ability to learn. It can impair the kids’ emotional and psychological health to an extent that no amount of knowledge and skills drab teaching force-feeds into them can make up. Entertainment is therefore part and parcel of what we teachers have to provide to children if we are to help them grow up into productive members of the society. The way I see entertainment, it should be considered an end in education.

As China’s education is oriented overwhelmingly towards helping kids pass exams, entertainment is about the least on the mind of an average teacher or principal. In the rush to produce super kids as measured by the grades out of exams, the purpose of education is lost all too often. The curriculum is limited to subjects covered by mandatory exams. Students are seldom encouraged to come up with original ideas. Interaction between

teachers and students is kept at a minimum in the classroom. The teachers compete to heap homework on the students, as do the parents. While everybody is tired to death, few kids get armed with the ability to take initiatives or solve real-world problems. It is high time that fresh approaches were brought in.

One of the ways to make a change to the Chinese classroom is to utilize new technologies and media of teaching. School authorities in China, as those elsewhere, increasingly realize the importance of computerization, and many of the better-off schools in China are already stacked with state-of-the-art computers. But reports say only a tiny fraction of those computers are adequately utilized. The situation with other educational technologies and media is no better. They are either absent from the school sitting or vastly under-used. Few Chinese teachers have acquired the know-how or the drive to make use of these modern facilities.

I therefore would like to pursue first a master’s degree and then a Ph. D. degree in instructional technology and media in the United States, where the use of modern educational facilities is undoubtedly the most advanced in the world. Judging by the

information I have culled from your, website I think your institution is an American leader in the research and studies of this field. I am anxious to study under the seasoned guidance of your distinguished faculty. I hope that, after I complete my advanced training in your program, I can be a much more effective teacher in China, one that sets an example for all other Chinese teachers.


The most important element of my classroom, my office, or my home is a personal relationship. I have figured this out on examination of my activities in high school (youth group regional president), college (telephone crisis counselor, resident advisor), or

profession (teacher). As a teacher I made a point of getting to know every student in my classes personally. It quickly became my experience that students were more willing to learn, work, and excel when they were appreciated as individuals and when they knew that the adult in the classroom genuinely liked them.

After a few years' experience teaching seniors, I accepted a teaching job at the

middle school with the freshman class that had just learned they would not physically be moving to the high school. How would I motivate and get to know these kids? Everything that I had ever heard about or remembered about 9th grade made me want to turn and run.

But what convinced me to take this job was technology. In my interview I learned that instead of the library, I was to use the Internet (the what?). I was told that I would receive a laptop computer (aren't those the things that people with "real" jobs used?) and that the kids could teach me anything I needed to know.

Computers became my thing. Immediately I began to learn how to surf the Internet from 8th and 9th graders (Sanj and Judy said I was teachers' pet). My kids opened up and set aside their raging adolescence to use technology to help me and help each other. As the year with the freshmen continued, I was overjoyed. First, my kids and I had the best rapport in years (gosh Miss Glazer, are all of your PowerPoint slides gonna look the same?). Second, my creativity in teaching increased as new doors were opened to me and in turn to my students (conspiracy takes on a whole new meaning when the Internet is your primary source). Third, I was learning new and exciting things. I had finally found a combination of skills that affected my students in such a positive way that I knew I had to share my findings.

I have since taken my computer knowledge, instructional design ideas, plus my

emphasis on personal relationships and applied it to teachers and students in my district and other districts in the North Texas area.

Through the Learning, Design, and Technology program at Stanford University I hope to continue on the route that started for me at the middle school. I know that I will learn new things and have an opportunity to apply them to educational settings. I also know that I will be able to establish relationships with colleagues, professors, and other students. Although a master's degree is the short term goal, I believe that my long term goal

remains the same as when I began using technology in my classroom three years ago: to see students better educated through a curriculum infused with technology by teachers who do not lose sight of the personal relationships that benefit all kids.

This long-term goal may be achieved by working in a single school, a school district, or an educational center. It may be reached by teaching new teachers on the university level, by instructing at-risk students in a county after-school program, or by designing a terrific new classroom model and implementing it through a regional education lab with a grant from the U.S. Department of Education.

Whatever the job, my aim remains the same and as it did years ago with my

freshmen, I feel certain that I will use any situation to fulfill my goal to benefit students (can you say optimistic, or is it opportunistic?)



