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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-09-20 12:19:41 | 移动端:美语咖啡屋


[美语咖啡屋]第52课:Jason, A Cafe Visit

J: Hello, I'm Jody! Welcome to American Cafe!

Y: 大家好!我是杨晨,欢迎到美语咖啡屋!我们今天要来到了街对面的那架咖啡馆。 我们今天要采访Jason他是这架咖啡馆的一个雇员。我们先谈谈咖啡文化对美国人来说意味是什么。

J: Now we're here with Jason who works at a cafe. And we're to talk to him about what he sees in the Cafe culture in American.

Jason: My name is Jason and we are in Rockville, Maryland, which is a suburb of Washington, D.C. - the nation's capital actually.

Jody: So, Jason, what do you see people doing when they come into this cafe?

Jason: There are all sorts of things. We have people that just come in get a cup of coffee and go. We have people that, that linger and talk. Some that read and do crossword puzzles, read books. It's really a wide, wide ... portrait of the community. It's all different kinds of people really. But it gives people vibrancy, friendship, and community. It's a local outreach. It's many many different things to many people.

Y: 就是,我觉得很多人来咖啡馆不仅是来喝咖啡。有的是来跟人聊天儿,还有的人坐在那儿看书,看报纸。其实他们是绝对要享受咖啡馆的气氛。 J: The atmosphere is so important. It's just a great place to hang out. Jason explains that he's only worked here two months after leaving a high-stress consulting job. Let's hear about the reason why he chose to work at a cafe over a high paying, high stress job.Y: 对,他原来在一家咨询公司工作。工资很高,但是他也说工作是 "high stress" - 就是压力非常大。那么我们就听听在咖啡馆工作有什么享受。 Jason: You know, I've actually only worked here about two and a half months. And for about 15 years I worked in a very high stress consulting environment. And decided to make a change to specifically come into a cafe atmosphere. You know, while I don't

make as much money as I once did, my quality of life and happiness level have certainly increased exponentially.

Y: 我得问问Jason是不是有的人常常到这个咖啡馆来,叫他们是 "regular customer."

J: "Regulars" are people who come everyday or sometimes many times a day. Again, here's Jason.

Jason: Oh, ab...absolutely! One of the joys of working here is getting to know people. And we have people that come in daily and

sometimes multiple times a day. So, it's very fun. It's more than a place to come and get a drink and a muffin. It really is

community-oriented in many ways and...and person-oriented. It's more personable than a normal commerce situation.

Y: 我想一定有很多人,特别是在周围工作的人,他们常到这个咖啡馆来。一个是方便,再一个这里给他们一种亲切的感觉。那么这些顾客我们叫他们是regulars。

J: It's a great feeling to become a regular at a place, especially a coffee shop, because the people who work there know your name and they know what you like. And it's easy to become friends.

Y: 对他刚才说有的人一天来好几次。我想这些人一天来好几次,那他们的目的恐怕不光是为了一杯咖啡,可能是想来跟Jason聊聊天儿。

J: And community which is something Jason also talked about -

having a place to go where people know your name. That's a great feeling. Now, let's here again from Jason

Jason: I think it's very important because there's something about a hot cup of coffee, or even a cold one, but especially a hot coffee or hot tea that ... that brings people to just slow down maybe for a few minutes during the day and sit down without guilt and be able to just relax and read the paper or talk to a friend or even a stranger. Y: 到一个咖啡馆有一种让人轻松的气氛就是Jason刚才谈一谈到- "slow you down." 那到咖啡馆坐一会儿喝一杯自己喜欢的咖啡是一件很惬意的事。

J: Cafes are just a great place to start your day, to come in the middle of your day or to end your day. You can hang out with friends, relax, read a book ... they're just great places.

Y: 没错,这个咖啡馆你可以早上来,你可以午休的时候来,也可以在下午下了班以后回家之前在来,任何时间来都会让你放松。你喝一杯又香又浓咖啡和你的朋友在咖啡馆聊天儿,看一本书,读一读报纸,非常的享受。

J: If you have a cafe, you have community and you a place where you can slow down.

Y: 对,生活是很紧张的。那么这个咖啡馆是一个让你放松的地方。

J: Well, that's it for American Cafe. Thank you so much for visiting our American Cafe.

Y: 谢谢大家收听我们的美语咖啡屋。希望我们有一天能在咖啡馆碰见你! J: Hope to see you next time at American Cafe.

[美语咖啡屋]第51课:Lead Singer...

