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1, hijack ['haid??k]

n. 劫持;威逼;敲诈

vt. 抢劫;揩油

vi. 拦路抢劫

hijack: 劫机|劫机事件|抢劫

IFEO hijack: 映像劫持

Hijack Outdoor: 户外劫持

2, overshadow [,?uv?'??d?u]

vt. 使失色;使阴暗;遮阴;夺去的光彩

overshadow: 使相形见绌|遮蔽|投上阴影

GetWord("overshadow"): 使相形见绌

3, amplified ['?mplifai]

adj. 放大的;扩充的

v. 放大;详述(amplify的过去分词)

amplified: 放大的|扩大,详述|被放大的

amplified verification: 扩大核查

amplified telephone: 扩音电话

4, signalled ['sign?ld]

adj. 暗示的;告知的

v. 标志着(signal的过去分词形式);给发信号;用信号传递

signalled: 告知|向...发射|成为预兆

track signalled in both directions: 双向信号线路

track signalled in one direction: 单向信号线路

5, Saudi Arabia

n. 沙特阿拉伯

Saudi Arabia: 沙乌地阿拉伯|沙特|沙地阿拉伯

Saud av Saudi-Arabia: 沙特·本·阿卜杜勒-阿齐兹·阿勒沙特

SaudiArabia--Riyadh: 沙特阿拉伯-利雅得

6, Jewish ['d?u:i?]

adj. 犹太人的;犹太族的

Jewish: 犹太人的|犹太教|犹太语

Jewish cowboy: 犹太牛仔

Jewish Talmud: 塔木德经|犹太法典

7, palestinian [,p?lis'tini?n]

n. 巴勒斯坦人

adj. 巴勒斯坦的;巴勒斯坦人的

Palestinian: 巴勒斯坦人|巴勒斯坦|巴勒斯坦的

Palestinian canon: 巴勒斯坦正典

Palestinian Talmud: 巴勒斯坦塔木德

8, Venezuela [,veni'zweil?]

n. 委内瑞拉

VENEZUELA: 委内瑞拉|委內瑞拉|委瑞内拉

Streptomyces venezuela: 由委内瑞拉链霉菌|链丝菌

venezuela": 委内瑞拉的平顶山区

9, Islamization [,izl?mai'zei??n]

n. 伊斯兰化

Islamization: 伊斯兰化

re-Islamization: 再伊斯兰化

10, emblem of


Fire Emblem Path Of Radiance: 火焰之纹章 苍炎的轨迹|火焰之纹章-苍炎之轨迹 Fire Emblem Sword of Flame Premium SoundTrack: 火焰之纹章 烈火之剑

Fire Emblem Genealogy of Holy War: 火焰之纹章 圣战之系谱

11, axis ['?ksis]

n. 轴;轴线;轴心国

Axis: 坐标轴|轴向|轴线

Axis Guide: 轴套

neutral axis: 中性轴|中和轴|中性轴,中和轴

12, philosophy [fi'l?s?fi, f?-]

n. 哲学;哲理;人生观

philosophy: 哲学|哲学系|哲学类

Marketing philosophy: 营销理念|营销哲学

Operation philosophy: 经营理念

13, facilitate [f?'siliteit]

vt. 促进;帮助;使容易

facilitate: 使便利|帮助|促进

Facilitate trade: 便于贸易

facilitate vt: 帮助 促进

14, elegant ['eliɡ?nt]

adj. 高雅的,优雅的;讲究的

elegant: 幽雅的|高雅的|文雅,高雅的

Elegant simplicity: 雅致朴素

elegant solution: 优质解|柔性攻击|丰田创新管理之道

15, Brussels ['br?slz]

n. 布鲁塞尔(比利时首都)

Brussels: 布鲁塞尔|比利时|布魯塞爾

Brussels system: 布鲁塞尔系统,通用十进制系统|通用十进制系统

SN Brussels: 布鲁塞尔航空公司

16, eu

abbr. 欧盟(European Union);能量单位(Energy Unit);熵的单位(Entropy Unit);等效单位(Equivalent Unit)