个人自述 基本结构 开头:具体介绍一下自己的个人背景,如,出生地点,对于入北理工之前的情况加以介绍。 中间: 第一:是否有工作经验,从事的是什么工作。 第二:有什么特殊爱好和特长,获过什么荣誉。 第三:申请的原因 第三:出国以后对于自己的学习有什么计划和要求,以后想要学习和研究的专业方向 第四:学成以后的工作计划。 结尾:表达一下申请的强烈愿望 英文范例1 My interest in science dates back to my early childhood. I have always excelled in physical sciences and have received numerous awards in mathematics in high school. At age 18, I attended Beijing Normal University, majoring in physics. Four years of extensive study on in physics and my current work in surface science inspire me to undertake a greater challenge in pursuing a doctorate degree in physics. My aspiration to be a research scientist also makes the graduate study an absolute necessity for me. As an undergraduate student, I specialized in physics, mathematics, and computer science. And in my junior year study I studied computational physics in Applied mathematics III, during which I developed a 2-dmensional model with the finite size effect as a course project. in addition to being elated by my computer simulated phase transition phenomena, I was also pleased with the computed values of the critical exponents which closely agree with theoretical values. During the two-year course on the fundamentals of experimental physics, I diligently studied the techniques of operating experimental equipment, such as the epitaxy systems, lithography, and computer controlled data acquisition interfaces. I enjoyed these hand-on experiences. My current duty, as a research assistant, is to set up diamond film growth kinetics experiments which is designed to verify whether the mechanism of H atoms destroying C-H bonds in diamond film growth is the bottleneck reaction to diamond film formation. The results will give valuable insights and better enhance the research efforts of another group here. In the meantime, I am learning about the scanning probe microscopy, charged particle optics, energy analyzers and instruments used in surface science through the seminars held in my group. In order to be knowledgeable in the breadth of physics, I have attended workshop and symposiums in different fields. In the symposium on Symmetries in Subatomic Physics held in 1995 in Beijing, I worked as an interpreter and edited the article "Conceptual Beginnings of Various Symmetries in the Twentieth century Physics" from Prof. C. N. Frank yang�s speech and translated it into Chinese. Not only did I keep an open mind to get experiences in academics, I also actively participated in extracurricular activities in my university years. In the senior year, I was a part-time teaching assistant grading exams and answering questions in the courses, A Journey to Subatomic World and From Quarks to Black Holes. I also had a part-time position as the bulletin board system administrator for the Physical Society of PRC. I am currently constructing their WWW home page to improve information exchange and science education in China. Accumulating these valuable experiences, I am preparing myself for a career in scientific research. Being exposed to surface science, I am interested in mesoscopic systems and nanostructure materials. I plan to concentrate on condensed matter physics. Having carefully read the content of the graduate studies and on-going research programs at University of Washington at Seattle, I believe that UW is the best place for me to be. I am confident in that my diverse research experiences together with a firm commitment to physics have merited me to be qualified to undertake graduate study at the University of Washington at Seattle. 英文范例2 Personal Statement I believe that a good university offers an excellent opportunity to further my learning in a more challenging environment and to deepen my understanding of the knowledge and skills I already have. I am

keen on all aspects of business, but am particularly interested in accountancy/finance and management. Through my current study I have learned to be more computer-literate and how to effectively manage my time. I became interested in accountancy when studying the finance unit in business studies and I am now completing an A level in this subject as I felt this would give me a sound footing when starting my university course One responsibility that I held for a year was the role of the middle school prefect. This helped me to gain an insight into typical basic management responsibilities. In Year 13 I then became a senior prefect and our role within the school is to help out with such activities as fund raising and the school fate Taking part in the Young Enterprise scheme taught me many skills; how to work independently and with a team which was one of the keys to our company’s success as “best company” I attended a young enterprise presentation day where we were privileged to listen to guests speaking about becoming an entrepreneur. This brief course inspired me with a wish to one day own my own business. I feel that an accountancy/finance and management course will help me to place myself in the sector in which I am most interested and give me the aspiration to eventually achieve this I held a part time job for 2 years in which I worked as a counter assistant in a busy restaurant in my local town. From this I learned many skills such as working in a fast busy environment, handling money and a great deal of customer service and teamwork. 自己的一些和专业有关的学习、实践等经历。 In my spare time I enjoy socializing with my friends and family. I enjoy reading and one of my favorite authors is Terry Pratchet. I enjoy music and I listen to many different styles. I am particularly interested in IT and much of my time is spent researching on the web From my experiences and personal ambition I am confident that I have the necessary self-motivation and commitment to succeed in accountancy finance and management and I look forward to taking advantage of all the opportunities that university life has to offer. 英文范例3 Personal Statement There is a rapid growth in global organizational concepts, crystallized in Japanese business philosophy, to be as effective as possible in the most efficient way. New technology involving networking information and automation influences the behavior of business and enables significant transformation. This need to maximize efficiency and effectiveness in such a competitive age is increasingly crucial to the success of a business. This is why it is an exciting and fascinating period in both the commercial and economic world to study Business Management. Adaptability, creative thinking and the application of technology are now intrinsic to managing businesses. I have developed these principles and enjoyed the spectrum of sixth form study that has taught me to approach problems from different political, economical and psychological perspectives. Throughout Business Studies, to complement what has been taught I have researched real-life business solutions and how they have been implemented, such as the responsive marketing used by Coca Cola to prolong their business cycle and sustain major profitability. Studying ICT has enabled me to examine the criticality of technology in giving businesses a competitive edge by considering issues such as organizational objectives, people and legal implications rather than making decisions based solely on financial factors. Furthermore, studying Psychology gives me insight into the human influences on organizational behavior through studying motivational theories such as the hierarchy of needs model proposed by Maslow, whilst the coursework has developed my skills in collecting and analyzing data in order to establish trends and draw conclusions. Studying English Language has allowed me to develop an ability to express my ideas clearly and concisely. I have worked for * as a Tester, assisting in the development of *, the fastest-selling PC game ever. It was a significant learning experience and made me evaluate myself and better understand my