Y: 大家好,我是杨晨。 欢迎您到美语咖啡屋。

J: Hello everyone, I'm Jody! Welcome to American Cafe!

Y: Jody,我们现在听的是什么音乐?

J: What? I can't hear you?

Y: 我在问你这是什么音乐?

J: Wait a minute. Let me turn the music down. What did you say? Y: 我问你这是什么音乐,听上去有点儿象乡村音乐,又有点儿象摇滚乐。 J: It's a band called Southern Culture on the Skids. SCOTS for

short. And you're right. They mix many styles of music together to make their own original sound. Isn't it great?

Y: 这是他们自己创作的音乐?能不能给我们介绍这个乐队是什么时候成立的? J: Oh, sure. SCOTS started out in 1984 down in North Carolina at the University of North Carolina - UNC for short.

Y: 我想他们一定是因为非常热爱音乐才成立了这个乐队。是不是?

J: Well, actually Rick, the lead singer, said it was a great way to get free beer and meet girls in college. But I'm sure they love

music. Now, let's welcome Rick, the lead singer of SCOTS. Rick Miller: SCOTS started out in 1984 as just a way to make, ah, well, actually a way to get free beer and meet some girls while we were in college. Practicing, actually, at the Art Lab at UNC (un)'til the dean of students kicked us out. So, right away, rock-n-roll!

Y: 这帮人,太不像话了。原来是因为喜欢喝啤酒,勾引女孩子才成立了一个乐队。哎, Jody, 这个SCOTS到底是一个什么样的乐队呢?

J: SCOTS is like a garage band that sometimes comes out of the garage to perform around the world.

Y: Garage band, 我喜欢这个名字。Garage Band就是车库乐队。你得解释一下这个什么叫做车库乐队呢。

J: See, many teenagers want to be a rock-n-roll star or any music star. But parents don't want to hear bad music playing in the house.

Y: 没错, 一个初学者他技术肯定不太好;没人想听他们练习的时候那种很刺耳的声音。

J: Exactly, they're just beginning. So, the family garage outside of the house where the car usually goes becomes the place where teenagers practice being a musician without bothering the parents.

Y: 对,车库是一个练习音乐的好地方。这样你就不会吵到你们家里人,因为车库就是停车的地方。

J: Garage band has come to mean amateur, not professional, music.Y: 对, 一般说起来这个garage band就说他们是业余也不是专业的乐队。这么说起来,这个SCOTS一开始的时候是典型的garage band, 后来他们慢慢儿发展成一个专业的乐队。

J: Exactly. But the members of SCOTS still feel that they are a garage band at heart. The true essence of rock-n-roll. Again here's Rick.Rick: We never really got out of the garage. And when we get out of the garage it's, like you know, to drive around the world, you know, to

go play. No, I love garage music. I think that's the true essence of rock-n-roll.

Y: Rick刚才提到garage music. 我想我们应该举个例子来说明什么叫做garage music.

J: Sounds good to me! Let's hear a bit of "Soulful Garage," a song Rick calls "a great garage soul song."

Rick: "Soulful Garage" is great 'cause that's a real mix when you think of what we are. It's kinda ... that really is a garage soul song.

Y: 对了,听他们的音乐以后,能更好帮助人们理解什么叫做garage music. J: I think so.

Y: 那Jody你喜欢他们的 音乐吗?

J: I think it's great especially because it's so fun. It screws with the usual formulas. You know, messes them up. You don't know what to expect!

Y: 对,他们的音乐听起来摇滚的味道、乡村音乐的味道、还有流行音乐的味道, 可以说是很多音乐风格融合在一起。

J: And SCOTS takes traditional country sounds and rock sounds and morphs them, or changes them, into something original, something Rick calls "hillbilly surf sound." Again here's Rick.

Rick: What I like to do is just kinda (of) screw things up a little bit. You know, you gotta screw with the formula and it becomes something else. You know, it morphs into something

else. Something that we can kind of call our own. You know, it's that hillbilly surf sound.

Y: Hillbilly surf sound, 这个没法儿翻成中文。我想着一定是Rick自己独创出来的一个名词。

J: You got that right. I think the best way, Yang Chen, is just to play more music.

Y: 喜欢大家喜欢他们的音乐。好,谢谢大家收听美语咖啡屋。 我们下次节目再见!

J: Thanks for joining us at American Cafe!


