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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-11-27 15:46:18 | 移动端:宽窄巷子英语导游词

篇一:成都景点中英文介绍导游词 (宽窄巷子,金沙,大熊猫,文殊坊,蜀绣等)


Places to Visit



Wenshu District

文殊坊,川西传统民居形式建成的特色首席商业院落,它是历史价值、文化价值和商业价值的共同载体。它以禅文化、民俗文化为主题,以川西街院建筑为载体,充分体现老成都人文历史精髓。凭借其深厚的自然景观与人文底蕴彻底颠覆传统的商业街形态,成为体验商业时代发展的一个前沿性创造--院落商街。 Wenshu District, a commercial courtyard built in the Traditional Folk Houses of West Sichuan Area, is an embodiment of history, culture and commerce. Combined with its themes of Buddhist and folk cultures, it fully presents us with the humanistic and historical essence of old Chengdu. What's more with its natural beauty and deep cultural load, this combination of modern Commercial Street with the traditional courtyard, completely overturned the conventional form of Commercial Street.


The whole district consists of the Old Chengdu Club and the Chengdu Temple Street. The former covers an area of 7, 460 square meters and still remains the wooden architectures of the late Qing dynasty but the redecoration and reconstruction work have rendered the wooden pillars and beams inside much stronger. The Chengdu Temple Street, just a stone’s throw away from the Club, is also composed of traditional old buildings. The street is engaged in tourism related exquisite antiques, folk cultural products, food & leisure and a taste of the old Chengdu.

2. 宽窄巷子

Kuan & Zhai Alley


Being in the list of Chengdu Historical and Cultural Protection Project, Kuan & Zhai Alley historical & cultural district consists of Kuan Lane, Zhai Lane and Jing Lane, which are in parallel arrays running from east to west with a group of quadrangles. It is one of the three major historical & cultural conservation areas in Chengdu, it is not only the last relic of the city pattern of "thousand-year-old young city" and the

one-hundred-year original architectural structure of old Chengdu, but also the only existing copy in southern China from the lane (Hutong) culture and architectural style of northern China. According to the plan, the control area is 479mu (1mu=1/15 hectare), in which the kernel conservation area covers 108mu.

宽窄巷子是老成都生活的“原真生活体验馆”宽窄巷子的核心概念是“宽窄巷子,最成都”,它将成为“成都生活标本”,使传统的成都生活在宽窄巷子中得到集中。 At present, the ancient walls, aged bricks and old gates here are much stronger than before after the reconstruction. Moreover, the combination of business and culture has become the most leisurely, fashionable and unique courtyard consumption experiencing area.






Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding


The Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding (hereafter Chengdu Panda Base) is a non-profit organization engaged in wildlife research, captive breeding, conservation education, and educational tourism. The Chengdu Panda Base covers an area of 200 hectares; Red pandas, peacock, Black-necked Crane, swan, golden monkeys and other wild and/or endangered species live and breed here.

成都熊猫基地建立于1987年。截止目前为止,成都熊猫基地以建立初期从野外抢救的6只病、饿大熊猫为基础,已成功地使大熊猫圈养种群数量增加到一百多只。我们通过与其它单位交换保存的遗传材料,保持了种群的遗传多样性。值得骄傲的是:二十年来,我们没有从野外捕捉过一只熊猫。这体现了我们在野外就地保护和圈养迁地大熊猫种群数量健康增长方面特有的责任和坚定的信念。 The Chengdu Panda Base was founded in 1987, with six giant pandas rescued from the wild. Today our captive population has increased to over a hundred individuals from that founding population of only six. Genetic diversity in the population is sustained by the exchange of preserved genetic material with other facilities. We are very proud that we have not taken any giant pandas from the wild for 20 years. This demonstrates our unique and uncompromising commitment to the conservation of the wild (in situ) population and the healthy growth of the captive (ex situ) population.



Due to our research and commitment to animal health and welfare, 161 giant panda cubs have been born to our Base in 109 litters, and now we have 108 which is the biggest captive giant panda population in the world. To assist other institutions holding giant pandas we provide technical support and send our experts to assist with care, rearing, and breeding. So that all giant panda researchers can share their knowledge, we host the Giant Panda Annual Technical Meeting, inviting researchers from all over the world to share information to improve captive management for the conservation of giant pandas.




Jinsha Site Museum

市区内的金沙遗址是近年来发现的极为重要的古蜀文明遗址。这是公元前12实际至公元前7世纪的长江上游古代文明中心(距今约3200年到2900年)。从已经发现的建筑遗迹和大量玉器、陶器、石雕、金器等国宝级珍贵文物可以初步确定这里曾经是三千多年前古代蜀国的都邑所在地。金沙遗址博物馆与三星堆博物馆共同成为全世界热爱中华文明的考察研究者、观光旅游者的文化圣地。金沙遗址出土的太阳神鸟金箔饰图案已被国家的文物局确定为中国文化遗产标志。 Jinsha Site Museum is a significant relic of the ancient Shu civilization discovered in recent years. It is considered to be the anicient civilization center along Yangtze River and dates back to 12th to 7th century B.B. (Approximately 2900-3200 years ago). From the remains of buildings and a great deal of jade, pottery, and gold ware excavated there, we can draw the primary conclusion that the site used to be the capital of the ancient Shu Kingdom more than 3,000 years ago.Jinsha Site Museum and Sanxingdui Museum become the holy land for scholars and tourists who are interested in Chinese civilization. The pattern of the Saint Sun Birds unearthed in Jinsha ruins has been selected as the logo of China Cultural Heritages.




Dujiangyan Irrigation System


Before the Dujiangyan Irrigation System was built in 256 BC. Before this Chengdu Plain always suffer flood in rainy season and drought in dry season. The Irrigation project resolved the problems of irrigation, flood discharging and sands reduction effectively, breeding Chengdu plain as the Land of Abundance.


