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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2018-11-08 13:45 | 移动端:双龙洞内洞简介


双龙洞主要资料 金沙小学 六一班 王笑笑

金华双龙洞距金华市区约15公里,坐落在海拔350-450多米的北山南坡,除底层的双龙洞之外,还有中层的冰壶洞和最高的朝真洞。双龙洞分内、外两洞,内洞与外洞仅相隔5米,有一块巨大石屏相隔,仅留长10米,宽3米多的地下河水道。水道水面离地下河顶灰岩仅有0.30米左右的间隙,进内洞须仰卧小舟而入。外洞高大明亮,洞高66余米,长、深各33余米,面积1200多平方米。洞内陈放着一排排石桌、石椅,可容千人品茶避暑。内洞比外洞更大,有效使用面积约2000-2200平方米。从这里可以知道,双龙洞的景色是无比的美。双龙国家重点风景名胜区位于浙江省金华市北郊的金华山西南山麓,林海莽莽,水流潺潺,年平均气温比城区低 6 ℃,是一处以山岳森林为背景,地下悬河、岩溶奇观、赤松祖庭为特色,观光旅游、康体休闲、避暑纳凉、海外朝圣为主要功能的国家重点风景名胜区和国家首批 AAAA 级旅游区。游记

曾经在叶圣陶老先生笔下提到过的久负盛名的双龙洞是金华的各种溶洞是“金华四宝”之一,那么有没有人知道他们是怎样形成的呢?其实,我们在中学里的地理课应该学过,这种溶洞是一种特殊的地貌类型,我们称之为 “喀斯特地貌”,是水对可溶性岩石(碳酸盐岩、石膏、岩盐)进行以化学溶蚀作用为主而形成的地貌。喀斯特是南斯拉夫西北部伊斯的利亚半岛的石灰岩高原的地名,而在我国,喀斯特地貌亦称岩溶地貌。这种地貌在地下发育着地下河、溶洞等。而在溶洞内有多姿多彩的石笋、钟乳石、石柱,奇形怪状,美不胜收,呆会儿我们进洞后可以大胆的发挥我们的想象力去欣赏他们。除了金华,云南的石林和桂林山水都是喀斯特地貌的典型表现。那么我们先看一下,在洞口的“洞天”两个苍进有力的大字是由宋代书法家吴琳所书。大家可以找一下,双龙在哪里呢?(游客找)其实,我们在洞口是找不到的,我们可以先走进来,抬头往外望,原来两条龙头分别伸在外面,栩栩如生。而龙身却在我们的洞里,那这是为什么呢?原来很久以前金华的人民得到两条龙的保佑,风调雨顺,丰衣足食。但时间长了,这里的人民就很懒惰了,就等着天上掉馅饼,两条龙看不过去就躲到洞里去了,于是这里不再风调雨顺,民不聊生。黄大仙看到也是很难过,他就想办法用仙水只把龙头引出来,这样,只要人民比较勤劳的话,还是可以过着舒适的生活的。从此,金华的人民以勤劳著称。









The Double-Dragon Cave scenic spot is located at the southwest of the northern Jinhua Mountain , the Double-Dragon Scenic Area is 15 kilometers away from Jinhua City , Zhejiang Province .The scenic spot is divided into three major caves: Double-dragon Cave,Ice Kettle Cave, and Worshiping [?w?:?ip]崇拜Goddess of Mercy Cave. Among them, the Double-dragon Cave is the largest and the most magnificent. There is an inner cave and an outer cave in the Double-dragon Cave.


Double Dragon Cave is located at the center of the scenic area. At the both sides of the entrance of the cave, there are two stalactites[st??l?k?ta?t]钟乳石, which are like the head of the dragon. Thus the cave got its present name. The temperature in the cave lasts at 15℃, which makes people feels cool in summer and warm in winter. A spring flows from the cave, sweet and fresh. It is crowned [kra?n】as “the stone in the cave is superior to the limestone [?la?m?ston]石灰石in Taihu Lake, and the spring is better than any other springs”. Entering the cave, tourists have to lie in a boat. This is the most attractive for many tourists.


The entrance of the Ice-Pot Cave is narrow and facing upward, the vertical cave is like a teapot with a narrow neck and a spacious 宽敞的body. Entering the cave is like entering a pot, hence the name. Standing in the cave, tourists can hear the loud noise of the waterfall in the cave, like a claps 鼓掌of thunder [?θ?nd?]. Rise the head, there is a waterfall flowing down from the top of the cave, like ten thousand horses stampeding[st?m?pi:d??]奔跑. On the ceiling 天花板of the cave, there is a huge stalactite[st??l?k?ta?t], like a hand, hanging beside the waterfall.


The newly discovered Fairy Waterfall Cave (仙瀑洞) is about 700 meters high above sea level, with a drop of 73 meters. Everything within the cave is naturally made uncanny[?n?k?ni] 神秘的workmanship技艺. There are five halls, three rooms and one pool within the cave, which totally covers an area of more than 2800 square kilometers. Each hall has its own characteristics. And they are the ideal place for the tourists to have a rest with a cup of tea, and enjoy the beautiful scene of the waterfall and the pool.


To the north of the Ice-Pot Cave, stepping more than 640 stone steps, tourists can see the Chaozhen Cave, which is also called Taoist ['ta??st]道教的 Cave . It is said that the Immortal [??m?rtl]神仙Huang cultivated [?k?lt??vet?d]耕种them and lived in seclusion [s??klu??n]隐居. The cave is about 10 meters high, winding deeply about 250 meters long the cave. Inside the cave, there is the Stone Vase (shí huā píng 石花瓶), Heaven Pool (tiān chí 天池), Stone Chessboard (shí qí pán 石棋盘), and A Tread of Heavenly Light (yī xiàn tiān 一线天).