strengths and skills, such as the ability to easily identify discrepancies and communicate these effectively to management so that problems can be solved. Recent experience at * Ltd gave me a taste of working within a larger organization. Operating within two different, but equally successful organizations has enabled me to see contrasting leadership styles and corporate culture. Within college, I participated in a paired reading project where I listened to and assessed readers lower down the school which required a relaxed, patient and friendly approach with the younger students, as well as punctuality and dedication. Throughout the past year, I have represented the college in district basketball and rugby competitions. I am a committed member of the Colts team at my local rugby side. I have captained the team in previous seasons which required leadership, confidence and diligence. In my spare time, I enjoy listening to a range of music, going to the gym and socializing. I am a regular reader of the Financial Times, enjoy keeping up with current affairs and business news. I enjoy reading a variety of books, both fiction and non-fiction such as 'Making It Happen' (J. Harvey-Jones) where his common sense approach complements the management theories of more staid texts. This degree will equip me for my career in the unpredictable and fast moving world of commerce. 英文范例4 Personal Statement My interest in finance can be initially traced back to the bestseller entitled Rich Dad, Poor Dad written by Kiyosaki Robert T. and Lechter Sharon L.. Though a ten-year-old boy at that time, I was much fascinated with the economic knowledge conveyed in simple expressions of the book which I read for several times and shared the cases in it with my friends. My motivation to explore the financial world also benefits from my parents both of whom have achieved higher education in finance and engaged in the relevant fields. Having received a rigorous academic training for my past undergraduate study in Renmin University of China, I’m eager to educate myself on an international scale. Finance appeals to me by its extensive and profound nature. As far as I’m concerned, the relationship between finance and economy is akin to that between blood and body. Just as the physical conditions can be reflected from the circulation of blood according to the Chinese medicine, the economic operation of a country can be judged from its financial status, funds flow, etc. My exposures to the professional courses of Money and Banking, Corporate Financing, Macro/Micro Economics, Econometrics, International Finance, and Insurance as well as the mathematical courses such as Mathematical Analysis, Advanced Algebra, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics have enabled me to lay a solid academic foundation of finance. Meanwhile, bearing in mind sound interpersonal skills and hands-on ability are the basic personal qualities required of a successful financial person, I availed myself of various opportunities to undertake practices. I began to invest in the stock market in 2007. In face of the frustrations at the outset, I audited all the courses of security analysis and investment on campus, read a lot of financial magazines and newspapers and consulted some professors and my parents. I was uplifted during such a process, not only in money making, but also in grasping the principles and regulations behind the stock market. I value my experiences in conducting research programs which acted as bridges linking my theoretical knowledge with the larger world where it would be applied. More importantly, I got much enlightenment and inspiration from making presentations, like my presentations regarding the comparison and analysis of appreciations of Yuan and Yen along with the cases of insurances. In these presentations, I tried to arrive at flexible and comprehensive command of complicated knowledge. Besides, I derived self-confidence and sense of joy in immersing myself in the fields where my interests genuinely lay. My other unique assets are attributed to my internships in different units where finance invariably plays an important role.

When I worked in China Foreign Exchange and Trade Centre, I gained a full understanding of the trading systems of commercial banks and raised my own proposals which were soon adopted about their function setting. Meanwhile, I found a trader’s work busy but interesting, which allowed me to see my own strength and weakness gauged with the professionals. I had my professional skills and teamwork spirit honed during my internship in People’s Bank of China where I learned about the functions of the central bank and my prominent performance won recognition from the persons in charge there. Furthermore, my on-the-spot investigations in a goal mine enterprise and a copper mine enterprise allowed me to see other fields where finance matters tremendously through my exposure to the financial conditions, profit resources and development trends of the enterprises. These experiences, combined with my bountiful extracurricular activities such as the volunteer position of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, involvement in organizing exhibitions and shows have prompted me to set my own career goals—compared to the research work, I prefer a more practical career. And I have learned to focus on the way to achieving my goals—to pursue more advanced education in America, the ideal place full of practical opportunities regarding finance and economy as a whole. I have long admired your esteemed university for its significant achievements in the teaching and research of finance. Your program of finance, with its well-structured curriculum, highly-productive faculty as well as a multitude of real-world projects matches my academic background and interest perfectly. I hope to work in a world-class financial institution or a transnational enterprise after the completion of my master program and your diverse student body and strong alumni work will no doubt become a stepping stone leading me to my career goal. Fully prepared and determined, I’m convinced that your university is precisely my starting point.
