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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-03-08 07:31:27 | 移动端:傅莹最新演讲



1 感谢各位出席今晚的招待会。此时我百感交集。二十世纪20年代时任中国驻英国的公使是顾维钧,是我非常敬仰的一位外交家。当有人问他中国人最残酷的一句话是什么时,他说:天下没有不散的筵席。离任就像是席末杯中的那最后一口酒,甘醇中已经有了些许的苦涩。

2 作为外交官,又是蒙古族人,我是个天生的游牧者,似乎一生都在不断地履新和离别之间徘徊。在布加勒斯特、金边、雅加达、马尼拉和堪培拉,都有过美好的岁月,而每次告别都依依不舍。现在即将离开伦敦和英国,心里更充满了难舍的眷恋。我会怀念在这里结交的许多好朋友,正是在他们的支持和帮助下,我才得以更好地了解英国和英国人民。

3 三年来,我走过英国许多的城镇和街巷,著名中国作家王蒙曾写道:抵达伦敦如同抵达一幅早已熟悉的油画。我深有同感。英国的生活丰富多彩,无论是在如同隔世的剧场里欣赏名剧,还是足球场上狂热的喝彩,抑或是赛马场里激奋的人群,都令人印象深刻,使我感受到英国人对生活的认真和考究。

4 不少人问我,最留恋英国的是什么?与许多中国人一样,我从小就接触到英国文学,有幸在这里追寻名著作者的足迹,简〃奥斯汀临窗撰写《傲慢与偏见》的小圆桌在我的脑海里留下深深的印记;博朗蒂姐妹汲取灵感的荒原引发我无限的遐想;威廉〃华兹华斯静谧的湖畔故居让我流连忘返。这都使我触摸到英国的文化精华,也是将中国众多游客源源不断吸引来的文化魅力。

5 在我任内的三年,两国关系稳步发展。胡锦涛主席和温家宝总理分别来到英国,布朗首相也访问过北京。两国的领导人和部长之间还经常性会晤或打电话,次数之多,几乎数不清了。两国地方之间的交流也日趋频繁。3年来,中国在英投资增长了6倍,留学生和游客人数也在以双位数增长。听说,去年中国游客在邦德街的购物金额增长了一倍半多。英国保持了欧盟对华最大投资国和第三大贸易伙伴的


6 “英国设计”这几个字在中国是相当有分量的。英国不仅仅是世界金融中心,我访问过英国中东部和中西部地区,对该地区企业世界领先的创意设计能力印象深刻。这与中国强大的制造能力形成了很强的互补,双方应该加强合作,开发巨大的合作潜力。 //(第一部分完)

7 中英伙伴关系的民众基础在不断加强。在英中贸协、四十八家集团俱乐部、筷子俱乐部等众多的工商、教育和民间友好团体的推动下,英国民众对中国产生了浓厚的兴趣,也创造了众多的商机,我们应该继续推动这一良好的势头。记得不久前出席特色学校校长年会的时候了解到,英国特色学校联盟的目标是给所有想学中文的孩子提供中文课程,充分说明两国关系的民众基础是深厚的。英国民众在2008年地震后对中国的关心和慷慨帮助令我终身难忘。记得当时一个19岁的男孩Issac Lewis从威尔士家乡步行240英里,一路筹款到伦敦来。我对双边关系的前景非常乐观。

8 但是,今天既然是在朋友们中间,我也想说,过去的三年也是我外交生涯最为波澜起伏的一段经历。每当两国不能达到彼此的要求或出现意见不一致时,英方会倾向于评判和指责中国。每次遇到问题和困难,我都试图从两国的历史智慧中寻求灵感,与英国同事一道,通过坦诚沟通找到化解分歧的思路,维护双边关系稳定发展的大局。

9 西方需要做出是否接受中国作为平等伙伴的决断,做伙伴就意味着在出现问题的时候,要接触对话,而不是批评说教。英方不能叶公好龙,表面上说欢迎中国崛起,但实际上并不了解中国。如果西方对华接触的目标是改变中国,那西方就永远不会满意,双方在国际合作中也难以同心协力。中国正处在改革的进程中,世界上有哪一个大国能像中国这样把改革作为国家的根本政策方向?这正是因为我们认识到自己有许多需要改进之处。但中国的改革将以自己的方式按自己的步伐进行,改革的目标是服务中国人民的利益,而不是为了满足西方的要求。

