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也是无效的。 “


























从前有一个男人和一个女人,他俩一直想要个孩子,可总也得不到。最后,女人只好希 望上帝能赐给她一个孩子。他们家的屋子后面有个小窗户,从那里可以看到一个美丽的花 园,里面长满了奇花异草。可是,花园的周围有一道高墙,谁也不敢进去,因为那个花园属 于一个女巫。这个女巫的法力非常大,世界上人人都怕她。一天,妻子站在窗口向花园望 去,看到一块菜地上长着非常漂亮的莴苣。这些莴苣绿油油、水灵灵的,立刻就勾起了她的 食欲,非常想吃它们。这种欲望与日俱增,而当知道自己无论如何也吃不到的时候,她变得 非常憔悴,脸色苍白,痛苦不堪。她丈夫吓坏了,问她:“亲爱的,你哪里不舒服呀?”

“啊,”她回答,“我要是吃不到我们家后面那个园子里的莴苣,我就会死掉的。”丈夫因 为非常爱她,便想:“与其说让妻子去死,不如给她弄些莴苣来,管它会发生什么事情 呢。”黄昏时分,他翻过围墙,溜进了女巫的花园,飞快地拔了一把莴苣,带回来给她妻子 吃。妻子立刻把莴苣做成色拉,狼吞虎咽地吃了下去。这莴苣的味道真是太好了,第二天她

想吃的莴苣居然比前一天多了两倍。为了满足妻子,丈夫只好决定再次翻进女巫的园子。于 是,黄昏时分,他偷偷地溜进了园子,可他刚从墙上爬下来,就吓了一跳,因为他看到女巫 就站在他的面前。“你好大的胆子,”她怒气冲冲地说,“竟敢溜进我的园子来,像个贼一

样偷我的莴苣!”“唉,”他回答,“可怜可怜我,饶了我吧。我是没办法才做的。我 妻子从窗口看到了你园子中的莴苣,想吃得要命,吃不到就会死掉的。”女巫听了之后气慢 慢消了一些,对他说:“如果事情真像你说的这样,我可以让你随便采多少莴苣,但我有一 个条件:你必须把你妻子将要生的孩子交给我。我会让她过得很好的,而且会像妈妈一样对 待她。”丈夫由于害怕,只好答应女巫的一切条件。妻子刚刚生下孩子,女巫就来了,给孩 子取了个名字叫“莴苣”,然后就把孩子带走了。

“莴苣”慢慢长成了天底下最漂亮的女孩。孩子十二岁那年,女巫把她关进了一座高 塔。这座高塔在森林里,既没有楼梯也没有门,只是在塔顶上有一个小小的窗户。每当女巫 想进去,她就站在塔下叫道:



莴苣姑娘长着一头金丝般浓密的长发。一听到女巫的叫声,她便松开她的发辫,把顶端 绕在一个窗钩上,然后放下来二十公尺。女巫便顺着这长发爬上去。

一两年过去了。有一天,王子骑马路过森林,刚好经过这座塔。这时,他突然听到美妙 的歌声,不由得停下来静静地听着。唱歌的正是莴苣姑娘,她在寂寞中只好靠唱歌来打发时 光。王子想爬到塔顶上去见她,便四处找门,可怎么也没有找到。他回到了宫中,那歌声已 经深深地打动了他,他每天都要骑马去森林里听。一天,他站在一棵树后,看到女巫来了,


“莴苣,莴苣, 把你的头发垂下来。”

莴苣姑娘立刻垂下她的发辫,女巫顺着它爬了上去。王子想:“如果那就是让人爬上去 的梯子,我也可以试试我的运气。”第二天傍晚,他来到塔下叫道:





但是王子和蔼地跟她说话,说他的心如何如何被她的歌声打动,一刻也得不到安宁,非要来 见她。莴苣姑娘慢慢地不再感到害怕,而当他问她愿不愿意嫁给他时,她见王子又年轻又英俊,便想:“这个人肯定会比那教母更喜欢我。”她于是就答应了,并把手伸给王子。她 说:“我非常愿意跟你一起走,可我不知道怎么下去。你每次来的时候都给我带一根丝线 吧,我要用丝线编一个梯子。等到梯子编好了,我就爬下来,你就把我抱到你的马背上。”