Dujiangyan Irrigation Project is a great project with much top fame in the world. Firstly, it is the oldest Irrigation Project in the world with a history of 2268 years. Secondly, it is the only existing irrigation project without dam but can divert water for irrigation automatically. It does not stop the water but lead the water; it does not change the nature but obey the nature. Thirdly, it is an Irrigation Project with the most scientific design and reasonable composition. The head part of Dujiangyan was formed by three main parts Yuzui Dividing Dyke, Feishayan Spillway, and Baopingkou Water Inlet. The perfect combination of the three parts has continued the service of Dujiangyan Irrigation Project for thousands of years.


This scenic area consists of three parts: the first is Lidui Ancient Park, where we are now; the second is Irrigation Project; and the last is Er Wang Temple. Lidui Ancient Park covers an area of 80mu. It was a private garden strictly for rich and powerful families. It was finally opened to the public in 1931. Dujiangyan and Mt. Qingcheng were added to the list of the world cultural heritage by UNESCO in Nov. 2000. In 2005, as a part of the habitat of Giant Panda, Dujiangyan was added to the list of world natural heritage.


What we see now is Baopinkou Water Inlet lying between Mt. Yulei and Lidui Park, with the width of 20 meters. It works as a check gate strictly controlling the water flow into Chengdu Plain. We can make an analogy; the Baopingkou Water Inlet is like our throat. When we drink water, no matter how much we drink, only certain amount can go through at a time. That is the working principle of Baopingkou. In

order to divert the water to irrigate the Cehngdu plain, Li Bing had the hard rocks cut off. But at that time the explosive had not been invented and there were no modern machines, how did Li Bing manage to do so? He had fire lit under the rocks to heat them up, then poured cold water onto the hot rocks. By this way the rocks cracked and split. After 8 years of this tough work, a channel of 20m wide was formed.


Feishayan Spillway lies between the end of Jingang levee and Renzi levee. It is about 200 meters wide and 2.15 meters high from the bottom to top. It is the most important component of Dujiangyan Irrigation Project. In dry season, when the water level is lower than 2.15 meters, it leads water into the Baopingkou to guarantee irrigation. In rainy season, when water level is higher than 2.15 meters, excessive water is discharged into Outer River. The third function of the spillway is to discharge sand.


Yuzui Dividing Dyke lies in the middle of Minjiang River, the front part of which reaches down into the river, looking like a fish's mouth, thus it is called "fish mouth". It divides Minjiang River into two parts: the outer river and the inner river. The outer river is a natural river course, whose main function is to drain floods during rainy seasons. The inner river was manmade. It carries river water to Chengdu plain for irrigation. When people dug the Inner River, he made it much deeper than Outer River. In dry season, 60% of the water goes to Inner River to guarantee irrigation and 40% to Outer River. However, Outer River is much wider than Inner River. In rainy season, 60% of the water goes to Outer River and 40% to Inner River, preventing Chengdu Plain from the flood. With the same working principle as Feishayan, the Yuzui Dividing Dyke can discharge 80%of sand into the outer river. Thus, only 20% of sand enters the inner river.



Jinli Ancient Street
























对外汉语1002班 张思悦 101120210 对象:来自西安的旅游团人数:30人 场景:今天到达宽窄巷子参观。

游客朋友们,大家早上好,现在我们来到的是期待已久的宽窄巷子。美国时代周刊曾评价成都是china’s china—最中国。那被称为“最成都”的就是宽窄巷子了。康熙年间千余清兵于平复地方叛乱后,永留成都并修筑满城,也就是少城,如今少城只剩下了宽窄两条巷子。大家看看这是什么字?对,宽窄。大家看到这里的游览示意图,宽窄巷子由宽巷子、窄巷子和井巷子三条东西纵向平行排列的老式街道及四合院群落组成。宽窄巷子是成都市三大历史文化保护区之一,是老成都“千年少城”城市格局的最后遗存,也是北方胡同文化在南方的“孤本”。闲在宽巷子,品在窄巷子,泡在井巷子是成都人对它的完美新解。今天我们将从宽巷子进入,经过窄巷子,最后从井巷子出来。

现在我们就将进入宽巷子。宽巷子是三条巷子里最繁华商铺最多,也是唯一一个还保留了一点昔日风情的巷子。在清朝,它被称为兴仁胡同。现在我们眼前的是宽巷子1号院“一饮天下”,一看挂在门口的竹编“盖碗”就知道是一家茶馆。走进院落,潺潺流水在脚下流淌,水流之上的洄桥让小院古香古色、诗情画意,它不仅是一个品茶谈心的好地方,还可以欣赏到滴水不漏上下翻飞的长嘴茶壶表演和川剧的吐火变脸的精彩。出来后我们继续往前走,宽巷子3号是一家高档川菜馆。很多时候大家又叫它“宽3”。我们可以看到它的大门是关着的?这是为什么呢?据说这正是这家店的接客特色,叫 “闭门迎客”,为的是让食客能安静地在亭台楼阁中,拒绝浮躁、全身心享受成都的美食艺术,享受生活。宽巷子巷道两边有很多具有川西民居特点的独门小院,多是木头大门,木头房梁,青黑瓦顶,灰白砖墙,整齐有序排列。门框上方写着“静苑”“宽居”“吉祥”等大都是私宅,所以各位游客们看见门匾上是这些字的就不要过去打扰他们了。这是宽巷子20号,天趣,是个两进院落,被按照民国风格重建,保留着民国年间雕工细腻的木质门头。天趣是个擅长宫廷菜的饭馆,它把各系菜肴与历史文化底蕴完美衔接,让您能够在现代的时空里享受穿越的美食。


