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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-09-21 00:20:24 | 移动端:两句话英语鬼故事



seleneclass 2

two hapless thieves

there were two thieves in a small lonely village, they stole lots of jewelry and money from the rich and poor. one late night, on their way home, the two thieves saw an old man with expensive clothes and valuable gold watch. although they were already drunk, they still decided to begin their great works again. then they followed the old man secretly. maybe the old man felt that he was tracked, so he started to run fast in a street corner.

on the second day, the villagers found a file of human bones in a big burial-place.篇二:一句话的鬼故事










10、那一天,雨,小猫的一哥们独自一人打的回家,下车要付完钱,的哥看了看哥们又看了看他旁边夸了句:“哥们,你女朋友真漂亮。”这哥们被吓得有点神经质。篇三:高中英语 口语情景对话 记忆中的鬼故事素材



one of my favorite things to do when i was a little girl was to stay with my granddad, so id go to stay with him on the holidays, and he would often tell me stories, or sing songs for me, so i learned a lot from him, but one of my favorite things, like i said was to listen to his stories and around halloween sometimes, or if we asked him at other times when it was getting dark or a bit scary wed ask him to tell us a ghost story, so one of, yeah, one of the first ghost stories i remember was him telling us about a time when he was quite young, i think he was in his early twenties maybe, and he was already married but he went back to his parents house one night to just, to meet his family and friends, have a game of cards maybe with friends who were gathered there, so it got pretty late because they had been playing cards for a long time having some fun so he didnt want to leave and then eventually, he and his friends decided, ok, wed better leave and better go back home, so the two of them

were walking together towards their house but in between his parents house and his new home they had to pass a graveyard, so these two guys, young men, i suppose, they werent very happy with the idea of going past a graveyard very late at night, because you know, theyre lots of stories about ghosts and spirits hanging around at that time of night, so they were approaching the graveyard and they were a bit scared and they were wondering whether they should turn back or keep going. be strong and brave about it. so they were approaching the graveyard and suddenly my granddad saw what he thought was a priest sitting on the wall. so he say a man dressed in black, with a white collar, and he was so frightened, i mean, i cant imagine what he must have said at the time, but he and his friend were really, really scared, and they were talking between themselves, oh, my god! what should we do? what should we do? but they were so frightened they couldnt move. so eventually, my granddad decided, ok, im just going to run for it. im going to make a run for it. so all of a sudden, he decided and he just ran straight past the graveyard, and then suddenly, this big dog came jumping down from the wall of the graveyard, and my granddad was so scared, he was like screaming, and everything, but as it turned out it was just a sheep dog that hed seen so in the dark of night, in those days of no road lightsand street lights or anything what hed actually seen with his friend was a black sheep dog with a white collar, so not a ghost after all.




every morning, no matter how much you had scrubbed and polished the bar top the night before, you would find three water marks, as if the landlord and two regulars had stayed and had a drink together. then other things started happening.

不管我们头天晚上是如何认真仔细得擦洗吧台,第二天早上,总能在上面发现三个水印,看起来就像是酒吧老板和俩位老主顾呆到很晚,一起喝了酒似的。还有其他奇怪的事情发生。 我上洗手间时,会听到敲门声,但当我大声的问是谁时,却没人回答。有几次我从洗手间出来,却发现二楼只有我一个人。我还会听到人跑动的脚步声和一个小孩的笑声。我房间的上下推拉窗总关不严,所以夜里我的大穿衣镜上会凝结水汽,第二天早上,就会在镜子下方看到两个小手印。这些事情并没有让我感到烦恼,实际上,我还觉得挺欣慰的。

at night i would sometimes feel someone get into bed with me and feel two little hands in the small of my back. however, things started happening that did bother me. 到了晚上,我有时会觉得有人钻到了我的被窝里面,能感到有两只小手在背后摸我的腰部。 (这也算不了什么),但是,这之后发生的事情真的让我感到不安。

after locking up one night i and the other bar manager were cleaning up. now, in the ladies toilets there was a door that opened up into a courtyard, however no one had ever found the key. as i was checking out the toilets, i saw the door handle move. i thought someone had managed to get into the courtyard and called to my friend to look through the window. he didnt see anyone. then the door handle started moving much more violently and i ran out to my friend.


we both watched through the window as an unseen hand rattled the door handle. we took off upstairs quite quickly, put all the lights on and slept in the living room that night. i hated having to go to the toilet at night from that point on.