EU: Execution Unit|Endotoxin unit

EU Flower: 欧盟之花

eu-: 好,正常,优,真|好、优、佳|优 ,美好

17, calm [kɑ:m, kɑ:lm]

n. 风平浪静

vt. 使平静;使镇定

adj. 静的,平静的;沉着的

vi. 平静下来;镇定下来

calm: 使平静,使镇定|风平浪静|另一种平静

dead calm: 风平浪静|航越地平线|完全无风

calm down: 平静下来|镇定下来|平静

18, chile ['t?ili]

n. 红番椒,辣椒的一种;辣椒酱

CHILE: 智利|辣椒|智利 智利 智利

CL Chile: 智利

chile sauce: 辣酱油|辣味番茄沙司

19, leaks

n. 泄漏,渗漏(leak的复数)

v. 泄漏;渗(leak的单三形式)

leaks: 泄漏|失禁|爆破

air leaks: 漏气

Refrigerant leaks: 制冷剂泄漏

20, house of parliament


House of Parliament: 国会大厦|议会大厦|(英国)议会两院

xiàyuàn] lower house (of parliament): 下院 下院

the House of Parliament: 议会大厦

21, ideology [,aidi'?l?d?i, ,idi-]

n. 意识形态;思想意识;观念学

ideology: 意识形态|意识型态|观念学


tripartite ideology: 三分意识形态

22, target to


target-to-background ratio: 释义:靶本底比值

TAD Target-to-axis Distance: 靶轴距

23, infrastructure ['infr?,str?kt??]

n. 基础设施;公共建设;下部构造

infrastructure: 基础设施|基本建设|基础建设

infrastructure construction: 基础设施|基础设施建设|基础建设

electrical infrastructure: 电气基础设施

24, elaborate [i'l?b?r?t, i'l?b?reit]

adj. 精心制作的;详尽的;煞费苦心的

vt. 精心制作;详细阐述;从简单成分合成(复杂有机物)

vi. 详细描述;变复杂

elaborate: 使扩大,完美,复杂|精心制作的|详尽的

elaborate on: 详细说明|阐明|详细谈论

elaborate embroidery: 掺针绣

25, Argentine ['ɑ:d??ntain; -ti:n]

adj. 阿根廷的;银的

n. 阿根廷人;银

Argentine: 阿根廷|银色的|银的

Argentine merino: 阿根廷美利奴毛

metal argentine: 银色锡基餐具合金

26, guilty ['ɡilti]

adj. 有罪的;内疚的

GUILTY: 原罪|有罪的|基鲁提

Guilty Gear: 罪恶装备|圣骑士之战|罪恶工具

Something guilty: 也有些罪过|几分愧疚|这是罪过

27, moratorium [,m?r?'t?:ri?m, ,m?:-]

n. 暂停,中止;延期偿付

moratorium: 延缓履行|冻结|延期付款命令

adolescence moratorium: 青年期延缓

moratorium area: 限制发展范围|限制发展范围 房屋地政

28, protests

n. 抗议(protest的复数)

v. 抗议;反对(protest的三单形式)

protests: 抗议|第十一章 抗议|尖声

Dongzhou protests: 汕尾惨案|汕尾流血事件|汕尾市东洲镇电厂征地赔偿纠纷 Republic Protests: 共和示威

29, nomination [,n?mi'nei??n]

n. 任命,提名;提名权

nomination: 提名|任命|委任

invalid nomination: 提名无效|提名无效-----

Nomination Cargo: 指定(指派)货

30, JumpStart ['d??mp,sta:t]

vt. 安装;引进

JumpStart: 郑明俊|启动|引进

Project JumpStart: 跨越式增长计划

Jumpstart宠物营救: Jump Start Pet Rescue

31, cradle ['kreidl]

n. 摇篮;发源地;发祥地;支船架

vt. 抚育;把...搁在支架上;把...放在摇篮内

cradle: 送料架|摇篮|摇台

Cradle Song: 摇篮曲|催眠曲|(摇篮曲 ) 开始播放

Cradle Mount: 克雷德尔山

32, vaccine ['v?ksi:n]

adj. 疫苗的;牛痘的

n. 疫苗;牛痘苗

vaccine: 疫苗|菌苗|疫苗的

influenza vaccine: 流感疫苗|流感预防疫苗|流行性感冒疫苗

combined vaccine: 联合疫苗|混合疫苗|混合菌苗

33, parcel ['pɑ:sl]

n. 包裹,小包

vt. 打包;捆扎

34, prudent ['pru:d?nt]

adj. 谨慎的;节俭的;精明的

35, pharmacy ['fɑ:m?si]

n. 药房;制药业;配药学,药剂学;一批备用药品

36, synthesis ['sinθisis]

n. 综合,合成;综合体

37, merchandise ['m?:t??ndaiz, -dais]

n. 商品;货物

vt. 买卖;推销

vi. 经商

38, diarrhea [,dai?'ri?]

n. 腹泻,痢疾

39, vomiting

v. 呕吐(vomit的ing形式)