因为老女巫总是在白天来,所以他俩商定让王子每天傍晚时来。女巫什么也没有发现,直到 有一天莴苣姑娘问她:“我问你,教母,我拉你的时候怎么总觉得你比那个年轻的王子重得 多?他可是一下子就上来了。”“啊!你这坏孩子!”女巫嚷道,“你在说什么?我还以为 你与世隔绝了呢,却不想你竟然骗了我!”她怒气冲冲地一把抓住莴苣姑娘漂亮的辫子,在 左手上缠了两道,又用右手操起一把剪刀,喳喳喳几下,美丽的辫子便落在了地上。然后,她又狠心地把莴苣姑娘送到一片荒野中,让她凄惨痛苦地生活在那里。




女巫放下头发,王子便顺着爬了上去。然而,他没有见到心爱的莴苣姑娘,却看到女巫 正恶狠狠地瞪着他。“啊哈!”她嘲弄王子说,“你是来接你的心上人的吧?可美丽的鸟儿 不会再在窝里唱歌了。她被猫抓走了,而且猫还要把你的眼睛挖出来。你的莴苣姑娘完蛋 了,你别想再见到她。”王子痛苦极了,绝

望地从塔上跳了下去。他掉进了刺丛里,虽然没 有丧生,双眼却被刺扎瞎了。他漫无目的地在森林里走着,吃的只是草根和浆果,每天都为失去爱人而伤心地痛哭。他就这样痛苦地在森林里转了好几年,最后终于来到了莴苣姑娘受苦的荒野。莴苣姑娘已经生下了一对双胞胎,一个儿子,一个女儿。王子听到有说话的声 音,而且觉得那声音很耳熟,便朝那里走去。当他走近时,莴苣姑娘立刻认出了他,搂着他 的脖子哭了起来。她的两滴泪水润湿了他的眼睛,使它们重新恢复了光明。他又能像从前一 样看东西了。他带着妻子儿女回到自己的王国,受到了人们热烈的欢迎。他们幸福美满地生 活着,直到永远。












“这真是颠峰时刻!”嘟嘟熊嚼着爆米花说,“如果我能站在奥运会的领奖台上,人生就完美了。” “你应该叫‘熊生’吧?”开心虎说,“咱们又不是国家队的选手,连参赛的资格都没有。”

















“因为我听说第一届奥运会赛跑冠军的成绩只有25秒!想想看,跑100米竟然用了25秒,简直比蜗牛还慢!再说,我还带来了秘密武器!” 说着嘟嘟熊亮出了一双花哨的鞋子。

“跑鞋?”开心虎惊讶地说,“人家都光脚,你穿跑鞋,算不算犯规呀?” 我又没吃兴奋剂!”嘟嘟熊还振阵有词。

比赛即将开始,运动员整齐地站在起跑线上。嘟嘟熊望着跑道,眼睛发直。他急忙举手示意,裁判员走过来问:“什么事?” “你们的跑道不标准吧?”嘟嘟熊说,“100米可比这短!”



“预备—跑!” 一声令下,运动员们都冲了出去。嘟嘟熊站在起跑线上大叫:“他们抢跑了,犯规!” 比赛结果,嘟嘟熊得了倒数第一。人类历史上第一个奥运会冠军诞生了,他的名字叫作—克洛斯。嘟嘟熊生气地说:“哼,我比他有明星相!” 开心虎说:“你算了吧,还是看我的吧!”

开心虎也拿来了21世纪的高科技装备:拳王泰森用过的拳击手套。他准备参加拳击比赛,这时,一位肌肉发达的男人向他走来。 “咚”!开心虎出拳如闪电一般,将肌肉男打倒在地!开心虎大喊:“1、2、3??10!我赢了!” “噼里啪啦”,臭鸡蛋烂柿子如雨点般飞来!开心虎被砸得狼狈极了,他急中生智,连忙躲在肌肉男的身后,让他来当挡箭牌。“雨点”终于停了,开心虎咬牙切齿地说:“他们疯了吗,竟敢打冠军?” “你才疯了,”肌肉男说,“本届奥运会只有赛跑一个项目,没有拳击!”



