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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2019-11-07 13:47:40 | 移动端:文化观点审视补习教育现象

文化观点审视补习教育现象 本文关键词:补习,审视,观点,现象,文化

文化观点审视补习教育现象 本文简介:摘要    “存在即合理”,这是哲人说的;然而,这并不绝对。但是,存在却必然反映某种事实。“补习教育”作为一种真切的社会存在,其发展之势锐不可挡,这是事实之一;事实之二是,“补习教育”在当下中国无疑被置于非常尴尬的境地--人们对

文化观点审视补习教育现象 本文内容:

 摘 要
  In fact, the saying “existence is reasonable” from a philosopher is not absolute,but existence reflects the facts inevitably. There are two facts. The first one is that asa kind of social existence, the complementary education has an unstoppabledevelopment trend. The second one is that the complementary education is in astrange position that people have a love-hate relationship with it. In the view of thecurrent administration bureau, the complementary education always breaks the rulesand seems not to be banned for ever. Why? Facing with these facts, what kind ofattitude should we adopt? Be optimistic or pessimistic? Be critical or acceptablegradually? Can we find a higher quality complementary education, which is ofservice to society?
  Obviously, the complementary education is closely related to remediation, andits reference is the system of education from the country which is public, ofmainstream and institutional. In the paper, the concept of the complementaryeducation is from the summary after observing remediation phenomenon in thepractice according to the guidance from my instructor, which is initial and needs tobe defined by ourselves. The complementary education can be divided into broadsense and narrow sense. Its basic point is to help the public education. It's universal,flexible, complementary and private. The so-called research on the complementaryeducation under the culture perspective, is to survey kinds of phenomenon ofremediation with culture viewpoints. Furthermore, it is to treat the complementaryeducation as a kind of culture, and be based on culture ideas, be explained by thetheory of culture, then to seek a strategy to resolve the confusion what thecomplementary education is facing.
  Throughout the complementary education, although there were different formsand unique features in different historical periods, it exists from the produce of thepublic school on. In ancient periods, part private education that was similar to thecomplementary education developed circuitously. In modern, new private educationdeveloped on an even keel. And nowadays, its development is entering a peakperiod with the degrees' society and occupation qualification certificate pushing.
  They have living conditions, forms and content in common. Taking Qinshui Countyof Shanxi Province as an example, the author found there are some problems on thecomplementary education in its establishing purpose, the qualification of itsteachers, understanding its content and its social position. Therefore, in the view ofthe culture perspective, the complementary education has to create and optimize itscultural image actively, show its cultural principles, improve the cohesion of thecollective with the complementary education' participators, parents and teachersfrom public schools. Besides, it is also necessary to use multiple modes to upgradethe complementary education' characteristics constantly. Only in this way, can thecomplementary education find a wonderful way of development.
  Of course, the consensus of most people at the complementary education ischaotic as well as flexible. According to observing about more a year, the authorthinks the complementary education is a plausible society existence. If we treat theissues with resilient thoughts, it is possible to find a better way to develop. Instead,if we still criticize it, it will become a big trouble, and we will pay an even steeperprice. Make the complementary education be what it should be, accept and developits active aspects, which can transform gradually its negative aspects.
  Key words: remediation; the complementary education; objective existence;cultural perspective

  目 录
  缘 起:基于“补习教育”现实困惑的思考
  第一章 话语背景:基本范畴与研究思路
  第二章 价值呈现:“补习教育”及其文化的理论梳理
  第三章 历史回望:中国“补习教育”的文化历程
  一、从中国古代私学看“补习教育”(学校产生以来-1840 年)
  二、从中国近现代的新型私学看“补习教育”(1840-1977 年)
  三、当代中国:改革开放以来的“补习教育”(1978 年至今)
  第四章 文化批判:中国“补习教育”的现状考察
  第五章 未来展望:创建价值引领的优质“补习教育”
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