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英语初级听力mp3下载。 雅思 听力水平的提高是建立在不断的练习基础上的,关于 雅思听力 练习材料,今天 小马 小编为您推荐英语初级听力,下面是具体内容,好好看看吧。

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What are you going to do after this lesson?

—I'm probably going to have a cup of tea. What about you?

—Oh, I'm going to the post office.

—I see.

—Can you come and see me at nine o'clock?

—I'm afraid not. You see, I'm meeting Mr. Green at nine.

—I hear you are playing at a concert tomorrow. How do you feel about it?

—Oh, I'm really worried about it.

—I'm not surprised. So would I be.

—What are your plans for tomorrow, Brenda?

—Well, first, I'm going to do the washing up.

—Poor you! While you're doing the washing up, I'll be having breakfast in bed.

—It's alright for some people.

—I'd like to withdraw fifty pounds from my deposit account.

—Certainly. Would you please sign this fomp3?

—Oh, yes. There you are.

—How would you like the money?

—In fives, please.

—Fine. Here you are.

—Thanks. Goodbye.

—How are you, Brenda?

—Fine, apart from the backache.

—Oh, dear, I'm sorry to hear that.

—Yes. My back's killing me.

—Oh, I hope you'll soon feel better.


Man: Waitress! This meat is like old leather! It's enough to break every tooth in your head.

Waitress: Perhaps you'd like to change your order, sir. The sirloin is very tender.

Woman: John, look what that waiter's gone and done! Spilt soup all over my new dress!

Waiter: I'm terribly sorry, madam. Perhaps if I could sponge it with a little wamp3 water...

Man: Leave it alone, man. You'll only make it worse.

Woman: I want to speak to the Manager!

Waiter: Very good, madam.

Manager: I do apologize for this unfortunate accident, madam. If you would like to have the dress cleaned and send the bill to us, we will be happy to take care of it.

Woman: Oh no, it doesn't matter. Forget it. It probably won't stain very much.

Man: Waiter, this just won't do. This wine's got a most peculiar flavor.

Waiter: Yes, sir. I'll take it back. Perhaps you would like to choose another wine instead, sir?


—Hello. Who's that?

—It's me.

—Who's me?

—Why, me, of course.

—Yes, I know. It's you. But who are you?

—I've told you who I am. I am ME.

—I know you are you, but I still don't know who you are. Anyway, I don't want to talk to you whoever you are. I really wanted Mrs. Jones.

—Who do you want?

—Mrs. Jones!

—Mrs. Jones? Who's Mrs. Jones?

—Why, Mrs. Jones lives where you are, doesn't she?

—There is no Mrs. Jones here. What number do you want?

—I want Bournemouth, 650283.

—This is Bournemouth, 650823.

—Oh, dear, I am sorry. I must have dialed the wrong number.

—It's quite alright.

—I'll try dialing again. Sorry to have troubled you.

—It's quite alright. Goodbye.


Two old men are talking about the days gone by. Listen.

—The beer's just like water. They don't make it as strong as they used to.

—No. Things aren't what they used to be, are they?

—The pubs aren't any good nowadays.

—No. But they used to be good when we were young.

—The trouble is that the young people don't work hard.

—No, but they used to work hard when we were young.

Ten years ago, I loved watching television and listening to pop records. I hated classical music. But I liked playing tennis. Five years ago I still liked playing tennis, but I loved classical music. Now I prefer classical music. I like playing squash. But I hate television.

Mr. Davies is talking to his son Martin.

Mr. Davies: (quietly) Why aren't you doing your homework?

Martin: I'll do it later, Dad. I must get these chords right first. Our group's playing in a concert on Saturday.

Mr. Davies: (laughs) Oh, is it? You'll be making records next, will you?

Martin: We hope so. The man from 'Dream Discs' is coming to the concert. So I'd better play well.

Mr. Davies: You'd better get on with your homework! You can practise all day Saturday.

Martin: Oh, Dad. You don't understand at all. This concert could change my life.