许多动物听说老师有本领,纷纷让孩子去学习。老师说:学东西要坚持下去,不坚持什么也学不会。猴妈妈早早地给小猴报了名。她对小猴说:上课要认真听,知道吗? 小猴说:知道了!他来到学校,看到小兔学写作文,也跟着学。学写作文真难啊!要看书,读卡片,背书,写好词好句……小猴摇摇头说:好难呀,不学了!










(10 points for one story)

class _________ name __________

story one


once there lived a kind and lovely girl. after her father’s death, her stepmother(继母) became cruel(残暴的) to her. her two step-sisters teased (取笑)her, asking her to do all the housework. cruel as her stepmother was to her, cinderella still lived as optimistic(乐观的).she had a lot of animal friends

one day, the king held a party for the prince(王子) to choose the girl he loved. every maid(少女) in the town was invited to the party. the stepmother took her two daughters to the party leaving cinderella at home, because she was jealous(妒忌) of cinderella’s beauty. cinderella was broken-hearted. at that time, her fairy godmother(恩人) appeared. cinderella put on the glass shoes to the party. at the party, cinderella danced with the prince all the time. it was almost midnight, cinderella ran away without a shoe. finally, the prince found cinderella, they held a grand wedding and they had a happy life from then on.

choose the best answer

() 1. what do you think of cinderella?

a. kind and lovelyb. cruelc. optimisticd. both a and c () 2. cinderella’s step-sisters asked cinderella to do________

a. all the homeworkb. all the houseworkc. nothingd. all the work () 3. the king held a party for the prince to__________

a. choose a daughterb choose a. boyc. choose a sond. choose a girl () 4. who helped cinderella go to the party?

a. her motherb. her friendsc. fairy godmother. d. her stepmother () 5. cinderella and prince ____________and had a happy life.

a. had a good time b. had a birthday party. c .had a grand wedding d. had a party story two


a very long time ago there lived a queen who had a beautiful daughter named snow-white. when the girl was very young, her mother died. then the king married another queen who was a witch(巫婆) in fact.

the queen often asked the magic mirror(魔镜) “which is the most beautiful woman?” the magic mirror used to answer, “you’re the prettiest.(最美)”when snow-white was still in her childhood, everything went well.

then snow-white grew up. one day, the queen asked the magic mirror once more, “who is the most beautiful?” the magic mirror answered, “snow-white is the most beautiful girl.” the queen got very angry and ordered a hunter to kill snow-white. the hunter felt such a pity for the girl that he gave a deer heart to the queen and told her that he had killed the princess.(公主)

snow-white found a small house in the forest. there were seven beds in the house. she put the small beds together and slept on them. later, the owners of the house, the lilliputians (小矮人)came home. after the princess told the lilliputians about

her experience, the lilliputians decided to protect her.

the queen got to know what had happened in the forest and was extremely(极其) angry. she vowed(誓言) to put the princess to death. she was dressed up as an old farmer’s wife and wanted the princess to eat an apple, half of which was poisonous. and snow-white princess died.

when the lilliputians found the princess dead, they put her body into a glass coffin(棺材).no sooner a prince who rode a white house saw snow-white ,then he began to live her. he took the apple out of the girl’s mouth. the princess opened her eyes. the prince and the princess had their wedding, but the queen died of illness. choose the best answer

() 6. a queen had a beautiful daughter named________

a. snow-writeb. snow-whitec. write-snowd. white-snow () 7. who was the prettiest when snow-white was still in her childhood.

a. snow-whiteb. the king c. the witch queend. the lilliputians () 8. why did the witch queen order the hunter to kill snow-white?

a. because the magic mirror said that the queen was the prettiest. b. because the magic mirror said that snow-white was the prettiest. c. because the magic mirror said that the hunter loved snow-white.

d. because the magic mirror said that snow-white didn’t love the queen. () 9. there were ________lilliputians in the house.