40, conspiracy [k?n'spir?si]

n. 阴谋;共谋;阴谋集团

41, tie the knot


tie the knot: 打结(结婚)|结婚|喜结良缘

tie the nuptial knot: 喜结良缘

Tie the Knot at Sea: 海上婚礼

42, intrusive [in'tru:siv]

adj. 侵入的;打扰的

intrusive: 侵入的|贯入体|打扰的

discordant intrusive: 不整合侵入岩体

intrusive vein: 侵入脉|侵入岩脉

43, screenings ['skri:ni?z]

n. 筛后残余的物;筛屑;残渣

screenings: 筛屑|筛选过的物质|筛渣,浆渣

chemical screenings: 化学浆筛渣

screenings board: 浆渣纸板

44, evaporated [i'v?p?reitid]

adj. 浓缩的;脱水的;蒸发干燥的

v. 蒸发;消失(evaporate的过去式);失去水分

Evaporated: 炼乳|挥发后|浓缩的, 脱水的, 蒸发干燥的

evaporated milk: 脱脂牛奶|炼乳|花奶/淡奶/奶水/蒸发奶/蒸发奶水 evaporated latex: 蒸发橡浆|蒸浓胶乳|蒸发胶乳 英文:

45, tackle ['t?kl]

vt. 处理;抓住;固定;与交涉

vi. 扭倒;拦截抢球

n. 滑车;装备;用具;扭倒



accept - v. to agree to receive 接受

accident - n. something that happens by chance or mistake; an unplanned event 事故

accuse - v. to say a person is responsible for an act or crime; to make a statement

against someone 指责英[??kju:z] 美[??kjuz]

activist - n. one who seeks change through action 激进分子英[??ktivist] 美


administration - n. the executive part of a government, usually headed by a president or prime minister 政府

admit - v. to accept ("admitted to the United Nations"); to express one's guilt or responsibility ("He admitted that what he did was wrong.") 承认

adult - n. a grown person 成人

advise - v. to help with information, knowledge or ideas in making a decision 建议

affect - v. to produce an effect on; to influence ("A lack of sleep affected the singer's

performance.") 影响

agency - n. an organization that is part of a larger group ("an agency of the United

Nations") 机构英[?eid??nsi] [?ed??nsi]

aggression - n. an attack against a person or country; the violation of a country's

borders 侵略

agriculture - n. farming 农业

air force - n. a military organization using airplanes 空军

album - n. a collection of recorded music 歌集英[??lb?m] [??lb?m]

alcohol - n. a strong, colorless liquid, usually made from grain, used as a drug or in

industrial products 酒精英[??lk??h?l] [??lk??h?l, -?hɑl]

ally - n. a nation or person joined with another for a special purpose 联合体 ambassador - n. a nation's highest diplomatic representative (to another government) 大使

amend - v. to add to or to change (a proposal or law) 修正

ammunition - n. the bullets or shells fired from guns 弹药

anarchy - n. a lack of order; lawlessness 无政府状态

ancestor - n. a family member from the past 祖先

ancient - ad. very old; long ago 远古的

anniversary - n. a yearly celebration or observance of an event that happened in the

past 周年

announce - v. to make known publicly; to declare officially 宣布

apologize - v. to express regret for a mistake or accident for which one accepts responsibility 致歉

appeal - v. to take to a higher court, person or group for a decision; to call on somebody for help 上诉;呼吁

appear - v. to show oneself; to come into sight; to seem 出现

appoint - v. to name; to choose ("appoint a judge") 任命

approve - v. to agree with; to agree to support 赞成

archeology - n. the scientific study of past human life and activities 考古学 argue - v. to offer reasons for or against something; to dispute; to disagree 争论

arms - n. military equipment; weapons 兵器

arrest - v. to seize a person for legal action; to take as a prisoner 逮捕 artillery - n. big guns 炮

assist - v. to help 帮助

astronaut - n. a person who travels in space 宇航员

astronomy - n. the scientific study of stars and the universe 天文学

asylum - n. political protection given by a government to a person from another country 政治庇护

atmosphere - n. the gases surrounding any star or planet 大气层

attach - v. to tie together; to connect 系上;连接

attack - n. a violent attempt to damage, injure or kill; v. to start a fight 袭击 attempt - v. to work toward something; to try; to make an effort 尝试

attend - v. to be present at 出席

automobile - n. a vehicle with wheels used to carry people; a car 汽车 average - n. something (a number) representing the middle; ad. common; normal 平均,平常

avoid - v. to stay away from 避免

award - n. an honor or prize for an act or service 奖励


balance - v. to make two sides or forces equal 平衡

balloon - n. a device of strong, light material that rises when filled with gas lighter

than air 气球

ballot - n. a piece of paper used for voting 选票

ban - v. to not permit; to stop; n. an official restriction 禁止

bar - v. to prevent or block 禁止,阻碍

barrier - n. anything that blocks or makes an action difficult 障碍

base - n. a military center 军营; v. to establish as a fact 基于 ("Her research was based on