10 只有尽快消除成见,更好地了解中国,双方才能认识到彼此的不同和多元化,才能建立以理解和尊重为基础的稳固的双边关系。中国也需要努力学习如何更好地向世界介绍自己,我给同事们留下的建议是:沟通,沟通,再沟通。这对于中英两国尤为重要,因为两国关系已经超出了双边范畴,越来越需要在全球性问题上更紧密地合作。

11 即将离开英国的时刻,工作上有了一些句号,做成了一些事情,但是也有不少“逗号”,不少工作还没有完成,还有一些“问号”。但是我对中英关系的坚定承诺没有改变,相信在双方共同努力下,中英关系的明天将更加美好。我希望各位热烈欢迎我的继任刘晓明大使,一如既往地支持他的工作。我也要感谢使馆的同事在过去3年里给我的大力支持,感谢海德饭店为我们今天的酒会提供这样好的场地。

12 下周一我就要离开伦敦了。临走之前,我会最后一次去公园慢跑,最后一次到牛津街漫步。人还未离开,已经开始想念英国了。希望我们的友谊长存。




中国驻英国大使 傅莹


Understanding China

Speech at the English Speaking Union

China's Ambassador to UK. Fu Ying

10 December, 2009



Lord Hunt,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


It is a great honor for me to be invited to speak at the Churchill Lecture. And it is a special honor to have Lady Soames with us in the audience. 丘吉尔爵士一生成就斐然,曾担任英语联盟的第一任主席,足见他致力于通过英语促进和平、增进了解的决心。

Sir Winston Churchill was a man of many great accomplishments. The fact that he was the first Chairman of the ESU, is a clear indication of his commitment to promoting peace and understanding across the world through the use of the English language.


When I was a student in the UK 24 years ago, I bought his autobiography when visiting Chartwell House. Buying books was luxury for me at that time and I valued it and read from cover to cover.


I was deeply struck by Sir Winston’s attitude towards learning. When still a backbencher, he already distinguished himself in the Commons and was seen as a bright young man. He explained that no one can be bright,

without learning and disclosed how he devoted hours and days finding the background of the facts from books in the corridors of Westminster every time before asking the two-minute question.


This inspired me greatly especially, when my classes got harder. To this day, I still work very hard on every speech or interview I take, including this one and I thank the English Speaking Union for giving me a unique training course in Oxford for speaking and debating skill during my study in UK. I hope the training worked for me or, if you judge me to be a poor speaker today, at least you know where part of the blame lies. 我演讲的主题是:更好地了解中国。

Today, I have entitled my speech as Understanding China.


According to Global Language Monitor, an American research body following the global media reporting, on its list of the Top News Stories of the Decade, the rise of China came as the first, even well ahead of 9/11 and the war in Iraq.


But I think 2009 will probably be remembered in our history, as China’s transition into playing a major role in the world.


Here in London, I could clearly sense China’s emergence onto the world stage. During the G20 London Summit, the close cooperation between China, US, UK and other countries shows that China has come to the centre stage of addressing global issues.


During his recent visit to China, President Obama referred to China’s playing a larger role in global events as one of the most important things happened over the last two decades. He welcomed it and said that US looked forward to being an effective partner with China.


However, many people in the Western world find it difficult to understand China. On the other hand, there is also wariness on the part of the Chinese people about the Western world’s intention on China.


So after all, how can one define China? I’m afraid it defies a simple answer. China is too big, too diverse and too fast changing to be characterized easily. I would say that China is a multi-faceted power. 下面请允许我具体介绍一下:

Let me explain what I mean.

第一, 中国是一个在过去30年中实现高速发展的国家。

First, China is a country that is rapidly transformed over the past 30 years. China’s leapfrogging progress can be seen in the following figures:


In 1996, China’s GDP was 1 trillion Yuan, that was about 100 billion Pounds. In 2008, it grew to20 trillion Yuan (2 trillion Pounds). This means that in 13 years’ time, the Chinese economy has grown 20 times, turning into the 3rd largest economy in the world. The national wealth created in one day in 2008 was larger than the total annual output of 1952. With

the newly gained wealth, China has lifted 250 million people out of poverty in the past 30 years. So when I read the UN hunger report, I do feel proud for what China has achieved, with only 7% of the world’s arable land feeding 20% of the world’s population.


Throughout China’s long history, food was always a big concern for the Chinese people and I remember that until the 1980s, the Chinese people greeted each other by asking “Have you had your meal?” But for my daughter’s generation, if you greet them in this way, they might think you have a problem.


Naturally, China is still learning and adjusting to its new global role, as it lacks historical experience of operating on the global stage and also it is still very much preoccupied by domestic concerns and challenges.


That lead to my second point, China is still a developing country. We in China are more conscious of our weaknesses and the challenges facing our country.