the bathroom was at the end of corridor and i would always feel as if something was walking right behind me. i once saw a tall, dark shadow walk around the corner and into the kitchen, but there was no one there. i started to feel scared to be upstairs on my own.洗手间在走廊的尽头,每次我去那的时候,总有种身后有人跟着的感觉。有一次,我看见一个高大的黑影转过墙角进了厨房,但那儿根本没人。我开始害怕一个人上楼。 downstairs, in the bar, it had a much more friendly atmosphere, but upstairs felt 楼下酒吧里的气氛很好。但楼上却让人感到压抑恐惧。一天晚上,我醒来看到推拉窗开着,阳台上有个高高的黑影,正看着整个镇子。然后它从屋顶一跃而下。我曾经深感欣慰感觉到的那个小孩也开始让我害怕。那是个小女孩,看起来那个黑影的出现把她吓坏了。我曾看到那个黑影从背后向她走去,她就站在门口尖叫。寂静的夜里,我可以听到哭喊尖叫声。最后,


更多精彩英语: 商务英语学习资料篇二:英语鬼故事:可怕的东西(双语)

a couple of friends and i were hangin out one day and we found an ouija board in one of their basements. it was really nice, not one of those mass produced plastic things, it was made of wood and had intricate carvings all around its base, like moons and stars and other cosmic stuff, i dont really remember it that well except they were very detailed and looked hand carved. we didnt think much of it at the time because we were black widow hunting (not one of our smarter ideas, but it was a rush when we found one). id also like to say that we dont drink, do drugs, or anything that would mess with your mind like that. day turned to night and we had given up our hunt and started playing x-box. we got bored shortly after. so one of my friends decided to go the board.




well after that he was pretty embarrassed, but nothing happened for about a half hour. so we just gave up ghosts for the night (our attention spans couldnt handle nothing happening for that long). later we got back on the x-box and started playing, i think it was halo when we heard my friends parents get home, it was about 9 pm, about an hour early. so he decided to go into the garage and jump out when they got out of the car. well he waited about 10 minutes just sitting there before he decided to look out a window and no one was there. while he was looking he heard about two inches from his ear

someone smacking their lips like they had dry mouth and were preparing to speak. when he spun around there was no one there, which is about when he came walking back to the basement at a very brisk pace.




after that nothing major happened in his house and i was only in his basement long enough to move the tv and x-box upstairs. it might have been the chant but i am almost sure it was his invitation that provoked it.


更多精彩英语推荐: 商务英语篇三:短篇鬼故事小合集

[ 公 司 的 厕 所 ]


















一个同事清清嗓子,告诉他:“你刚来,可能不知道,我们公司三楼,是没有厕所的。” 他张大了嘴,想说什么,却什么也说不出来了








一离开房间走了一会,朋友马上脸色大变地说:有个男的拿着菜刀躲在你床底下! 现在不能回房间,快点去找pol.ice吧!












让女孩恐惧一整晚的诡异声音,原来是她男友的双脚摩擦到车顶所发出的声音。 厕所里的人


该男子马上察觉了女子的存在,并将视线转向她,但却不带 有任何的愤怒或情绪,显得有点诡异。


女子觉得自己就快被追上,于是慌忙地躲到附近的公厕,并选了位在最里面的厕所。 过没多久,她感觉到该名男子也跟进来了。


随着踢门声越来越近,女子也越来越害怕,几乎都快哭出声,但还是勉强忍了下来。 总算剩下女子所躲的这间厕所了,但是男子却迟迟没有任何动作。






SeleneClass 2

Two Hapless Thieves

There were two thieves in a small lonely village, they stole lots of jewelry and money from the rich and poor. One late night, on their way home, the two thieves saw an old man with expensive clothes and valuable gold watch. Although they were already drunk, they still decided to begin their great works again. Then they followed the old man secretly. Maybe the old man felt that he was tracked, so he started to run fast in a street corner.

Without doubt, the two greedy thieves heeled the rich man step by step. Time passed quickly and two hours went by before the two thieves knew it. Then, at a luxurious castle, the rich man stopped. He said to the two thieves with a very kind smile: “I am home now, our meal is already ready. You two are warmly welcomed to attend our family meal.” The two insatiable went into the big house without thinking at all. They didn’t know it was midnight now.

As soon as the two thieves got into the house, the door of the house closed by itself. At first, the thieves saw many people, old and young. They were wearing expensive clothes and luxury jewelry. The thieves thought they would make a big fortune this time. Then the old man said to his family excitedly, “Our meal is coming”. Then all the people except the thieves changed their appearance with long hair and red tears in their faces. These ghosts ate the thieves before they could show their fear.

On the second day, the villagers found a file of human bones in a big burial-place.
