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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-12-12 07:42:07 | 移动端:山东省情导游词



Dear passengers: Hello, everyone! First allow me on behalf of the Sunshine Travel sincerely welcome the arrival of everyone. My name is Jessica, your guide of the tours in Qingdao. This is our driver Mr. Ma. Adhere to guest first, service first, We will try our best to supply best services. Meanwhile, I hope that you will support and cooperate positively with us, arrive in high spirits, leave with satisfaction. I wish you all happy and healthy during our trip.

山东省情 Shandong is one of the most important coastal provinces in our country, located in the lower reaches of the Yellow River, and borders Hebei Henan Anhui Jiangsu four provinces. The province land is about 700 kilometers long from east to west, and 400 kilometers wide from north to south. The total land area is 15.7 square kilometers, and the total of sea is 17 square kilometers.

Shandong is referred to Lu. The name of Shandong first appearing as an administrative region name is in Jin Dynasty. The Ming dynasty roughly laid the region today.

Due to the impact of two kingdoms to the Chinese history in the Warring States Period and the Spring and Autumn Period, Shandong is also called “Qilu Zhi Bang” ?The Earth of Qilu?.

In 1949, the people?s government of Shandong is set up at Ji?nan. At present, the province is divided into 17cities, with nearly one hundred million of resident population. Shandong is a big province of economy and industry of Chinese eastern coast, and has a large number of national well-known brands, such as Hisense, Haier, Tsingtao etc. Meanwhile, the insdustrial economy of Shandong is getting stronger.

The agriculture has been taken as the foundational industry of the economic development. Agricultural added value ranks first in the country. The production of grain and cotton ranks second. Shandong is also the largest peanut production areas in China. Apples, pears, peaches and other output ranked first in the country. For that ,Shandong get the name of the country?s largest vegetable basket.

Shandong Peninsula is located in the east of China, one of the sources of Chinese civilization. Towering Mount Tai, surging Yellow River, bright Qili Culture, rich in wise and sage, Shandong obtain the reputation of ?Home town of Kong Meng? ?State of Ceremonies? “Red Holy Land” and “Fairyland on earth”. Mount Tai, the first of China?s Five Mountains, is regarded as the ?holy mountain?, the national mountain, and has a word of ?the world is settled, while the Mount Tai is stable.

Shandong is also famous as a holiday paradise. She has prolific marine tourism resources richly endowed by nature, a more than 3000 kilometers coastline, an average temperature of 24 degrees. She is the most suitable temperate Gold Coast for summer in China. The

advantages of climate, sea, beach, seafood in the summer season is particularly prominent in Qingdao.

Shandong has a splendid coastal culture and beautiful coastal sceneries. There are ?The City of Sails? Qingdao, beautiful Weihai, Harbor City Yantai and ?The Yellow River Estuary? Dongying, ?The First Famous Sea Mountain? Mount Lao, the ?Oriental Cape of God Hope? Chengshantou, and the ?Fairyland on Earth? Penglai, which is stunning for its mirage.

As a rare treasure trove of traditional Chinese medicine, Shandong has been called ecological paradise. Hills stretch thousands of miles, with an average altitude of more than 800 meters, which constitute the skeleton of Shandong. The forest coverage rate is higher than 80%.

青岛市情 Qingdao is located in the southern part of Shandong Peninsula, southeast near the Yellow Sea, northwest connecting the inland, backed Mount Lao, surrounded by the ?Internal Sea? Jiaozhou Bay, neighboring South Korea, North Korea and Japan. The total area of the city is 11282 square kilometers. There are six districts Shinan, Shibei, Licang, Laoshan, Huangdao, Chengyang and four cities Jimo, Jiaozhou, Pingdu, Laixi. At the end of 2013, the city?s resident population is nearly 9 million. Qingdao has a maritime climate, and the average temperature here is 12.7 degrees here. Qingdao is an old and young city. As early as five or six thousand years ago, our ancestors Dongyi created splendid Dawenkou Culture, Longshan Culture and Dongyueshi Culure. From the establishment in 1891 to now, Qingdao is only 123 years old. In June 14th, 1891, the Qing government sent troops to fortify in Kiaochow, which is considered as the beginning of establishment. The next year, Tengchow commander Zhang Gaoyuan led his army move to Kiaochow. In order to expand its sphere of unfluence, in 1897, Germany forced the occupation of Qingdao with an excuse of ?Juye Religious Case?. In 1914, when the first World War broke out, Japanese invaded and occupied Qingdao replace the German. In 1919, the sovereignty of Qingdao led to May 4th Movement. In 1930, Kiaochow was renamed Qingdao. In 1938, Qingdao was invaded the second time. 1945, received by the Nanjing national government, Qingdao became the U.S military naval base. June 2nd, 1949, thorough liberation.

Up to 2013, the GDP achieved 800.66 billion. The pattern of industrial development ?Two, Three, One? had been formed. The throughput of Qingdao Port is 450 million tons and more than 15 million TEUs. In 2008, Qingdao successfully hosted the 29th Olympic and the 13th Paralympic sailing competition, where had 11 Olympic gold medals and the first award ceremony at sea.

