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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-02-27 06:15:25 | 移动端:海底两万里读书报告





20,000 Leagues under the Sea

Recently I have read a novel named 20,000 Leagues under the Sea. It is the French famous science fiction writer Jules Verne's masterpiece written in 1870. 20,000 Leagues under the Sea is the second part of Verne's trilogy. And the first part is Captain Grant's Children, the third is Mystical Island. Jules Verne was born in the Port of Nantes in western France. His father was a highly successful lawyer, and he hoped Verne become a lawyer as him all the time. But Verne loved ocean from childhood, longing for Voyage adventure. When 11 years old, he volunteered as a trainee to voyage India, but finally he was taken home by his family. Thanks to this event, Verne was savagely beat up by his father, lying in bed with tears assurance: “In the future, I'll ensure that I’ll only fantasy traveling in bed.” Perhaps because of this childhood experience, it promotes Jules Verne to surf in the fantasies all his lifetime, and helps Verne to create so many well-known science fiction works. 20,000 Leagues under the Sea’s author Verne, whose surprises are not only that he can write exaggerated, moving and full of scientific significance of the novel, but also the stories in his book are also amazing. Although the stories in the twenty-first century are not surprising, in

Verne's era people could not invent a submarine that can travel under sea. What’s more, the electric lamps didn’t appear. In this context, Jules Verne in 20,000 Leagues under the Sea shapes submarine named Nautilus successfully. And the novel published 25 years later, people makes a real submarine, which is similar to the submarine in the novel. It is a kind of foresight, so we can think that the works of Jules Verne's fantasies are bases of science. In addition, many science fictions described in his works have been achieved today. More importantly, he works written in a bold fantasy, and realistic, vivid way make readers fun. Further more, breathtaking plots are twists and turns of his works; the characters are vivid, outcomes are unexpected. All of these make his works have a timeless charm.

This work narrates the story about French biology scholar Pierre Aronnax travelling under the deep sea. The story occurred in 1866. At that time, many ships are attacked by something dark and mysterious monster. Some people conclude that it may be a narwhal attacking the ships. Within a few months, merchants are suffering loss because it was nearly impossible to transport goods. While all this happens, Pierre Aronnax is invited by the President of the United Stated to join the hunt. He takes his servant, Conseil, boarding the ship. The ship’s commander named Farragut and the harpooner called Ned Land travelling together are both friendly to Aronnax. In the process of hunting the monster,

Aronnax, Conseil and Ned Land fall in the water unfortunately. After 4 hours later, when Aronnax awakes, he finds they are on the back of the giant narwhal which they conclude at first. But actually this monster by no means is narwhal; it is a marvelous structure submarine. In the meanwhile, they all feel amazed. After a minute, a steel plate lifts up, revealing an opening. Within seconds, two strange-looking men appear and lead them into a room, pushing and locking them into the doorway. They all feel angry and try to escape. After several hours, the captain speaks to Aronnax. He tells Aronnax that you can be the part of the ship called Nautilus, but you’ll never be allowed to return to land again. They have nothing to do but only silence. Since then, the Captain Nemo invites them to make the sea travel. On the ship, Aronnax sees the greatest library that has over twelve thousand books in all. Then Nemo takes Aronnax to his lounge. There are gorgeous paintings everywhere. Famous sculptures stand all around the room. The room is filled with works by all the great artists of the world. In the corner, there stands a large organ. Near the organ, a large glass case full of fine pearls which is also filled with corals, seashells, and other rare things stands there. How an amazing submarine! Nemo tells that Nautilus is secretly made by Captain Nemo on an ocean desert island, and the hull is firm. Nautilus works using sea electricity. The equipments of Nautilus are all very advanced. After the tour of the ship is over, they are going to travel around the world. They

start from the Pacific Ocean. The next 8 days Aronnax, Conseil and Ned Land look out the window into the ocean seeing the most beautiful fish swimming by. In ninth day, they explore under the sea in the Forest of Crespo Island. After the next weeks, they reach near the Hawaiian Islands. By the first week in January they arrived at the Torres Strait, which is full of rocks and coral reefs. But on the last day, they hit a reef and can’t go any further. When they go hunting, they suffer the cannibals’ attack. They get to Australia in two weeks. But when Aronnax, Conseil and Ned Land are eating lunch, they are drugged. When Aronnax wakes up the next morning, Captain Nemo asks Aronnax underwater with him. That afternoon, the captain and 12 of his men lead us to a beautiful coral forest. In the very center of the coral forest is a clearing. Several of the captain’s men begin to dig a hole in the ocean floor. When the hole is finished, two other men carry a dead man and bury him at sea. This is the underwater cemetery of Captain Nemo and his men. At the beginning of February they reach Ceylon. The captain tells Aronnax that Ceylon is famous for its pearls. Nemo invites them to go fishing for pearls. They soon leave Ceylon and travel across the Arabian Sea. Two days later they enter the Gulf of Suez and they can see the Mount Sinai. The next morning, they surface in the Mediterranean. Near the island of Crete, Aronnax sees the Cretans are fighting the land. They want freedom from their Turkish leaders and a battle has taken place. Nemo gives a huge chest of gold to a

diver. The next day they are near the Spanish coast. That night, Aronnax and Nemo walk along the floor of the Atlantic. They find Atlantis. When March comes, they go to the South Pole. The Nautilus sails between icebergs. After a few days, they are trapped in the middle of a huge field of ice. They arrive at the South Pole though their team works. By the end of April they get to the Bahama Islands. Because a squid has attacked propeller, they have to stop. They fight, bravely attacking the giant squid. The water is filled with blood and ink. Finally the squid escapes, but it takes a man away. By the first day of June they have almost reached Ireland. After almost one month, finally, when the Nautilus arrives at the Norwegian seacoast, at that night, Aronnax, Conseil and Ned Land escape the ship and tell the secret to the world. In 20,000 Leagues under the Sea, I most like Captain Nemo. Captain Nemo is an enigmatic figure. His character is gloomy, but knowledgeable. He conceals the world to create extraordinary performance Nautilus, and has so many loyal sailors in the submarine, which shows he is very smart and capable. He can pay a few hundred billion for the French national debt. It shows he is patriotic. Seeing his friends’ dead he would cry. That shows he is friendly and perceptual. Gold will give millions of poor people, which shows he is kind-hearted. He will shelter people hated by others on the land. And pocket full of pearls will give poor pearl divers. They show he is warm-hearted and













在人生的道路上,总会有遇到困难的时候,使人“跌到”,可是,困难像弹簧,你强它就弱,你弱它就强。面对困难,我们就要像阿龙纳斯一样,决不唉声叹气、怨天尤人,也不自暴自弃、一蹶不振。而是要千方百计去克服困难。还要做到在哪里跌到就在哪里站起来,坚持到底,那么就是成功的开始。《海底两万里》这部小说为我们营造了一个极其惊险的氛围,给我们以视觉上的享受。这真的是一部值得我们阅读的作品,有兴趣的人可以读读。 《海底两万里》读书笔记500字(第3篇)













1. 人物形象分析

2. 环境描写分析

3. 艺术表现手法分析