Lesson 3 Charlie Brown's Christmas Tree

J: Hello I'm Jody and welcome to American Cafe. Y: 各位听众好,欢迎您到美语咖啡屋。我是杨晨。

J: You know, Christmas is just around the corner and I am already starting to feel Christmas all around me. Y: 你是说商店里现在挤满了抢购礼物的人,还有电视上不停地在播放圣诞节的广告,对不对?

J: No, no! I ignore all of that stuff. No, what I mean, is I'm starting to hear and smell Christmas. OK, Close your eyes, Yang Chen, and think about Christmas and tell me what you hear and smell. (Silence. Long pause)

J: Yang Chen? Yang Chen, anything yet? You know people are waiting.

Y: 哎呀,你等一等。我正在竖着耳朵听呢,还得使劲闻一闻。你不是说要我闭着眼睛寻找感觉吗?呣,我找到了。在一个美丽的夜晚,星星在闪耀,我站在雪地里,听到了雪橇那悦耳的声音。对,就是这种感觉,你觉得怎么样?

J: That's okay. But I was thinking more like ... chainsaws.

Y: Chainsaws? 啊呀,你真是扫我的兴啊。原来你说的声音是电动锯的声音。太不浪漫了。

J: Well, I know it's not romantic, but I love the sound of a chainsaw and the smell of a pine tree being cut. The Christmas tree tradition is one of the best things about Christmas.

Y: 对。真正的圣诞树用的是松树? J: Right, pine tree.

Y: 那人们是不是要到森林里去砍树呢?

J: Oh, no no-no. You don't go to a forest to cut down your Christmas tree. There are Christmas tree farms. Y: 哦, 原来有Christmas tree farms。这还不错,用不着去破坏森林。说道这里,我倒是好象真的闻到了松树的味道了。 J: Oh, that's me. Y: 你用了什么香水?

J: Not perfume! I have just come from a Christmas tree sale in my neighborhood. Y: 有意思吗?

J: I did. And it was wonderfully entertaining. The elementary school held a Christmas tree sale to raise money. And there I met a woman named Ann, who is not only the organizer of the sale but she is also very active in the elementary school with the Parent Teacher Association, also known as the PTA.

Y: 好啊,那我们就听听组织者Ann都说了些什么。

实录1: Ann: We have from Charlie Brown trees to big beautiful balsam firs And we have a range of prices. And we do this to support the school PTA and it pays for

supplies and trips and things like that for the children. And, um, so we do it two days over the weekend, Saturday and Sunday, and hopefully raise some money. And also just build a lot of good feelings about the school inside the community.

Y: Ann刚才说的 PTA 就是老师和家长联合组成的协会。原来他们举办圣诞树销售活动是为了协会筹款,另外还可以增强学校和社区的感情。

J: Right. And it really does spread community feelings in the neighborhood. That's what Christmas is all about! (Enter Music "O Tannenbaum" from Cyrus Chestnut's A Charlie Brown Christmas)

Y: Ann 刚才提到Charlie Brown。我们都知道Charlie Brown是著名的花生漫画系列里的人物。 J: Again, here's Ann.

实录2: Ann: Well, Charlie Brown, the cartoon character, always had a very small little sad-looking tree that nobody wanted, but he took it home and was very happy with it. So we always have some people that come and look for a Charlie Brown tree.

Y: Ann 刚才说的多好啊,一棵瘦小的圣诞树在可怜巴巴地等待着有人把它带回家。

J: The holiday cartoons with Charlie Brown and Snoopy and the rest of the Peanuts gang are really an important part of Christmas for almost all children in the United States. Well, not just children. because every year I watch the Charlie BrownChristmas Special. Y: 你要借给我看一看。

J: I will, I will give it to you. You and your family will love it. And truly Charlie Brown fell in love with a small, scrawny, little lonely Christmas tree that nobody wanted. And took it home and he gave it love. And it turned out to be a perfect Christmas tree.

Y: 没错。Charlie Brown过圣诞是一个非常经典的故事,大人小孩都喜欢。Jody,你知道吗,我们家那棵圣诞树又小有不太好看,而且是塑料的,用了好几年。我今年本来打算把它扔了,可是我女儿不让我扔。我想她可能对这棵树非常有感情。不过今天听你解释了Charlie Brown Christmas tree,我想要是下次有人再笑话我们家的树太小太难看的话,我就可以告诉他这棵树可是典型的Charlie Brown Christmas tree。

J: Of course, you tell them you have a Charlie Brown Christmas tree, Yang Chen!

Y: 没错。我可以向别人炫耀我有棵Charlie Brown Christmas tree。

J: Thanks for tuning into American Cafe. Okay, see you again!