a. six b. two c. ten d. seven() 10._________ lived snow-white.

a. the witch queen b. the lilliputians c. the kingd. a prince

story three

wishes (祝愿)

a long time ago and far away there lived a king and a queen. they were very happy, for their first child, a girl had been born. “we must have a grand christening(洗礼仪式) for her.” said the king, who was delighted(高兴) to have a daughter. we must invite all the fairies(神仙) of the kingdom to bless her.” said the queen. “how many are there now? asked the king. “twelve or thirteen,” said his wife. “send the invitations, well soon find out.

there were twelve fairies, and they were all sent invitations.

the day was sunny and bright. the princess was named brian rose and the fairies began to give their gifts.

“she shall be beautiful.” said the first. “she shall be wise.” said the second. “she shall be good.” said the third. “she shall be kind.” said the fourth. the princess had twelve wishes.

choose the best answer

() 11. the king’s ________child was a girl.

a. first b. second c. thirdd. fourth

() 12. the king and the queen were delighted so they wanted to ___________

a. have a good partyb. have a grand christening c. have a good rest d. have a good time

() 13. they invited twelve _________to bless the princess. a. farmers b fairies c. fathers d. friends () 14. what was the weather like on that day?

a. windy b. snowy c. sunny d. rainy () 15. the first wish for brian rose was_________ a. she should be wise.b. she should be beautiful c. she should be kind d. she should be good

story four

a rich man begging for a goat(富人讨羊)

there was once a rich man in the state of chu(楚国) who kept ninety-nine goats in his house. he had always wanted to add an extra goat to make it a hundred. so he visited every town and village, asking for help from his relatives and others.

there was a poor man in the neighbourhood who had only one goat in his house. the rich man visited him and pleaded(请求), “i already have ninety-nine goats. now if you give me yours, i can make it a hundred.”

choose the best answer

() 16. the story happened _____________

a. in the state of weib. in the state of chuc. in the state of qind. in the state of yan () 17. the rich man kept____________

a. ninety goats b. ninety-nine sheep c. ninety houses d. ninety-nine goats () 18. the rich man wanted to add an extra goat to__________ a. make it a thousand b. make it ninety-nine c. make it a hundred d. make it ninety

() 19. who had only one goat in his house?

a. the rich manb. the rich man’s relatives

c. a poor man living far away from the rich mand. a poor man living near the rich man

() 20. what did the rich man do at last?

a. he pleaded the poor man to give the only goat to him.b. he gave all the goats to the poor man. c. he gave one goat to the poor man d. he killed the goat. story five

two brothers (两兄弟)

once upon a time, two brothers were engaged(从事) in the farming business.

one year, the siblings(同胞) decided to join forces(力量) in a paddy(水稻田)-growing effort. every day, the brothers woke up early to work hard in the field. finally, the harvesting season arrived.

the siblings started to discuss how they would share the crop. the elder brother said, “i’ll take the upper(上) part, you can take the lower(下) part.”

the younger brother was taken aback as he felt that it was unfair(不公平). he protested against(反对) such a method (方法)of sharing.

then the elder brother said, “no problem. next year, you can take the upper part and i’ll take the lower part. wouldn’t it be fair?”

the younger one had no choice but to follow what his brother suggested(建议).the following year, when the younger brother pushed the elder brother to sow(播种) the seeds, the latter said, “let’s plant taros(芋头) this year!

choose the best answer

() 21. two brothers were engaged__________

a. in the businessb. in the farming business c. in the flower business d. on the farming business () 22. what did the siblings do one year?

a. they planted trees togetherb. they lived together

c. they decided to join forces in a paddy-growing effort d. they played in the field.

() 23. how would they share the crop?

a. the elder brother would take the upper part and the younger one would take the lower part.

b. the elder brother would take the lower part and the younger one would take the upper part.

c. they decided to have a half each

d. the elder brother would take all the crop.