The scenery of the Zhanqiao Pier, Luxun Park, little Qingdao isle, Xiaoyu hill, Badaguan, the seashore and the Mayfouthsquare are all beside the sea and constitute the famous scenic sights of Qingdao. Red roves and green trees, sapphire sea and blue sky in the scenic resort will make you feel happy and fresh.

If you want to bring some specialty, Jingou dried shrimps, silver fish, sea cucumber, abalone and Laoshan green tea are the best choice. City flower: Camelia and Chinese rose

City tree:Cedar






山东省气候温和,雨量集中,四季分明,属于暖温带半湿润季风气候。夏季盛行偏南风,炎热多雨; 冬季刮偏北风,寒冷干燥;春季天气多变,干旱少雨多风沙;秋季天气晴爽,冷暖适中。全省年平均气温11℃—14℃;年平均降水量550—950毫米,冬季一般有140—150天,夏季72—108天,春秋各50—










济价值。主要经济鱼类有40种,虾蟹类约有上百种,其中经济价值较高并有一定产量的近20多种。浅海定生海藻有112种,经济价值较高的近50种,海珍品对虾、海参、扇贝、鲍鱼等产量居全国首位。此外,内陆水域有可养殖面积400多万亩。 淡水动物,包括淡水鱼虾类70多种,其中主要经济鱼虾类20多种,如鲤、鲫、鲭、鲢、草、鲂、秀丽虾、日本昭虾等。螺类有十几种,蚌类也有十几种,其中褶纹冠蚌是淡水育珠的经济蚌类。中华绒螯蟹、中华鳖也有相当数量。

淡水植物以苇、蒲、莲、菱、芡等为主,年产量都很大。 矿产资源

山东矿产资源丰富。全省已发现的矿藏资源有128种之多,占全国已发现矿产品的70%以上。已探明储量74种,其中有30多种储量居全国前10位。居第1 位的有黄金(岩金)、自然硫(占全国储量90%以上)、 石豪(占全国储量70%);居第2位的有石油、金刚石(储量占全国40%,产量占80%)、菱镁矿、钴、铪、花岗石;居第3位的有石墨、玻璃和陶瓷原料。




济南市 济南土特产品品种多样,主要有五香扒鸡、糖酥煎饼、罗汉饼、高粱饴以及刺绣、羽毛画。

平阴:平阴玫瑰:平阴素以玫瑰之乡著称。平阴玫瑰花瓣厚,香气袭人。花瓣用于薰茶、制酱、酿酒、炼香料酒。阿胶:产自本县东阿镇,为滋阴补血佳品,是畅销国内外的著名商品。章丘:主要有明水香稻、龙山小米、章丘大葱、章丘烤肉等。 青岛市


莱西市:半夏、沙参、莱菔子,量多、质好、历史悠久。 淄博市


工细缜密,古朴凝重的艺术特色。另外还有周村丝绸、周村铜响器、周村大酥烧饼、博山烤肉、王村醋、淄川地板梨等。 枣庄市 棠阴石榴:果实个大、皮薄、酸甜可口、风味别致。品种有大红袍、小红袍、大青皮、大铁皮、软籽、冰糖等二十多个品种。以软籽、冰糖两种最为有名。凤凰岭梨:特点为麻点青皮、个大核小、汁液丰富、脆甜味香。刘庄小枣:玲珑剔透,脆甜爽口。柿子:以牛心、鹅黄、磨盘、满堂红等品种著名。 东营市 本市海产丰富,所产对虾,肉肥味美,并具有相当高的营养价值,久负盛名。


烟台市 烟台市的土特名产有烟台绒绣和刺绣以及绢花、首饰等。烟台素有“果乡”之称,所产苹果品种多,质量佳,誉满中外。福山苹果最为著名,现有40多个品种,其中青香蕉色泽翠绿,五棱突起,甘甜多汁,质脆芳香,堪称“苹果之冠”。栖霞县:大花生:籽粒饱满、果皮洁白、色泽鲜艳、是传统出口商品之一。苹果:品种有青、红香蕉和大、小国光等二十多个品种,以其果大、色艳、甘甜多汁、香脆可口而弛名中外。丝绸:历史悠久、独具特色。棒槌花边:种类繁多、美观雅致。麻绣挂毯:本县首创的工艺品,新颖典雅,远销国外。







因西周封邦建国时,周公旦封于鲁,所以山东又简称“鲁”。 山东正实施“一体两翼”与“一群一圈一区一带”战略,加快建设“大而强、富而美”的社会主义新山东! “一体两翼”中的“一体”是指以胶济铁路为轴线的中脊隆起带,“两翼”分别是指黄河三角洲、鲁南经济带。“一群”是济南和青岛为中心、以青岛为开放龙头的山东半岛城市群。“一圈”是以济南为中心的济南都市圈。“一区”是以滨州、东营为中心,环渤海经济圈新的经济增长极和城镇发展区。“一带”是鲁南经济带。山东的旅游资源非常丰富,孔子在这里诞生,泰山在这里崛起,黄河从这里入海,奥运从这里扬帆……