Mr. Davies: It certainly could! You've got exams next month. Important ones. If you don't get a good certificate, you won't get a decent job.

Martin: (rudely) I don't need a certificate to play the guitar. And I don't want a boring old job in a bank either.

Mr. Davies: (angrily) Oh, don't you? Whose boring old job paid for this house? And for that guitar?

Martin: (sighs) Yours, I know. But I'd rather be happy than rich.

Letter Dictation. Write your address, your phone number and the date.

The letter is to Winnipeg Advanced Education College. Winnipeg, W-I-double N-I-P-E-G, Advanced Education College, Hillside Drive, Winnipeg.

Dear Sir or Madam. Please send me details of your courses in Computer Programming. New line. Thanking you in advance. Yours faithfully, and then sign your name.

(Your address)




摘要: 英语初级听力在线听。小马过河雅思频道为大家整理了英语初级听力教程的文本和MP3资料,并且支持大家在线学习,有需要的考生可以在这里练习或者下载哦!

英语初级听力在线听。英语初级听力Listen to This1(1-28)资料包,已经为大家准备好了,大家除了在这里学习以外,还可以下载到本地更方便随时听哦!

英语初级听力Listen to This1下载:lesson3文本和音频:

Jurg: Mrs. Scott ...

Mrs. Scott: Yes?

Jurg: I'm afraid I've had an accident.

Mrs. Scott: Oh, dear, what's happened?

Jurg: I've spilt my coffee.

Mrs. Scott: Never mind. Here's a cloth.

Klaus is using the launderette for the first time.

Klaus: Excuse me, do you know how this works?

Housewife: Yes. Put the washing inside ... shut the door ... the money goes in here, then when the machine starts you have to put the soap powder in through here.

Klaus: Is that all?

Housewife: Yes, you don't have to do anything else until the machine stops.

Klaus: Thank you.

Terry: Frank's getting married.

James: Is he really?

Terry: Yes he is.

James: I don't believe it.

Terry: It's true.

James: Who's he marrying?

Terry: A girl he met on holiday in Spain, I think.

James: Good heavens ... where are they going to live?

A: Do you love me?

B: I'm very fond of you.

A: Yes, but do you love me?

B: Uh ... You mean a lot to me.

A: Why won't you answer my question?

B: What question?

A: Do you love me? Come on! I want to know.

B: I care for you very deeply. You know that.

A: That isn't the same thing!

B: What kind of answer do you expect?

A: The truth! I want the truth!

B: How can I possibly answer such a question?


Do you remember Sally Green, the swimming star? She was the girl who broke all the records at the last Olympics. Where is she now? Last week our reporter, Tom Parker, went to see Sally in her Californian home.

Tom: Is it true that you don't swim at all now?

Sally: I'm afraid so. I'm too old.

Tom: But you are only twenty!

Sally: That's too old for a swimmer. If I swam in an international competition now, I wouldn't win. So I'd rather not swim at all.

Tom: But don't you enjoy swimming?

Sally: I used to, when I was small. But if you enter for big competitions you have to work very hard. I used to get up at 6 am to go to the pool. I had to train before school, after school and at weekends. I swam thirty-five miles every week!

Tom: But you were famous at fifteen. And look at all those cups.

Sally: Would you like to polish them? It's true that I have some wonderful memories. I enjoyed visiting other

countries, and the Olympics were very exciting. But I missed more important things. While other girls were growing up, I was swimming. What can I do now?

There is a small shop at the end of our road. I buy my newspaper there every Sunday. This is the only shop that is open on a Sunday, so it is always very busy. They sell milk, eggs, biscuits, tea and coffee. You can get aspirins, toothpaste or a writing pad there. It is a nice little shop.

This evening I am going to the cinema. I sometimes go with Beatriz, but this evening I am going alone. Beatriz is nice, but she talks a lot and when I go to the cinema I like to watch the film. The film I am going to is an old one, but it is very good. It is a Hitchcock film.