() 24. the younger brother felt that________________

a. the method of sharing was fair b. the method of sharing was unfair

c. the method of sharing was good d. he had choice to follow the suggestion () 25. what did they plant the following year?

a. cropb. tarosc. treesd. seedsstory six

a pair of shoes(一双鞋)

once upon a time, there were two brothers who were very poor indeed.

one day, they decided to share the cost of a pair of shoes. both of them agreed that the elder brother would wear the shoes in the daytime while the younger brother would use the shoes at night.

during the daytime, the elder brother wandered around (到处跑)with the shoes. he thought that only walking around in this pair of shoes for the whole day would make it worth(值) his share.

at night, the younger brother took his turn. just like his brother, he thought he should make full use of the shoes too. so from dusk(傍晚) till dawn(黎明), the younger brother wandered around in the shoes, without sleeping or stopping for a while. not surprisingly(毫不惊讶), he soon fell ill.

and the pair of shoes, used continuously(继续) by the two brothers, was worn out very quickly.

the elder brother suggested buying another pair of new shoes, but the younger brother said, “brother, you may buy the shoes for yourself. i prefer to walk barefoot (光脚))and be able to sleep at night.”

true (t) or false (f)

() 26. there were two brothers who were very rich .

() 27. during the daytime, the elder brother wandered around with the shoes. () 28. at night, the elder brother took his turn. () 29. the two brother all fell ill.

() 30. the younger brother preferred to walk barefoot and wasn’t able to sleep at night.”

story seven

the hungry wolf that waited(饿狼的一夜)

one night, a hungry wolf wandered(游荡) into the backyard of a farmer’s house. he went around the place quietly, hoping to find something to eat.

suddenly he heard the cry of a little girl from the house and the girl’s mother yelling(大喊), “stop it! if you cry again, i’ll let the wolf in to eat you!” the little girl kept on crying. the wolf was delighted高兴). he trusted(相信) the

woman’s words and he waited patiently(耐心) outside. until midnight, the little girl kept on sobbing(抽泣) but the mother did not open the door to let the wolf in. the wolf continued waiting.

when the wolf ran back to his cave(洞), the female wolf asked, “why do you look so tired and hungry. where have you been?”

the wolf said, “not a word any more(别提了)! i was cheated (欺骗)by a woman’s words!” true (t) or false (f)

() 31. a hungry wolf wandered into the backyard of my father’s house. () 32. the girl’s mother wanted the wolf to eat the girl.

() 33. the little girl kept on crying though her mother asked her to stop

() 34. when the wolf ran back to his cave, the female wolf asked something about it.

() 35. the wolf was cheated by a woman’s words.story eight

the three-year-old man(三岁的老人)

one day, a king went out of his palace(宫殿) to look around the countryside. he met an old man who was busy planting some trees.

the king asked. “how old are you now? why are you here doing such hard work?” the old man answered, “your majesty(陛下), i’m only three years old.”

the king was taken aback(惊讶) by his reply. he said,” nonsense(胡说)! you look at least eighty years old!”

the old man said, “your majesty, you are actually(确实) right! however, in my eighty years of life, i have wasted(浪费) seventy-seven years without doing anything worthwhile except to eat, drink and have fun. only lately, in the last(最近) three years, i have realized that in life, one should do something for others. however, i do not have any money now. what i can do is to plant some trees, hoping to let others enjoy the shade(荫) and then the fruits later on. therefore, i said i am only three years old because i have wasted the earlier years.’”

true (t) or false (f)

() 36. the men was only three years old.

() 37. a king met an old man who was busy planting some trees. () 38. the king agreed with his reply.

() 39. the old man said he was only three years old because he had wasted the earlier years.’”

() 40. the king was impressed by the old man’s present attitude to life. story nine

it tastes delicious(味道好极了)

once there was a fool who was invited to a friend’s house for a meal. his friend asked him how he felt about the dishes. he shook(摇) his head and said, “tasteless!” the host()主人) brought in the salt jar(罐) and added a pinch(一撮) of salt to every dish.

the foolish man tasted the food again and said, “delicious! what did you add?” “just a pinch of salt,” answered the host.

on his way home, the foolish man thought, “when the food does not taste good, a little bit of salt will make it better. if i were to add more, it would taste even better!” when the foolish man went home, he took out the salt jar, and added salt to every