battle - n. a fight between opposing armed forces 战斗

beat - v. to hit again and again 击打

betray - v. to turn against; to be false to 背叛

bill - n. a legislative proposal 议案

biology - n. the scientific study of life or living things in all their forms 生物学 blame - v. to accuse; to hold responsible 责备

block - v. to stop something from being done; to prevent movement 堵塞,阻碍

bomb - n. a device that explodes with great force 炸弹; v. to attack or destroy with

bombs 炸弹袭击

border - n. a dividing line between nations 边界

boycott - v. to refuse to take part in or deal with 联合抵制

brief - ad. short; not long 简短的

broadcast - v. to send information, stories or music by radio or television; n. a radio

or television program 广播

brown - ad. having the color like that of coffee 褐色的

budget - n. a spending plan 预算

bullet - n. a small piece of metal shot from a gun 子弹

burst - v. to break open suddenly 爆裂

business - n. one's work; buying and selling to earn money; trade 工作,商业


cabinet - n. a group of ministers that helps lead a government 内阁

camp - n. a place with temporary housing 露营

campaign - n. a competition by opposing political candidates seeking support from

voters; a connected series of military actions during a war 活动

cancel - v. to end; to stop 取消

cancer - n. a disease in which dangerous cells grow quickly and destroy parts of the

body 癌症

candidate - n. a person who seeks or is nominated for an office or an honor 候


capitalism - n. an economic system in which the production of most goods and services is owned and operated for profit by private citizens or companies 资本主义

capture - v. to make a person or animal a prisoner; to seize or take by force; to get

control of 捕获

case (court) - n. a legal action 案例

case (medical) - n. an incident of disease ("There was only one case of

chicken pox

at the school.") 病例

cause - v. to make happen; n. the thing or person that produces a result 导致 ceasefire - n. a halt in fighting, usually by agreement 停火协议

celebrate - v. to honor a person or event with special activities 庆祝

ceremony - n. an act or series of acts done in a special way established by tradition 仪式

chairman - n. a person leading a meeting or an organized group 主席 champion - n. the best; the winner 冠军

charge - v. to accuse someone of something, usually a crime 控诉; n. a statement in

which someone is accused of something 指控

chase - v. to run or go after someone or something 追逐

cheer - v. to shout approval or praise 欢呼

chemicals - n. elements found in nature or made by people; substances used in the

science of chemistry 化学物质

chemistry - n. the scientific study of substances, what they are made of, how they

act under different conditions, and how they form other substances

1. chief - n. the head or leader of a group 首领; ad. leading; most important 主要的

civilian - ad. not military 平民

civil rights - n. the political, economic and social rights given equally to all people of

a nation 公民权力

claim - v. to say something as a fact 声明

clash - n. a battle 冲突; v. to fight or oppose 发生冲突

clergy - n. a body of officials within a religious organization 神职人员

climate - n. the normal weather conditions of a place 气候

coal - n. a solid black substance used as fuel 煤

coalition - n. forces, groups or nations joined together 联盟

coast - n. land on the edge of the ocean 海岸

colony - n. land controlled by another country or government 殖民地

combine - v. to mix or bring together 联合,结合

command - v. to order; to have power over something 命令

comment - v. to say something about; to express an opinion about something 评论

committee - n. a group of people given special work 委员会

communicate - v. to tell; to give or exchange information 交流,通信

community - n. a group of people living together in one place or area 社区 compare - v. to examine what is different or similar 对比

compete - v. to try to do as well as, or better than, another or others 竞争 complex - ad. of or having many parts that are difficult to understand; not simple 复杂的

compromise - n. the settlement of an argument where each side agrees to accept

less than first demanded 折衷

concern - n. interest, worry ("express concern about") ; v. to fear ("to be concerned") 关注,关心

condemn - v. to say a person or action is wrong or bad 遣责

condition - n. something declared necessary to complete an agreement 条件; a person's

health 身体状况

conference - n. a meeting 会议

confirm - v. to approve; to say that something is true 确定

conflict - n. a fight; a battle, especially a long one 冲突

congratulate - v. to praise a person or to express pleasure for success or good luck 祝贺

Congress - n. the organization of people elected to make the laws of the United

States (the House of Representatives and the Senate); a similar organization in other countries 议会

conservative - n. one who usually supports tradition and opposes great change 保守派

constitution - n. the written general laws and ideas that form a nation's system of

government 宪法

contain - v. to hold; to include 包容

container - n. a box, bottle or can used to hold something 容器

continent - n. any of the seven great land areas of the world 大陆

control - v. to direct; to have power over 控制

convention - n. a large meeting for a special purpose 大会

cooperate - v. to act or work together 合作

court - n. where trials take place; where judges make decisions about law 法院

crash - v. to fall violently; to hit with great force 碰撞,坠毁

create - v. to make; to give life or form to 创造

creature - n. any living being; any animal or human 生物