Y: 谢谢大家到我们的美语咖啡屋。好,我们下次再见。


Y: 各位听众好,欢迎您到美语咖啡屋。我是杨晨。

J: Hello and welcome to American Cafe! I'm Jody. This week, Yang Chen and I go back to the dance hall!

Y: 没错,不过这次我们要学的是交际舞。

J: Today we are going to talk to Sean and Natasha. They are dance partners who compete in a style of ballroom dancing called Latin dancing.

Y: 我告诉你一句悄悄话。

J: What's that?

Y: 其实我不太喜欢交际舞。

J: Why don't you like ballroom dancing, Yang Chen?

Y: 其实也没有什么特别的原因。就是一说起来交际舞我就想到那些跳舞的人,他们的姿势特别强硬,有时候脸上的表情有点奇怪。

J: Well, I think I know what you are talking about. But, Sean and Natasha don't do that kind of dancing. The style of dancing that Sean and Natasha do is Latin style. And it is hot and passionate and dramatic and most of all sexy.

Y: Sexy?

J: Very sexy. When I was watching Sean and Natasha and the way their bodies moved together, 我的脸红了。 They have great chemistry.

Y: 你也会脸红。你刚才说的great chemistry,这里是不是说他们两人搭配得天衣无缝。

J: Exactly. Kind of like the great chemistry between us, Yang Chen!

Y: 现在轮到我脸红了。

J: First, let's hear from Sean.

Sean: I'm Sean Murphy and we're standing in the Chevy Chase Ballroom, which is on Wisconsin Avenue. And I'm here with Natasha, my partner. We both compete in international style Latin dancing which is a form of ballroom dance.

Y: 他们两人是不是一块儿跳舞有很长时间了?

J: It seemed like they had been dancing forever so I asked. And Natasha's answer surprised me. Here's Natasha.

Natasha: Together we've dancing since November of 2003. But separately of course we had different partners previously and danced separately, of course. But then we got together in November and decided to dance together.

Y: 其实他们两在一块儿的时间不是太长。

J: Not long at all. Yang Chen, Some people just click. C-L-I-C-K, which means they instantly, have great chemistry together.

Y: 没错,就好象我们两一样。一见如故。

J: 一见如故。

Y: Yeah.

J: We clicked.

Y: Natasha是从那个国家来的,听她讲话好象有点口音。

J: Natasha is from Russia but her accent is very slight. I think she's been in the States for many, many years.

Y: Jody, 我想学跳舞并不难,但是要达到参加比赛的水平可就不容易了。

J: Most definitely. And according to Sean, if you are going to compete in a dance competition, a good partnership is everything.

Y: 好,我们听听 Sean 是怎么说的:

Sean: Oh, my gosh, partners ... A partnership is pretty much everything, because when...like right now we're probably slacking a little bit and we're practicing maybe three times a week, maybe six to nine hours a week. And to be really competitive, the top couples do it almost full-time, like 40 hours a week.

Y: 他和Natasha两个人每星期要练习6到9个小时,而且他还说练习这么长时间都不够。

J: And now back to Natasha, that "special something" for her is the fact that Sean is such a good lead on the dance floor.

Natasha: Sometimes there's just one person, two persons, it's very rarely you can find a person that you can have actually good connection with, very easily you can understand that person's lead.

Y: "Lead" 就是领舞的意思。

J: Right. In dancing, the man is the lead. So, let's hear from Sean.

Sean: A lead isn't really telling the woman what to do but it's more suggesting "it would be nice if you did this now."

Y: 看来他们真的很有默契。 我相信他们会在比赛中取得好成绩。

J: Oh, I bet they're going to do really well at their next competition. To help them win their competitions, Yang Chen, they work with a coach who gives them choreography, 舞蹈动作的设计。 Sean: When we compete we have choreography. So, we have these routines that our coach choreographs for us so that each step is kind of predetermined. But, there's still a lot of how we ... how my body moves, how her body moves and how are bodies together. And that's... it's not just choreography, but its how we are, I guess, physically connected.

Y: 看来跳舞真的不光是技巧问题,两个人配合默契更加重要。

J: Exactly. We're back to having great chemistry.

Y: 没错! 你现在说服我了,我也开始喜欢交际舞了。

J: Listen to that music, Yang Chen. It's passionate, sexy! It's hot!Thanks for joining us on American Cafe.

Y: 谢谢大家收听美语咖啡屋。我们下次节目再见。