中国人均GDP刚达到3000美元多一点,居世界104位,排在牙买加和纳米比亚之后。而英国的人均GDP是中国 的13倍。各位是否还记得英国历史上哪一年处于同样的收入水平?根据英国经济学家安格斯·麦迪森的测算,那要追溯到1913年。

People tend to forget that China’s GDP in per capita term is only a little more than 3,000 dollars, ranking us as 104th in the world. We are behind countries like Jamaica and Namibia. UK’s per capita GDP is 13 times higher than China. I wonder if you remember when in history the United Kingdom was at this income level? According to British Economist Angus Maddison: It was as far back as 1913.


China’s manufacturing is at a fairly low value added level and most of the made in China products are made with the world as the design and key parts are often imported. We may have to export a container full of shoes and socks to pay for a tiny computer chip.


China also faces the serious challenge of uneven development. Many foreigners come to vibrant Beijing or Shanghai and think they have seen China. But for those who have visited China’s far west, will have a different experience and understanding. China is still in the early stage of industrialization and urbanization, with sixty five percent of its people live in the rural areas. You may be surprised to know that one hundred and thirty five million Chinese people live under less than one dollar a day. We can’t be conceited with what we have achieved. This is why Chinese leaders often say that we need to be aware of the difficulties and risks, even when we are enjoying stability and prosperity.


That is not to say that China should ignore the growing expectations in the world for China to take on global responsibilities. So my third point is about China learning to undertake new international responsibilities. 正如国家主席胡锦涛所说,中国的前途命运与世界的前途命运前所未有地紧密联系在一起。

As the Chinese President Hu Jintao remarked, China’s destiny has never been so closely linked with the destiny of the world.


One of the reasons why the rise of China was such a hot topic is that, many people, especially scholars can’t be certain how China is going to exert its influence as a new world power and would China too fall into the track of military expansion of the previous powers.


When I was a student in the UK 24 years ago, I bought Churchill’s autobiography when visiting his old house in Chartwell. At that time, buying extra books was a luxurious thing for me, so I cherished it and read it from cover to cover.

I was deeply infected by Sir Churchill’s diligence in learning. When he was a backbencher, this intelligent young guy has already been distinguished himself in the House of Commons. In his autobiography, he explained that no one could be bright without hardworking. He said that every time before he spoke in the parliament, even to ask a two-minute question, he worked hard and devoted hours and days finding the backgrounds of the facts from books in the corridors of the Houses of Parliament.

It inspired me think a lot, especially when I got a lot of troubles in my study. To this day, I still work very hard on every speech or interview I take, including this one. And I thank the English Speaking Union for giving me speaking and debating skill training courses which I have taken in Oxford when I studied in UK. Now we have an opportunity to check whether the trainings worked for me or not. The ESU may take the blame if I was not proud to be an excellent speaker.

Today, my topic is To Understand China Better.

According to Global Language Monitor, an American research institution following the global media reports, on its list of the Top News of the last decade, the rise of china ranked first, even far ahead of 9.11 Terrorism Attack and the war in Iraq.

Definitely, the year of 2009 will probably be remembered in our history, as China’s transition into playing a significant role in the world.

Here in London, I could clearly feel that China is stepping onto the world stage. During the G20 Economic Summit in London, the close cooperation between China, US, UK and other countries shows that China has come to the centre stage when dealing with global issues.

President Obama referred that China’s playing a larger role in global issues was one of the biggest things over the last 20 years during his recent visit to China.

However, many people in western countries find it difficult to understand China, while some Chinese people doubted the western world’s intentions on China.

So how can we define China? It’s very hard to answer simple with a few words. It is

never a simple question. China is too big, too diverse and too fast changing. In my opinion, today’s China is a great power with multiple characteristics.

Let me explain my words in detail:

First, china is a country that has rapidly developed over the past 30 years.

In 1996, China’s GDP was 1 trillion RMB. In 2008, it grew to 20 trillion RMB. It means that the Chinese economy has grown 20 times in 13 years’ time and has become the third economic entity in the world. The economic worth created in one day in 2008 was larger than the total values of the national wealth in 1952. With the greatly gained wealth, China has lifted 250 million people out of poverty in the last 3 decades. So when I read the UN hunger report, I am so proud for what China has done, with only 7% of the world’s arable land feeding 20% of the world’s population. Through the long history of China, food was always a big problem for the Chinese people. I remembered that until 1980s, the Chinese people greeted each other by asking “Have you had your meals?” But now, if you ask someone from my daughter’s generation such a question, they might think there is something wrong with you.