相关字搜索: 英语初级听力在线听

篇三:英语初级听力文本 MP3下载



摘要: 备考雅思听力,一定要多进行练习,所谓熟能生巧,就是这个道理。今天小马小编带来英语初级听力文本+MP3下载,希望能帮到各位烤鸭,一起来看看吧。

英语初级听力文本+MP3下载。 雅思 听力水平基础一般的烤鸭,可以选择难度不太大的听力材料进行练习。下面小编带来英语初级听力文本+MP3下载,希望能帮到你。



I'm going to clean the blackboard.

—But you can't do that.

—Why can't I?

—We haven't got a duster.

—Did you walk to the match?

—No. I went by car.

—Did John go by car, too?

—No. He cycled.

—Hello, and how did you spend the holiday?

—I played tennis till lunch time.

—What did you do after lunch?

—I went for a swim with John.

—Hello, why aren't you playing tennis?

—I haven't brought my racket.

—You can borrow mine, if you like.

—Oh, thank you. That's very kind of you.

—What are those shirts made of?

—They are made of cotton.

—Are shirts always made of cotton?

—No. They are sometimes made of wool or nylon.

—I'm going to drink some of this milk.

—But you mustn't.

—Why not?

—Because it's sour.

—Excuse me, Madam, did you drop your glove?

—I beg your pardon?

—I said "Did you drop your glove".

—Oh, yes, I did. Thank you so much.

—Not at all. It's a pleasure.

—Where have you been?

—To the cinema.

—Who did you go with?

—I went with Jone Judge.

—What can I do for you?

—I have damaged my wrist, doctor.

—How did you do that?

—I fell on it while I was playing tennis.

—What's wrong?

—I have a pain in my chest.

—Why not go and see your doctor?

—Yes. That's a good idea. I will.

—What are you going to do this evening?

—I'm going to p1ay cards.

—Are you going to play cards tomorrow evening, too?

—No. I'm going to make a new dress.

—Do you like boiled eggs?

—Yes. I love them. Thank you.

—Do you prefer hard ones or soft ones?

—I really don't mind. Thank you.

—Did you buy anything when you were in the town?

—Yes. I bought a blouse.

—What's it like?

—It's a blue one with a high neck.

Female: I've got two tickets for a volleyball match this evening. Why don't you come?

Male: Uh ... no, thanks. I ... I'm not very interested in volleyball.

Female: Oh, why not? Have you ever seen it played?

Male: No, I haven't, but I really don't th...

Female: That's what I thought. You don't know what you're missing.

Male: Don't I? Why?

Female: Because it's very fast, with lots of action.

Male: Really? Who's playing?

Female: Two of the best women's teams in the world, one from Finland and the other from Belgium.

Male: Hmm. It sounds exciting.

Female: Yes, it is! Very!

Male: Hmm. Well, perhaps I'll come after all.

Female: Good! Now ... uh ... could you ... uh ... could I have five pounds, please?

Male: Five pounds? What for?

Female: Your ticket, of course. I bought two of them in advance, hoping I'd persuade you to come with me.

Male: Oh ... uh ... You know, I've just remembered something.

Female: What?

Male: I've got to see some friends this evening.

Female: Oh ... I see ... I mean ... you won't be coming, after all, then?

Male: No, not unless...

Female: Unless what?

Male: Perhaps you could let me have the ticket for a bit less? Let's say three pounds.

Female: But you said you had to meet some friends!

Male: Come on. I was only joking. Here's your five pounds. Of course I'll come.

(sound of telephone ringing)

Tom: Tom Haley speaking.

Philip: Hello, Tom. It's Philip. I waited for a phone call from you but I can't wait any longer. Tell me about your first week.

Tom: Hmmmmmm. It wasn't easy.

Philip: Wasn't it? Why? What did you have to do?

Tom: On Monday and Tuesday, I lifted heavy boxes. On Wednesday, I put hundreds of bottles and tins and packets on
